Спросите у своего собеседника, что он может делать сейчас и мог ли он это делать раньше. При необходимости используйте слова в скобках

Example 1:

– Can you play chess?

– Yes, I can.

– Could you play chess at the age of 7?

– No, I couldn’t.

Example 2:

Can you play football?

– No, I can’t.

– Why can’t you play football? It’s so popular with boys.

– I don’t like this game. I can play volleyball.

(to play rugby, to play tennis, to swim, to dive, to cook, to draw, to paint, to dance, to bake apple pies, to fix a radio, to repair shoes, a watch, a radio, a TV set)


Объясните, почему ваши друзья не смогли сделать то, о чем вы их просили.

Example 1:

Could Nick fix the door–bell yesterday?

– No, he could’t. He came too late.

Ann – to go to the museum – ill (sick); Peter – to repair their clock – to be busy ; Jane – to get a gold medal – to have good marks; Your friend – to give good advice – to be out of the city.

Example 2:

– Was your brother ableto do his homework himself?

– No,he wasn’t.It was too difficult for him.

Your friend – to make a big birthday party – expensive; Jane – to take a taxi so as not to be late – too expensive; Your mother – to water the flowers in the garden – cold; Your sister – to meet us after the concert – dark; Your brother – to take my case – heavy; Your parents – to go to the summer–house – rain.


13. Скажите о своих намерениях. Используйте глагол might в значении предположения.


– What are you going to do after classes?

– I might go to the library.

1. What are you going to do tonight? 2. What are you going to cook for youi birthday party? 3. Where are you going to spend your holiday? 4. How are you going to get to your relatives? 5. What are you going to do after school?


14. Скажите вашим друзьям, что вас беспокоит их здоровье. На основе образца дайте несколько полезных советов.


– Ann, I am really worried about your figure.

– Really? ShouldI stop eating fatty meat?

– You muststop eating fatty meat.

1. heart; stop working at night. 2. headache; start walking in the open air. 3. teeth; stop eating sweets, visit the dentist. 4. stomachache; stop eating unwashed fruit.

Вы знаете недостатки своего друга. Посоветуйте ему избавиться от них.


You shouldn’teat much sugar.

– Why?

– If you eat much sugar you’ll get diabetes.

1. to eat many sweets (much candy) – to get a toothache. 2. to eat much fatty food – to be fat. 3. to cry at the child – to be nervous. 4. to use a lot of cosmetics – to have many wrinkles. 5. to go to bed late – to be tired in the morning. 6. to work slowly and carelessly – to lose the job.

8.17. The Non–Finite Forms of the Verb




Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения. Определите инфинитив.

1. То drive a car in a big city is very difficult. 2. We asked him to come to the party. 3.I am glad to see you. 4. The best way to see a city is to go to a tourist office and go on a guided tour. 5. It was a great idea to send us over to Britain to learn English. 6. David hopes to go to Oxford next October at the beginning of the new term. 7. Last week we went to Oxford to take the entrance examination at one of the colleges. 8. He wants to be asked at the lesson. 9. She asked him to speak slowly. 10. I want to be informed of her visit.

2. Вставьте частицу «to» перед инфинитивом, где необходимо.

1. I like ... play the guitar. 2. My brother can ... speak French. 3. We had ... put on our overcoats because it was cold. 4. They wanted ... cross the river. 5. It is high time for you ... go to bed. 6. May I ... use your telephone? 7. They heard the girl ... cry out with joy. 8. I would rather ... stay at home today. 9. He did not want ... play in the yard any more. 10. Would you like ... go to England? 11. You look tired. You had better ... go home.

2. I wanted ... speak to Nick, but could not... find his telephone number. 13. It is time ... get up. 14. Let me ... help you with your homework. 15. I was planning ... do a lot of things yesterday. 16. I’d like ... speak to you. 17. I think I shall be able ... solve this problem. 18. What makes you ... think you are right? 19. I shall do all I can ... help you. 20. I like ... dance. 21. I’d like ... dance. 22. She made me ... repeat my words several times. 23. I saw him ... enter the room. 24. She did not let her mother ... go away. 25. Do you like ... listen to good music? 26. Would you like ... listen to good music? 27. That funny scene made me ... laugh.