A valued customer has placed an order for a product. You have just found out that this product is no longer available from the supplier

You are a sales representative. A Sales Manager from one of your overseas offices is visiting next week and your Sales Manager has asked you to escort the visitor on the first morning of the visit.

Write an e-mail to Jerry Fryer, who is your Sales Manager:

• acknowledging receipt of his e-mail.

• agreeing to escort the visitor on the first morning.

• asking for further information about the date, time and where to take the visitor.

Ви торговий представник. Менеджер з продажу одного з ваших зарубіжних відділень навідується наступного тижня, і ваш менеджер з продажу попросив вас супроводжувати відвідувача першого ранку його перебування.

Написати e-mailДжеррі Фрайер, вашому менеджеру з продажу:

• підтвердження одержання листа.

• погодження супроводжувати відвідувача у перший ранок.

• прохання представити додаткову інформацію про дату, час і місце зустрічі відвідувача

Dear Jerry Fryer,

I have received your e-mail dated 1th September and I am pleased to inform you that I would of course be happy to escort a Sales Manager from one of our overseas offices on the first morning of the visit.

Please let me know further information about the date, time and where to take the visitor.

If you need something else, please let me know. You can rely on me.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Sir,

In reply to your e-mail of the 1st of September I wish to inform you that I agree to escort the visitor on the first morning. Could you please send me further information about the date, time and where to take the visitor.

Yours faithfully,

2. You work in the sales division of a manufacturing company. You received an order and checked stock on the computer but you believe there may be an error on the system, and that there isn't enough stock to complete the order.

Write a message to Jack Marchant, who is in charge of the warehouse:

• explaining the situation.

• asking him to double check the stock of the item.

• asking him to contact the customer direct as soon as possible.

Ви працюєте у відділі продажу виробничої компанії. Ви отримали замовлення і перевірили наявність на комп'ютері, але ви вважаєте, може бути помилка в системі, і що немає достатнього запасу для повного замовлення.

Написати повідомлення Джеку Марчанту, відповідального за товарний склад:

• пояснити ситуацію.

• попросити його двічі перевірити запаси товарів.

• попросити його зв'язатися з клієнтом безпосередньо якнайшвидше


Dear Jack Marchant,

We received an order and checked stock on the computer but we believe there may be an error on the system, and that there isn't enough stock to complete the order.

We would ask you to double check the stock of the item and to contact the customer directly as soon as possible. Please, inform us of the position of the request.

We would appreciate your special consideration of this matter.

Yours faithfully,



Dear Jack Marchant,

We received an order and checked stock on the computer but we believe there may be an error on the system, and that there isn't enough stock to complete the order.

We’d be obliged if you double check the stock of the item and contact the customer directly as soon as possible.

We hope that you will act as requested.

Yours faithfully,

A valued customer has placed an order for a product. You have just found out that this product is no longer available from the supplier.

Write a letter to the customer:

• explaining the situation.

• suggesting an alternative product and giving details of new delivery dates.

• reassuring the customer of your ongoing commitment to service and quality.

Цінний клієнт розмістив замовлення на продукт. Ви тільки що дізналися, що цей продукт вже не можна замовити у постачальника.

Напишіть листа на ім'я клієнта:

• поясніть ситуацію.

• порекомендуйте альтернативний продукт і надайте докладну інформацію про нові терміни доставки.

• заспокойте клієнта в постійному зобов»язанні обслуговування і високої якості товару


Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your order of 7 June 2010 which we were glad to receive yesterday. We are very sorry that we have to inform you that this product is no longer available from the supplier.

If you wish we can propose a solution of this problem. We can offer you alternative product with the same quality and specification. We can guarantee delivery within 3 weeks of receiving your instructions. We are enclosing details of our terms of payment, and would be happy to discuss discounts with you if you let us know how large your orders are likely to be.

We appreciate your confidence and assure you that our aim is to serve you well. If our proposal is acceptable to you please confirm by return.

You may rely on us.

Yours truly,

Your company uses an outside transport firm to deliver your products. Recently, customers have been complaining about late deliveries. Your boss has asked you to write to the manager of the transport firm to ask for an explanation.

Write a letter to the manager of the transport firm:

• describing some of the recent complaints from customers.

• asking him to explain the late deliveries.

• stating the measures that you will take if there is no change in the situation.

Ваша компанія використовує зовнішню транспортну компанію доставки продукції. Останнім часом клієнти скаржаться на затримки з поставками. Ваш керівник попросив вас написати керівнику транспортної компанії і звернутися за поясненням.

Напишіть листа адміністратору транспортної компанії:

• опишіть декілька останніх скарг від клієнтів.

• попросіть пояснити затримку поставок.

• чітко визначте заходи, які ви приймете, якщо не буде змін в ситуації.

Dear Sir,

We wish to express our extreme displeasure at your firm’s delay in deliveries.Recently, our customers have been complaining about late deliveries. We have sent you copies of our customers’ letters. As you are probably aware we have been experiencing a considerable inconvenience due to delay in deliveries to our customers.

Our company is very disappointed about these facts, and we hope that you can help us to clear out this very odd situation. I am sure you will agree that it’s not a good way to conduct business. Please ensure us that this sort of problem won’t arise again. If you can’t fulfil our orders efficiently in the future, we will have to consider the proposals of other outside transport firms.

We would appreciate your special consideration of this matter. We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,


6. Your company is holding its annual sales conference in two months' time. Your manager has asked you to invite representatives from a firm which you collaborate with, so that they can explain to your staff their contribution to your company's activities. Write a letter to the manager of his firm:

• showing gratitude for the firm's contribution to your company's activities.

• inviting the firm to send a representative to your sales conference to give a presentation

• explaining the purpose of the presentation and who the audience will be

• requesting a response as soon as possible

Ваша компанія проводить свою щорічну конференцію продажу протягом двох місяців. Ваш керівник попросив вас запросити представників компанії, з якою ви співпрацюєте, щоб вони пояснили вашим співробітникам їх внесок в діяльність вашої компанії. Написати листа керівнику компанії:

• висловте подяку за внесок компанії до діяльності вашої компанії.

• запропонуйте компанії направити свого представника на вашу конференцію з продажу для проведення презентації

• поясніть цілі презентації і аудиторію, яка буде присутня

• Запросіть відповідь якомога швидше

Dear Sir,

Our companyexpresses gratitude for your firm's contribution to our activities. We enjoy collaborating with your firm and hope for further development our business relations.

Our company is holding its annual sales conference in two months' time and we would like to invite your firm to send a representative to this sales conference to give a presentation. The purpose of the presentation is providing an explanation for our staff your contribution to our company's activities. The audience of sales conferencewill be: our company’s staff and representatives from other firms which we collaborate with.

We would glad to see your representatives at our conference. Please, reply us as soon as possible. [An explanation of this delay will be appreciated.]

Yours faithfully,

7. You are Maria Yakimenko Managing Director of TRAIDING WORLD&CO importers of Fashion Goods, Kiev . Write to British Clothing Industry Association, 5 Portland Place, London WIN3AA; for information, using the following guide.

■ say what you are planning to do.

■ ask them to send you a catalogue and pricelist of childrens wear.

■ mention what product you are interested in.

Ви Марія Якименко, виконавчий директор компанії з імпорту модного одягу TRAIDING WORLD&COв Київі.Напишіть британський Асоціації з поиву одягу, що знаходиться за адресою Портланд5, Лондон WIN3AA, для запиту використовуючи наступні пункти:

§ Скажіть, що ви хочете зробити

§ Попросіть хі вислати вам каталог та прейскурант з дитячим одягом

§ Зазначте який продукт вас цікавить.



Our firm is very interested in your products because we decided to organize a new department of childrens clothes in our company.

We would like you to send us a catalogue and pricelist of childrens wear in order we can choose some goods for our new department, because there is a great demand in our country for such kind of clothes.

We are interested in such kind of goods as: shoes for boys and girls; suits and pants for boys; dresses and skirts for girls; sweaters and underwear clothes.

We are looking forward for your answer.

With respect, Maria Yakimenko!