Речевые формулы разговора по телефону


Упр. 1. Прочтите и запомните следующие слова и выражения:

Сall – телефонный вызов, звонок, звонить

Receiver – телефонная трубка

To listen for dialing tone – ждать ответного гудка

Continuous tone – продолжительный гудок

To dial – набирать номер

Dial – диск телефона

Ringing tone – редкие гудки, означающие, что линия свободна

Engaged tone – частые гудки, означающие, что линия занята

Repeated single tone – отдельные повторные гудки

Number unobtainable tone –гудок, означающий, что связи нет

Steady tone –постоянный гудок

To replace the receiver –повесить трубку

To redial – вновь набрать номер телефона

To book a trunk-call – заказывать международный разговор

Duration of a call –продолжительность разговора

To advice duration and charge –указывать продолжительность разговора и его стоимость

Caller – лицо, которое звонит по телефону

The line is busy/engaged – линия занята

Hold on –оставайтесь на линии

To take/to leave a message – принимать/оставлять сообщение

To put through – соединять

Extension - добавочный


Starting a Telephone Talk

Упр. 2. Прочтите и переведите следующие речевые формулы начала телефонного разговора:

1. A: Hello!

B: May I speak to Mr. Stock, please?

A: Speaking.

B: Good morning, Mr. Stock. This is Surikov calling.

A: Good morning, Mr. Surikov.


2. A: Hello.

B: Could I speak to Mr. Ivanov?

A: Who`s calling, please?

B: This is Brown from the University of Communications.

A: Just a minute. I`m putting you through.

I: Ivanov speaking.


3. A: University of Communications. Good morning.

B: Good morning. Could you put me through to Prof. Sokolov?

A: Sorry. The line is engaged. Can you hold on?

B: All right. Thank you.

4. A: Five-seven-three; one-nine-oh-four.

B: Good evening. Can I speak to Mr. Jones, please?

A: Sorry. Mr. Jones is on the other line. Will you wait, please?

B: All right.

A: Sorry to have kept you waiting. I`m putting you through to Mr. Jones..

B: Thank you.


5. A: Hello.

B: Hello. David Black speaking. May I have a word with Mr. Ivanov?

A: I`ll see if he is in. (a minute later). I`m afraid Mr. Ivanov is out at the moment.

B: Could you take a message?

A: Yes, of course./Yes, certainly.


6. A: Hello. May I speak to Mrs. Roberts?

B: Sorry. Mrs. Roberts is not available. Is there any message?

A: No, thank you, I`ll call back later.

B: Right. Goodbye.


7. A: Hello. May I speak with Miss Black for a minute?

B: Hold the line, please.

A: Thank you.

B: Sorry. There is no reply on this number.


8. A: Good afternoon. Can I help you.

B: Good afternoon. I`d like to speak to Mr. Tate.

A: What extension, please?

B: I think it`s twenty-three.

A: Thank you. (After a moment). You are through.


9. A: Hello. I´d like to talk to Mr. Scott?

B: I can`t hear what you are saying. Could you speak up, please.

A: May I talk to Mr. Scott?

B: I`m afraid, you have the wrong number.

A: Oh, sorry, to have troubled/bothered you.

B: That`s quite all right.


Упр. 3. Заполните недостающие предложения:

1. A: May I speak with Mr. Bell?

B: _______________________

A: Could I leave a message for him?

B: _______________________


2. A: Russian Embassy. Good morning.

B: _________________________

A: Sorry. The line is busy.


3. A: Sorry. Mr. Foot is on the other line. Will you hold on, please?

B: _____________________

4. A: ____________________

B: I`ll call back later.


5. A: Sorry to have kept you waiting. Now I`m putting you through.

B: ____________________


6. A: Is there any message?

B: _______________________


7. A: You`ve got the wrong number.

B: ____________________________

A: No problem.


8. A: Sorry. Mr. Sonin is not available. Would you like to leave a message?

B: ___________________

Упр. 4. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:

1. Говорит Суриков. 2. Соединяю. 3. Говорит Иванов. 4. Вы не могли бы меня соединить с г-ном Соколовым? 5. Номер занят. 6. Г-н Джоунз разговаривает по другому телефону. 7. Извините, что заставил Вас ждать. 8. Г-на Иванова сейчас нет. 9. Подождите минутку, пожалуйста. 10. Я позвоню еще раз позже. 11. Добавочный, пожалуйста. 12. Вы ошиблись номером. 13. Простите за беспокойство. 14. Я Вас плохо слышу, говорите, пожалуйста, громче.


Образцы телефонных разговоров:

Упр. 5. Прочтите и переведите следующие образцы телефонных разговоров:


1. Sergei and Marina Rudins en route to New York are staying for a couple of days in London. Sergei rings up his friend Charles Maxwell.


Sergei: Hello, Charles. This is Sergei Rudin.

Charles: Hello, Sergei. Where are you old boy?

Sergei: Here in London.

Charles: Good. Welcome to London.

Sergei: Marina and I we are looking forward to seeing you.

Charles: How long are you planning to stay in London?

Sergei: Only for two days.

Charles: We haven`t got much time, I`m afraid. Tomorrow we’ll begin with a lunch at our place. Then I’ll take you to see the Buckingham Palace. Sunday morning I`ll take you to the Tower of London which for centuries has served the three purposes – of a fortress, a palace and a prison.

Sergei: Charles, could you show us the Houses of Parliament?

Charles: Of course.

Sergei: Fine. I think that will do for the day. You will be very tired.

Charles: No, one more visit and that is the British Museum.

Sergei: It`s very kind of you, Charles.

Charles: See you tomorrow at 10 o`clock. Bye now.

Sergei: Bye.