Exercise 18:Before translation study the theory of translation – Foreign Words and Phrases.
Иноязычные вкрапления – это иноязычные слова или сочетания слов, передаваемые на письме и в устной речи графическими и фонетическими средствами языка-источника. Это, например, латинские крылатые слова: Dixi - said; Ergo - therefore; Pro et contra – the pros and cons; Credo - believe и др. К этому лексическому блоку примыкают также фразеологические обороты французского, немецкого и других языков, например: С' est la vie - такова жизнь (фр.).
Exercise 19:Find in the sentences Foreign Words and Phrases. Translate the sentences.
1. For the sake of national survival, nonintervention became a Haitian credo.
2. The first country to de jure and de facto abolish the death penalty was the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.
3. Several psychoanalysts attribute déjà vu to simple fantasy or wish fulfillment, while some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes the brain to mistake the present for the past.
4. My vacation this year is going to be two uninterrupted weeks of dolce vita.
5. Her postcard included a reminder: nota bene, I'll be returning on the 11 o'clock train.
6. Once I was cut out of the will, I became persona non grata among my relatives.
7. When the conversation suddenly switched from contemporary fiction to medieval Albanian playwrights, he felt himself entering terra incognita.
8. The plans for the party strike me as comme ci comme ça.
9. By the end of the party, several of the guests had made a good deal of their private lives public, prompting the host to murmur to his wife, in vino veritas.
10. The lecture seemed to drone on ad infinitum.
Exercise 20:Try to make sentences with the Foreign Words and Phrases below.
1. annus mirabilis[ˌænəsmɪ'rɑːb(ə)lɪs] [Lat.]: wonderful year.
2. a priori[ˌeɪpraɪ'ɔːraɪ] [Lat.]: based on theory rather than observation.
3. au courant[ˌəuku'rɑːŋ] [Fr.]: up-to-date.
4. beau geste[bəʊ ˈʒɛst} [Fr.]: a fine or noble gesture, often futile.
5. beau monde[bəu'mɔnd] [Fr.]: high society.
6. bête noire[ˌbet'nwɑː(r)] [Fr.]: something or someone particularly disliked.
7. in medias res[ɪnˌmiːdɪæs'reɪs] [Lat.]: in the middle of a sequence of occurences.
8. in situ[ˌɪn'sɪtjuː] [Lat.]: situated in the original or natural position.
9. ipso facto[ˌɪpsəu'fæktəu] [Lat.]: by the fact itself.
10. je ne sais quoi[ˌʒə nə seɪ ˈkwɑː] [Fr.]: I know not what; an elusive quality.
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+ V + somebody + Vinf
Complex object употребляется после глаголов выражающих:
желание | предположение | знание, утверждение, сообщение о чем-либо | принуждение | запрет, разрешение, просьбу | после глаголов с предлогом |
want wish like would like | expect consider suppose belive | know think report claim declare find show | make have force | let allow permit ask disallow | to wait for to relay on |
Example: I allow her to stay here.
После глаголов, выражающих физическое восприятие и ощущение (see, notice, watch, hear, listen to, feel, observe etc.)инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.
В случае совершенного действия используется конструкция:
+ V2 + somebody + Vinf
Example: I saw him go out.
Exercise 21:Open the brackets and use the Complex Object:
Model: He expected (they, arrive) at 5. — He expected them to arrive at 5.
1. Do you want (they, stay) at the hotel or with us? 2. I'd like (the professor, look through) my report. 3. Do you want (I, show) you the laboratory vessels? 4. We expect (he, arrange) everything by the time we come. 5. I want (she, explain) me this rule. 6. We want (our drugs, be) of high quality. 7. I would like (they, fix) an appointment for me for Tuesday. 8. We want (she, introduce) us to the president. 9. I don't want (they, be late) for dinner. 10. He expected (she, invite) to the party by the Smiths. 11. I'd like (the dress, buy) by Saturday. 12. I don't want (she, treat) like Alice. 13. We considered (pharmacist, must be) an honest person. 14. I don't like (she, carry out) this experiment.
Exercise 22: Translate into English using the Complex Object”
1. Я не ожидал, что этот провизор будет таким невежливым (impolite) человеком. 2. Мы бы хотели, чтобы вы доставили (deliver) лекарства в аптеку к концу июня. 3. Я ожидал, что они повысят эффективность лекарства. 4. Они не ожидали, что его спросят о производстве новых лекарственных препаратов. 5. Я слышал, как его имя несколько раз упоминалось на собрании. 6. Он не заметил, как мы подошли к нему. 7. Вы видели, как они над чем-то смеялись? 8. Мы ожидали, что об этом открытии объявят (announce) по радио. 9. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы она сказала нам, что она будет делать сегодня вечером. 10. Я думаю, что сегодня вы услышите, как она поет. 11. Когда он услышал, что его сын плачет, он встал и пошел в детскую комнату (nursery). 12. Я быхотел, чтобы никто не брал мои вещи. 13. Он хочет, чтобы мы пришли к нему сегодня. 14. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы сделали доклад по истории фармации. 15. Он хочет, чтобы его сын стал фармацевтом. 16. Хотите ли вы, чтобы он вам помог провести эту реакцию? 17. Я слышал, как он рассказывает о соединениях углерода. 18. Он не слышал, как я постучал в дверь.
Exercise 23:Replace the Object Clause with the Complex Object:
1. We know that mathematics has become man’s second language.
2. They expect that a variable will represent a number.
3. We know that two fractions are equal if they simplify to the same fraction.
4. I heard that they were discussing the living matter.
5. We expected that they would intensify the whole process of producing medicines.
6. Everybody knows that matter consists of small particles called atoms.
7. This question was too difficult, so that he could not answer it immediately.
Exercise 24:Say the sentences, using Complex Object.
Model:He was reading in the garden. She saw him. - She saw him reading in the garden.
1. The girl was singing. I heard her. 2. They were talking about effectiveness of new medicines. He heard them. 3. You and your friend were walking along the street yesterday. I saw you. 4. The little girls were playing on the grass. We watched them. 5. The ship was leaving the port. He stood and looked at it. 6. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed. Mother watched her. 7. The cat was rubbing itself on my leg. I felt it. 8. They were carring out experiment. We saw it. 9. The students were writing a diploma papers. The teacher watched them. 10. I watched the sun. It was rising. 11. I heard him. He was singing an English song. 12. We noticed a man. The man was cleaning laboratory vessels. 13. He saw two girls. They were discussing medicinal plants. 14. She watched the children. They were running and playing in the garden. 15. I saw her. She was cleaning the showcases in the chemist’s shop. 16. We saw our neighbour. He was listening to the latest news on the radio. 17. John heard his sister. She was talking about chemical elements. 18. We saw Ben. He was crossing the square. 19. They heard their father. He was playing the piano in the drawing-room. 20. I can see the train. It is coming. 21. I saw a group of boys. They were collecting herbs. 22. We noticed a group of people. They were wearing white gawns.
During the lesson we’ve learnt that there are a great number of pharmaceutical companies in the UK. Choose one of the companies and make a short report about it.
You may do it as a, “PowerPoint Presentation”, report etc.
Exercise 25:Choose the right variant:
1. I'd like her … to the chemist’s shop to buy the medicine for headache.
a) would go b) going c) go d) to go
2. The teacher made me … the beginning of my composition.
a) to rewrite b) rewrote c) rewrite d) rewriting
3. You had better … your son and ask him to come here.
a) to phone b) phone c) phoning d) phoned.
4. What do you want me … you? a) telling b) to tell c) tell d) told
5. Mrs. Smith … the famous chemists in the town.
a) says to be b) said she is c) is said to be d) says herself as
6. You look tired. Try … little. a) sleeping b) to sleep c) sleep d) slept
7. Last night I couldn't sleep. My neighbours seemed … a wedding party.
a) had b) having c) to have d) have
8. The passers-by saw a man … of the chemist’s shop, and jump into the car.
a) running out b) to run out c) having run out d) run out
9. Let him … his bad behavior.
a) to explain b) explaining c) explained d) explain
10. Although I was in a hurry, I stopped … to him.
a) to talk b) talking c) talk d) to talking
Exercise 26:Translate the following words and phrases:
1. The (фармацевтическое) _________________ industry is responsible for the synthesis and research of new (лекарств) _________________, and the production and marketing of proven medicines to the public. 2. Pharmacy revolves around people and medicines with special emphasis on the manufacture of medicines, their (поставки) _________________, appropriate (использования) _________________ and effects. 3. Each Pharmacy must have: (рецептурный отдел) _________________, material room (for storage of the materials), laboratory, dry basement, ice-room (refrigerator), drying-room (for storage of the herbal products). 4. As well of dispensing your medicines you can get personalized medicines advice how to quit smoking and maintain a good sexual (здоровье) ___________________.
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Lead – in
Exercise 1: Identify the chemist’s shop’s goods.
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Exercise 2:Complete the sentences with one of the words or phrases given:
drops cosmeticspowder medicine bandage ointment cotton wool mustard plaster tincture hot water bottle |
1._____________________ is a homogeneous, viscous, semi-solid preparation, most commonly greasy, thick oil (oil 80% - water 20%) with a high viscosity, that is intended for external application to the skin or mucous membranes.
2._____________________ is either the pure drug by itself (talcum powder), or is made of the drug mixed in a carrier such as corn starch.
3._____________________ a skin preparation that has a high percentage of alcohol. It would normally be used as a drug vehicle if drying of the area is desired.
4._____________________ broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.
5._____________________ is a piece of material used either to support a medical device such as a dressing or splint, or on its own to provide support to the body.
6._____________________ is a home remedy used for many ailments, including the flu, coughs and colds.
7._____________________ are substances used to enhance the appearance or odour of the human body.
8._____________________ is a sterile solution or suspension of medicine. They are administered into ears, eyes or nose to produce a local effect directly.
9._____________________ is a container filled with hot water and sealed with a stopper, used to provide warmth.
10._____________________ is either raw, minimally processed cotton or cotton that has been made to be especially absorbent.
Exercise 3.Complete the text using the words and phrases:
chemist’s shop | knowledge | official date | James Franchem | ||
Chudov Monastery | pharmacy | medical workers | |||
medicinal herbs | drug | Peter I | in Moscow | ||
Russian University | preparations | medicine | the prescription | ||
Russian scientist | civilization | branch | integral part |
__________________ is as old as man himself. The first primitive man using plants was already in __________________ business. Thus many drugs were prepared. The __________________ of the past contributed to our present __________________ by the collection of drugs and drug __________________. Many drugs are still prepared as many centuries ago. Long ago pharmacy was an __________________ of medicine.
The __________________ of appearing pharmacy business in Russia is considered __________________. This is the time of Ivan IV when the first tsarist pharmacy was opened by an Englishman __________________. He arrived at Moscow with a group of __________________ and supply of drug raw materials. The first Russian pharmacy was situated in the Kremlin not far from the __________________. The indications and properties of all drug components were written on __________________. In the assortment of the first Russian __________________ there were 120 names of drugs and __________________, many of which haven’t lost their significance today.
As a __________________ of science Russian pharmacy started its development since the decree of __________________ in the 18th century. The brilliant __________________ M.V.Lomonosov made a great contribution to the development of natural science and __________________ in Russia. As a result of his efforts the first __________________ with a school of medicine was opened __________________. Lomonosov’s works contained a great deal of information that had a direct bearing on pharmacy.
Exercise 4:Find the right translation:
I’m afraid I have to make a serious complaint. | Я передам вашу жалобу начальству/администрации. |
I’m afraid we can’t provide you with this drug at the moment. Could you leave your contact phone number and address? We will contact you as soon as it will be on sale. | Боюсь, мы ничего не можем сделать с этим. |
Excuse me, there seems to be something wrong with … | Я хотел бы, чтобы этого не было. |
Oh, I’m sorry about that. | Боюсь, я вынужден предъявить вам серьезную жалобу. |
I wish it never happened. | Боюсь, мы не можем предоставить вам это лекарство в данный момент. Не могли бы вы оставить свой контактный телефон и адрес? Мы свяжемся с вами, как только оно поступит в продажу. |
I’m sorry to have to say this, but … | Мне жаль это говорить, но … |
Well, I’m afraid there isn’t anything we can do about it. | Извините. |
I’ll see that everything is put right. | Она пожаловалась мне на головную боль. |
Sorry, I thought you didn’t mind. | Извините, я постараюсь что-нибудь сделать. |
Don’t find faults with him. | Жалобами делу не поможешь |
I’ll pass your complaint on to the person in charge/the manager. | Перестань ныть - у других тоже есть проблемы. |
I’m sorry, I’ll see what I can do. | Простите, кажется что-то не так с … |
Complaining won’t remedy the situation. | Я позабочусь о том, чтобы все было в порядке. |
She complained to me about a headache. | Извините, я думал, что вы не возражаете. |
Stop moaning, other people have problems too. | Он вечно на что-либо жалуется. |
He’s always whining about something. | Не придирайтесь к нему. |
Exercise 5:Make the dialogues using the phrases above according to the cases:
Exercise 6: Play the dialogue and make a similar one:
CUSTOMER: CHEMIST: CUSTOMER: CHEMIST: CUSTOMER: CHEMIST: CUSTOMER: CHEMIST: CUSTOMER: CHEMIST: CUSTOMER: | Good afternoon.Can you make up this prescription? I wonder if you could come back at 3 o’clock, sir. I’ll keep the whole thing ready. I’m afraid I can’t wait till three. My wifehas a stomachache. Why don’t you give me these drugsnow? All right, I will. It might still take me about half an hour to make it up. You could take your seat there and wait. I’d rather go home and come back later. As you wish. But let me first look at the whole prescription. I want to make sure that I have all the drugs. Oh, I’m sorry. This one at number three is not available. In fact, it’s been out of stock in the whole market for quite some time. I’m afraid we can’t provide you with this drug at the moment. Could you leave your contact phone number and address? We will contact you as soon as it will be on sale. Bother! What do I do now? What about giving me another drug with the same formula? Well, I do have another one. I’m sorry to have to say this, but… I can’t sell any drug without a doctor’s prescription. Even in an emergency? I’m sorry. Under no circumstances. I’m afraid there isn’t anything we can do about it. But if I were you, I’d ring up the doctor and ask him about alternative. You could use my telephone. Yes, that’s a good idea! Thank you so much. I’ll call him right away. |
Exercise 6(a):Translate some cliché from the dialogue:
1. to have a stomachache. 2. to be on sale. 3. doctor’s prescription. 4.under no circumstances. 5. That’s a good idea. 6. Make up the prescription. 7. to make sure to have all the drugs.
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Exercise 7:Before reading the text answer some questions:
1. What is a chemist’s shop?
2. Give your own definition of the term “chemist’s shop”. Compare your answer with “English-English Dictionary”.
3. In the dictionary find the definition of the terms: dispensary pharmacist, ointment, powder, tincture