Innostart BIC (Hungary) - Business Angel Club


The BAC is not a legally registered formal organisation. The Hungarian Innovation Association and Innostart BIC established it in June 2000. Since then it has been working as an informal forum.


1-3 programs are organised annually – in cooperation with the experts of HVCA - to inform the interested entrepreneurs on the characteristics of the venture capital market and business angel financing. It also provides innovative SMEs with the possibility of introducing themselves to investors.


Innostart BIC assists the development of innovative SMEs by its services (counselling, business plan preparation, proposal writing, training etc).


There is no membership fee at BAC; all occurring costs of Innostart are covered from other sources and grants.


Contact: Йva Wikonkбl (, director


Piroska Kalmбr (, project manager.


Innostart BIC


1116 Budapest, Fehйrvбri ъt 130, Hungary Phone: +36.1.382.1504


Fax: +36.1.382.1510













Interest in the BAN concept first arose in Italy in 1997. It emerged from a few Business Innovation Centres (BIC) in Northern Italy, more precisely in Valle d’Aosta and Lombardia.

Several regional BANs were set up in 1999, as well as IBAN, the national association created to foster the development of BANs in all Italian regions and to federate their activities.


2. IBAN circuit statistics 20056


Number of BANs
Number of Business Angels
Number of deals
Number of accredited projects -
Number of commercial BANs
Number of non-commercial BANs
Number of national BANs
Number of regional BANs
National association


Following a survey done by IBAN near its community and other informal investors, the statistics 2005 concerning Italy can be summarized as follows:


Number of business angels = 310


Number of accredited projects = 391

Number of deals = 35

Average amount in euro = 228.000

Total invested amount in euro = 8.05 million Ђ


IBAN funding sources 2005


38% Fees from



BAN legal status


9 BANs are set up as non-profit organizations, 1 is a commercial BAN, and 1 is a club of investors. The BANs are often emanations of BICs, development agencies and private investors.

In general the founding sources come from fees (entrepreneurs and angels), regional funds and local sponsors (especially banks).


National association


IBAN was set up in 1999 for the purpose of stimulating the development of activities in the field of informal venture capital in Italy and to raise the awareness of administrative authorities as to the

6 See point 8






environment in which such activities could flourish. Furthermore, IBAN has established privileged relations with the banking sector and the venture capital sector (IBAN is member of AIFI - Italian Association of Institutional Investor in Risk Capital).


In 2005, IBAN membership has reached a peak of 57 members.


IBAN has also adopted a code of conduct that clarifies the rights and duties of BANs.


IBAN has established cooperation with most important Italian banks, financial institutions, regional Institutions and the national accountants association.


IBAN is an institutional Development concerning research and innovation.


member of all working groups set up competitiveness strategic factors: risk


by Italian Ministry for Economic capital finance, entrepreneurship,




In order to create a legal and fiscal framework more appropriate to develop the private informal investors, IBAN has established a dialogue with the relevant Italian Ministries with a view to clarifying the legal status of BANs with regard to several existing statutes. Since October 2000, IBAN submitted to the Italian Ministries attention a law proposal concerning the tax status of the business angels investment activities. Other documents were presented in 2003 and in the end of 2004.


In 2005, IBAN has presented the IBAN white paper “The informal risk capital development in Italy”; the paper has the purpose to adapt to the Italian business context some EBAN best practices and proposal.