ЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ. 1. Выполните лабораторную работу по теме в лингафонном кабинете


1. Выполните лабораторную работу по теме в лингафонном кабинете.

2. Выучите новые слова и выражения по теме.

3. Переведите тексты темы на русский язык.

4. Составьте план пересказа темы на русском языке (используйте графологическую структуру к теме).

5. Подготовьте пересказ и диалог по теме на английском языке.

6. Подготовьтесь к участию в беседе по ситуационным задачам к теме.



Тема 12. Медицинское обслуживание в России


Задание 1. Запомните произношение следующих слов. Повторяйте их за диктором:

1. population

2. ambulant

3. therapeutist

4. neurologist

5. otholaryngologist

6. apparatus

7. diagnostic laboratory

8. roentgenologic

9. roentgenographic

10. roentgenoscopic

11. ultrasonic

12. analysis

13. physical examination

14. injection

15. procedure


Задание 2. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания. Повторяйте их за диктором:

1. unit единица

2. district polyclinic участковая поликлиника

3. district doctor участковый врач

4. adult взрослый

5. medical insurance card страховой медицинский


6. free of charge бесплатно

7. assistance помощь

8. staff штат

9. surgeon хирург

10. to make an appointment with the doctor записаться на прием к


11. registry регистратура

12. to call in a doctor вызвать врача на дом

13. (to) record запись, делать запись

14. patient’s medical history история болезни пациента

15. consulting room кабинет врача

16. treatment лечение

17. diagnostic laboratory диагностическая


18. blood кровь

19. urine моча

20. gastric juice желудочный сок

21. sputum мокрота

22. ultrasonic ультразвуковой

23. investigation исследование

24. to make diagnosis ставить диагноз

25. сomplaint жалоба

26. to complain of … жаловаться на …

27. to examine осматривать

28. to listen to heart and lungs прослушать сердце,


29. to count the pulse rate измерить частоту пульса

30. to measure blood pressure измерить артериальное


31. to palpate abdomen пальпировать живот

32. lymph nodes лимфатические узлы

33. findings, data данные, результаты

34. case-history история болезни

35. account отчет

36. current illness настоящее заболевание

37. past history анамнез

38. hereditary diseases наследственные


39. additional дополнительный

40. to have at one’s disposal иметь в ч.-либо


41. to gain information получать информацию

42. to prescribe treatment прописывать лечение

43. to put a patient on a sick list выдать больному

больничный лист

44. medical check-up медицинский осмотр

45. to give an injection сделать инъекцию

46. to put a bandage накладывать повязку

47. range зд. спектр, круг

48. to make procedure выполнять процедуру

49. maternity consultation женская консультация

50. expectant mother беременная женщина

51. pregnancy беременность

52. delivery роды

Задание 3. Прослушайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание:


The basic medical unit in our country is а polyclinic. There are district polyclinics for the adult population and for the children. The medical insurance cards guarantee people free of charge medical assistance.

The staff of the polyclinic consists of different specialists: therapeutists, neurologists, otholaringologists, eye doctors, surgeons and others. Patient makes an appointment with the doctor at the registry or calls him to his home. Personal information of any patient is kept on a computer now. Computers contain detailed records of the patient’s medical history.

Ambulant patients are seen at the polyclinic by the district doctors. Doctors receive their patients in the consulting rooms, which have modern apparatuses and equipment for patients' examination and treatment. Besides the consulting rooms there is a diagnostic laboratory for making analyses of blood, urine, gastric juice, sputum, an electrocardiography room, rooms for various roentgenologic, roentgenographic, roentgenoscopic, ultrasonic investigations of organs and a procedure room.

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor asks about the patient's complaints, examines him thoroughly. He listens to his heart and lungs, counts his pulse rate, measures his blood pressure and palpates his abdomen and lymph nodes. All findings of physical examination are recorded into the patient’s case-history. A case history is a detailed account of patient’s current illness. It also includes information about his past history, history of familial and hereditary diseases.

Sometimes additional investigations are necessary. Nowadays doctors have at their disposal modern diagnostic apparatuses which help them to gain information required to make a proper diagnosis.

On the basis of all data the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes a proper treatment. In serious cases a doctor puts a patient on a sick list or refers him to a hospital.

Prevention of diseases is important. That‘s why population must undergo regular medical check-ups at polyclinics.

Nurses help doctors to examine patients, to fill in case-histories. They also give injections, put bandages and make a wide range of medical and diagnostic procedures.

Doctors at a maternity consultation centres look after the health of expectant mothers from the early months of pregnancy up to delivery.




Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста:

1. What is the polyclinic?

2. How do people receive medical assistance at the polyclinic?

3. What specialists work at the polyclinic?

4. Where do the doctors receive their patients?

5. What rooms are there at the polyclinic?

6. How does the patient make an appointment with a doctor?

7. How does the doctor perform a patient’s physical examination?

8. Where does the doctor record all data of the examinations?

9. What does the doctor do in serious case?

10. What are the duties of nurses?

11. Where do the expectant mothers receive their regular observations?


Задание 2. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык:

Участковая поликлиника, штат поликлиники, кабинет врача, жалобы больного, записаться на прием к врачу, кабинет ЭКГ, история болезни, медицинский полис, дополнительные исследования, выдать больничный лист, делать инъекции, вызвать врача на дом, ультразвуковые исследования, регистратура, медицинские и диагностические процедуры, хирург, бесплатно.


Задание 3. Поставьте личные местоимения в скобках в нужную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Let (I) listen to your heart and lungs. 2. Let (he) take your temperature. 3. Ask (she) to stay in bed for some days. 4. Let (I) palpate your abdomen. 5. Ask (he) to be X-rayed to-day.


Задание 4. Вставьте модальные глаголы «must», «can», «may»по смыслу. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. … I make an appointment with Dr. Smirnov?

2. The doctor … have your blood analysis to be sure of a diagnosis.

3. As my sister is ill, she … stay in bed.

4. You … follow the doctor’s instructions.

5. … I count your pulse rate?

6. You … take your case-history from the table.


Задание 5. Поставьте общие и специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям:

1. My sister complains of a bad headache.

2. Doctor Smirnov receives patients in his consulting room.

3. The nurse took the patient’s temperature.

4. Ultrasound apparatuses help doctors to make diagnosis.

5. The staff of the polyclinic consists of many specialists.




Задание 1. Запомните произношение следующих слов. Повторяйте их за диктором:

1. medicine

2. department

3. pill

4. tablet

5. mixture

6. tincture

7. antibiotics

8. vitamins

9. antiseptics

10. bandage

11. plaster

12. thermometer

Задание 2. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания. Повторяйте их за диктором:

1. prescription рецепт

2. chemist’s shop аптека

3. chemist’s department отдел ручной продажи

4. prescription department рецептурный отдел

5. to order drugs заказать лекарства

6. solid form твердая форма

7. liquid form жидкая форма

8. powder порошок

9. ointment мазь

10. syrup сироп

11. solution раствор

12. pain-killer болеутоляющее

13. lexative слабительное

14. label этикетка, наклейка

15. to indicate указывать, обозначать

16. for internal use для внутреннего употребления

17. for external use для наружного применения

18. manufacturer производитель

19. composition состав

20. side effect побочный эффект

21. precautions меры предосторожности

22. overdosage передозировка

23. cotton-wool вата

24. dressing material перевязочный материал

25. adhesive plaster лейкопластырь

26. mustard plaster горчичник

27. hot-water bottle грелка

28. medicine dropper медицинская пипетка

29. thermometer термометр

30. syringe шприц

31. hygienic means гигиенические средства

Задание 3. Прослушайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание:


When you receive a prescription from the doctor or need some medicines you go to the chemist’s shop.

There are two departments at a big chemist’s shop. At the chemist’s department one can have medicines right away; other drugs can be ordered at the prescription department.

At the chemist’s one can buy drugs in solid and liquid forms such as: pills or tablets, capsules, powders, mixtures, drops, ointments, tinctures, syrups, and so on. It may be pain-killers, antibiotics, antiseptics, laxatives, tonics, vitamins, and other drugs and solutions.

Every small bottle, tube or box of medicine has a label on it. The labels indicate drugs for internal, external use or injections. The annotation to the drug contains essential information about it: the name of a drug, manufacturer, and composition, directions for use, possible side effects and precautions. It is very important, because any overdosage may cause side effect or even death.

At the chemist’s we may buy things necessary for patients’ care: cotton-wool, dressing material, adhesive plasters, mustard plasters. One can get hot-water bottles, medicine droppers, thermometers, tonometers, syringes and so on.

There is also a big choice of hygienic means for children and adults.


Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. Where do you go if you need some medicine?

2. What departments are there at the chemist’s?

3. In what forms can you order or buy drugs at the chemist’s?

4. Where is the name of the drug and the dose to be taken usually indicated?

5. What information does the annotation to a drug contain?

6. What one can buy at the chemist’s?


Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям:

1. a department where one can order drugs;

2. a small slip of paper on which the name of a medicine is written;

3. drugs taken orally;

4. an excessive dose of a drug;

5. an instrument by which a medicine is introduced into the vein;

6. an instrument for measuring a temperature.


Задание 3. Перефразируйте предложения согласно модели. Переведите на русский язык.

Model: I stick a label.

The label is stuck by me.

1. The overdosage may cause a death.

2. This drug caused a side effect.

3. I bought vitamins at the chemist’s shop.

4. My sister applied a hot-water bottle to her feet.

5. The doctor administered a cough mixture.

Задание 4. Составьте вопросы к следующим предложениям (общий и специальный вопросы):

1. The nurse made him an intramuscular injection.

2. This drug caused allergic reaction on the skin.

3. This child takes this medicine three times a day.

4. The doctor will prescribe some sleeping drugs to her.

5. The name of the drug is indicated on a label.

Текст на аудирование


Задание 1. Повторяйте за диктором слова и словосочетания. Запомните их значение:

1. to fall ill заболеть

2. turn очередь

3. sore throat больное горло

4. armpit подмышка

5. swollen опухший, припухший

6. to strip to the waist раздеться до пояса

7. râle хрип

8. quinzy ангина

9. to relieve облегчить

10. to gargle полоскать


Задание 2. Прослушайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание:


I fell ill and went to our district polyclinic. At the registry a registering clerk asked my name and address and found my case-history. I took it and went to my district doctor, who was receiving her patients in the Consulting Room Number 5. Several patients were waiting until it was their turn. Soon a nurse asked me to come in.

I must say, that Dr. Ivanova is an experienced therapeutist. She treats all the members of our family. First of all she asked me about my complaints.

I felt badly. I had temperature and a sore throat. The nurse asked me to keep the thermometer in my armpit for some minutes. It was 38°C! My tonsils were swollen and red. The doctor asked me to strip to the waist and listened to my heart and lungs. There were no râles in the lungs. The doctor said that it was quinzy. She prescribed me a bed regimen for some days, medicines and vitamins. To relieve the pain in the throat she advised me to gargle my throat with an antiseptic solution several times a day. I always follow the prescribed treatment to be well again as soon as possible.


Задание 3. Расскажите, что Вы поняли, прослушав текст (на русском языке).

Задание 4. Составьте план пересказа текста на русском языке.

Задание 5. Перескажите текст на английском языке.


Задание 1. Прослушайте диалог. Воспроизведите его в парах.

Ann– Good morning, Kate! I’m seriously ill and want you to go to the nearest chemist’s, to buy drugs.

Kate– Certainly Ann, I’ll help you with pleasure, what drugs do you need?

Ann – Doctor thinks, that I have grippe. I have a bad headache, temperature, cough and pains in joints.

Kate– Well I’ll go to the chemist’s immediately, because grippe is a very serious disease for its complications.

(Kate comes to the chemist’s. She addresses to the chemist):

Kate – What will you advise for grippe? My friend has high temperature and cough.

Chem– Take these drugs to relieve the symptoms of grippe and this cough mixture must be taken, a tablespoonful, three times a day. I also advise to take vitamins. She must follow doctor’s instructions and stay in bed.

Kate- Thank you very much, I think my friend will recover soon, good-bye.