Matching services of the network. Database of contacts
Database of contacts
Investment forums and fairs
Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies
How are clients acquired?
Event and information fairs
Targeted publicity
Articles in the regional or national press
Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions
Sectors of investmentn/a
BAN specialisation
No specialisation
o Membership fees
o Success fee from entrepreneurs
Co-investment scheme
No co-investment scheme
Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3 years:n/a
How do angels exit their investments?n/a
Success storyn/a
The early stage funding market in Greece is underdeveloped. Only during the last years the Government launched some initiatives to support the creation and development of SMEs. Programs like “Support and Creation of Scientific and Technological Parks and Incubators", “Support and Creation of Innovative SMEs for the exploitation of RTD results (Spin-offs)" and funds like the “Fund for High Technology Business Ventures” and the “Guarantee Fund Facility Scheme for SMEs” aimed at leveraging the entrepreneurship in Greece. The results of these programs are not yet visible leaving SMEs highly dependent on bank loans and overdrafts for early stage financing.
Angel investment in the country is occasional but yet considerable. Although there are no favourable policies for angel investment in Greece, business angels are investing, preferably in traditional sectors (like tourism and retail). There is a strong need to raise the awareness about the benefits of angel investment and to inform potential angels and entrepreneurs about the advantages of Business Angel Networks. Public administration, local government and academic institutions have a critical role to play in order to promote informal investing.
Number of BANs | |||
Number of Business Angels | |||
Number of deals | |||
Number of accredited projects | |||
Number of commercial BANs | |||
Number of non-commercial BANs | |||
Number of national BANs | |||
Number of regional BANs | |||
National association |
BAN legal status
“Mentoring” is a privately held company (SA) offering business development services to start-up and early stage companies.
National association
Not existing
“Mentoring” is actively networking with academic and research institutions, players of the formal venture capital market (incubators, VCs), Banks etc.