Matching products of the network


Computerised data-base matching service


Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)


Investment forum / fairs


Networking events for investors


Mail presentation to all private investors


Contacts to potential Business Angels within two weeks after first contact




Direct introduction


How are clients acquired?


Information events / seminars


Visits to enterprises


Articles in local / national media


Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants, lawyers; embedding in sector of public promotion companies for SMEs,






Other: Partnerships with universities, academies/colleges, science parks; public relations, direct mailings.

Personal network of the board as well as its members


Word of Mouth


Sectors of investment








BAN specialisation






o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 120Ђ for each introduction o Fees charged to business angels: 100Ђ annually


Co-investment scheme


No co-investment scheme.


Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3 years:



How do angels exit their investments?n/a


Success story


Name of Sector of Date of Amount Number of Date Multiple of return for
company activity investment invested angels of exit investors (i.e. times
      (Ђ) involved   return on money)
Leroy Pastries November 140 000    









In 2005 Malta BAN was established to continue the work started on developing a national network in Malta. Malta BAN is a professional business angel network, established by experienced business angels, to foster more private equity investment in Malta. Since its establishment in 2005 Malta BAN has been undergoing gradual steps towards becoming operational in 2007.


Due to Malta’s relatively small size and island status, along with an undeveloped capital venture market both formal and informal, structures are necessary to leverage the potential of formal business angel activities through a network, and sustain entrepreneurs in their ventures. Local business angels have an eye for foreign investments along with local entrepreneurs seeking to establish themselves in offshore markets. Such aspects make Malta BAN unique in their focus and international outlook.


Malta BAN assists potential or active investors in developing their trusted network in Malta and overseas. It is developing a number of services aimed at supporting its member angels and syndicates in their investing activities. These include a portfolio of services for sourcing and managing deals; a number of specialist training programs through international affiliations; research through an advisory board of experts, and the development of a local venture capital fund for seed finance in local start-ups.



Background statistics


Number of BANs
Number of non-commercial BANs
Number of commercial BANs


BAN legal status


Malta BAN is a private limited company registered in Malta and is a national representative for BA's (Business Angels) and BA syndicates.


National association


None as Malta BAN is the only BAN in Malta.