Ex.24. Make up short conversations

1. -What can you say of Jim ? – I think he is reserved and tactful and irritable

hot-tempered, industrious and resolute

strong-willed and well-bred

2. - Martin is a very touchy boy, isn’t he? - Obstinate, diligent, industrious

- You wouldn’t say that if you knew him better.

3. - Why are you so sluggish today? - Naughty, uncommunicative, irritable

- I’m not well, you know.

4. - I wish you were not that ( so) boastful ( ambitious, stiff, self-confident)

- But I am not.

5. - I wish Jim were frank ( more industrious, reasonable, in character, punctual).

- But I think he is.

6. - That’s awful what he has said.

- Yes, if he were not so touchy, he wouldn’t have said it. ( well-bred, not so sly, more reserved)

7. - Why do you treat that boy so badly? ( offend him so often, praise him without good reason, despise him, tease him)

- But I don’t do that.

8.- I think he isn’t capable of letting down his friends ( telling a lie, neglecting his duties, deceiving anybody).

- Of course not.

9. - I think he is a terrible bore ( modesty itself, a dawdler, a slacker, a mocker).

- He really is.

(Степанова Е.Н., Волгина Е.А. Как сдать экзамен по английскому языку)


The Egg Test


You're a calm, reflective and thoughtful person, and you're fascinated by hidden meanings and esoteric secrets. That's why you chose the Chinese character tai, which is painted on this egg. It symbolize deep inner peace.


You have quite a superstitious nature, and you're secretly convinced that your fortune is in the hands of fate. So you naturally respond to the symbols of good fortune shown on this egg. You're optimistic and a positive thinker. Your motto is: if you believe everything will turn out well, then it will.


You're a naturally cheerful, open and communicative person, who likes to be sociable and to have a good time. You have a tendency to be a bit too talkative at times, but other people enjoy your company because you're such fun to be with!


You're a naturally calm, placid person who longs for harmony and security and loves peace and quiet. You sometimes tend to be too easy­going and amenable, because you'd rather not face the fact that life isn't always quite as peaceful as you'd like it to be.


You tend to see life as a maze, full of problems and difficult decisions. You're a very sensitive person, sometimes a bit over-sensitive, with a desperate need for warmth and security. Other people sometimes find you difficult to be with, but they also find you fascinating.


Have you just fallen in love? Or have you just revived an old relationship? Certainly, if you chose this egg, you're feeling very light-hearted. Or maybe you just have a carefree, optimistic personality. Because you like yourself so much, other people find you attractive as well.


You're a naturally inquisitive person - you're interested in everything, especially what’s going on on the other side of your garden fence! Although you've got an enquiring mind, you don't take things too seriously and you can also see the funny side of things and laugh at yourself. So although people find you a bit nosy, they enjoy your company.


You really throw yourself into life - sometimes a bit too aggressively. You're a natural fighter, dynamic, bold and passionate. You know exactly where you're going in life, and you'll do whatever's necessary to get there. Not surprisingly, you tend to make enemies, but people admire your courage and determination.

( Language in Use- Upper Intermediate Cambridge University Press, 2000. Classroom Book)





· nuclear/ immediate / extended/ adoptive/ one-parent/ single-mother/ rooted/ blended/ broken/

· to start a family/to come from a good family/ the head of a family/a member of a family/ in the family way/ family likeness/ family circle/ family man/ family skeleton/ family council/ family life= home life/ family tree= bloodline= genealogy/ to clothe = to feed = to raise= to support=to back up a family


· = relations/ connections/ kin/ near of kin/ next of kin/ to come of good kin/ to be kin to/ kinship/ kinsman/ kinswoman/ kinsfolk/ niece/ nephew/ cousin/ relatives by marriage = in-laws

· one’s blood/ nearest/ close/ distant/ numerous/ multitudinous relatives


· to establish relations./ in relation to/ to be related to/ relation degree/ blood = natural r./ collateral r./ legitimate r./ lineal r/ close r./ intimate r./extramarital r./ marital r./ sexual r.

· to break off/ to strengthen/ to improve/ to promote/ to have/ to maintain/ to normalize/ to renew/ to strain relations

Parents : biological p./ birth p./ ancestors/ adoptive p./ parents-in-law/ roots

Mother: a birth m./ step m./god m./ foster-mother/ mother-in-law/ Mum(my)/ expectant m./ nursing m./ surrogate m./ unwed m./ motherly=maternal

Father: a birth f. / natural f./ step f./ god f./ foster-father/ father-in-law/ Dad(dy)/ proud f./ expectant f./ forefather/ fatherly

Grandparents: grandmother/ Granny/ grandfather/ grandpa/ paternal/ maternal grandfather / great grandparents


· A child / natural child / adoptee / heir / foster-child/ offspring/ an only child/ descendant/ direct descendant/ newborn/ first-born/ later children / grandchild(ren)/to give birth to a child/ to adopt a child

· A son/ son-in-law/ grandson/ to marry off a son

· A daughter/ daughter-in-law/ granddaughter

· A blood brother /full brother/ German brother/ foster brother/ step brother/ half brother/ twin brother( fraternal / identical twins)/ sibling

· A blood sister / full sister/ German sister/ foster sister/ step sister/ half sister/ twin sister / sibling/ triplet

Marital status:

· a wife/ husband/ hubby/ newlyweds/ single/ divorcee/ divorced/ ex-wife/ wife-to-be/ ex-husband/ husband-to-be/ bride/ bridesmaid/ bridesman/ groom/ spouse/ widow/ widower/ spinster/ bachelor/ (un)faithful husband(wife)/ midwife

· to announce a marriage/ to brake up = dissolve a m./to propose a m./to enter into a m./to give in m./ broken m./ mixed m./ open m.=civil m./m. of convenience/to contract m./


(I D I O M S)

1. Brother in arms -боевой товарищ собрат по оружию

2. Sworn brothers -названые братья, побратимы

3. A weak sister -(пренебр.)человек, на которого нельзя

положиться, 2)кисейная барышня, мамень

кин сынок

4. Like mother, like daughter -яблоко от яблони недалеко падает

5. (just) like mother makes(used to make)- (разг.) в моем вкусе, мне по душе

6. to be gathered to one’s fathers –отправиться к праотцам, умереть

7. is your father a Glazier -«твой отец- стекольщик?», ты что стеклянный?

8. like a father - по-отечески, авторитетно, строго, но доброжелательно

9. like father, like son - яблоко от яблони не далеко падает

10. call cousin(s) - претендовать на родство, считать своей родней

11. cousin seven(several) times removed (=Scotch cousin)- дальний родственник, = седьмая вода на киселе

12. first cousin once removed - двоюродная племянница (племянник)

13. second cousin once removed - троюродная племянница (племянник)

14. if my aunt had been a man, she’d have been my uncle - = если бы, да кабы

15. My aunt! - Вот те на! Вот так так! Подумать только!

16. Since Auntie had her accident - давненько

17. Every mother’s son -все как один, все до одного

18. Not a mother’s son - (разг.) ни души

19. Son of a bitch(gun) ( son of a sea-cook) – 1)сукин сын!, мерзавец, 2) черт побери!

20. The daughter of Eve - дочь Евы, представительница прекрасного пола

21. Teach one’s grandmother to suck eggs - учить, поучать старших; ( учить ученого)

22. Come to uncle over smb -(разг.) бранить, ругать по-родственному

23. Talk to smb like a Dutch uncle – учить к-л уму-разуму, увещевать, журить,

24. Uncle Sam -(разг.) «Дядя Сэм», США ( US)

25. (an) Uncle Tom -«Дядя Том», покорный, многострадальный негр-слуга

26. be big with child - быть на сносях, на последнем месяце беременности

27. the child is father of/ to the man - уже в ребенке заложены черты взрослого

28. a child of nature - дитя природы

29. a child of shame (sin) -«дитя греха», незаконнорожденный ребенок

30. a child of the brain (fancy’s child) - (кн.) порождение, плод фантазии

31. the cobbler’s children usually go unshod- = дети сапожника ходят без сапог

32. (4,5,6 months) gone with child -на (4-5) месяце беременности

33. He that has no children knows not what is love – у кого нет детей, тот не знa ет что такое любовь

34. A latchkey child - ребенок, родители которого работают весь день, pебенок, растущий без должного присмотра

35. The parson ( priest) always christens his own child first -= своя рубашка

ближе к телу

36. A problem child - трудный ребенок

37. With child -в положении, беременная

38. Be in one’s second childhood -впасть в детство

39. A grass widow(er) -соломенная вдова

40. Bachelor’s wife -(редк) жена, существующая лишь в

воображении, «мечта холостяка»

41. The cobbler’s (shoemaker’s) wife is the worst shod –сапожник ходит без сапог

42. An old wife -кумушка, сплетница,«старая баба», сплетник

43. There is one good wife in the country, and every man thinks he has her -

каждый муж думает, что лучше его жены нет

44. A good husband makes a good wife - у хорошего мужа и жена хорошая

45. A happy family - счастливая семейка

46. A bread-and-cheese marriage -брак с бедняком

47. Cross marriages -перекрестные браки (между сестрами и братьями)

48. a Gretta Green marriage - брак между убежавшими возлюбленными

49. marriage goes by contrasts - крайности сходятся ( о вступающих в брак)

50. marriage is a lottery- брак - лотерея

51. marriage makes or mars a man- женитьба – поворотный момент в жизни, человек женится на счастье или на горе

52. marriages are made in heaven - браки совершаются на небесах, кому как на роду написано

53. more kin than kind- хоть родной, да недобрый