Перевод на русский язык предложений, содержащих инфинитивный оборот Complex Subject
При переводе таких предложений соблюдается единый принцип: подлежащее должно соединяться не со сказуемым, а с инфинитивом, который в русском предложении будет соответствовать сказуемому.
Example:The particles appear to be suspended in the air. - Кажется, что частички подвешены в воздухе.
Глаголы-сказуемые, участвующие в образовании инфинитивного оборота «сложное подлежащее»
1. С глаголами чувственного восприятия (to hear слышать, to see видеть, to watch наблюдать, смотреть, to feel чувствовать, to observeнаблюдать, to noticeзамечать) в действительном залоге. После этих глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to. | Birds were heard to sing in the garden. - Было слышно, как птицы поют в саду. |
2. С глаголами, обозначающими умственную деятельность (to know знать, to think думать, to consider, to believe, to suppose думать, полагать, to expect ожидать, to imagine представлять, to find находить, узнавать, to trustверить, to assume допускать, предполагать) в действительном залоге. После этих глаголов в составе конструкции очень часто используется глагол to be. | They are supposed to come later. - Полагают, что они придут позже. |
3.После глаголов, обозначающих приказ или разрешение, принуждение (to order приказывать, to allow, to permit позволять, to suffer неохотно позволять, to haveраспоряжаться, to make, to have, to get, to force, to cause распоряжаться, приказывать, заставлять и др.) в действительном залоге | I was made to help him. - Меня заставили помогать ему. |
4. С глаголами в значении сообщения: to say говорить, to report сообщать, to state утверждать | He is said to have returned at last. - Говорят, что он наконец вернулся. |
5. В действительном залоге с глаголами to seem казаться (по-видимому), to happen случаться (случается, случалось), to prove доказывать (оказывается, оказалось), to be likely вероятно, to be unlikely вряд ли, to be sure, to be certain быть уверенным (наверняка), to turn out оказываться (оказалось). | Не proved to be a doctor. - Оказалось, что он (действительно) врач. |
Exercise 22:Put verbs into a right form:
1. Chromatography (to believe) to have extended our knowledge of biochemistry.
2. Antibiotic substances (to suppose) to inhibit the growth of microorganisms.
3. These substances (to sure) to be sharply differentiated from one another.
4. Sodium and potassium compounds (to believe) to be widely distributed in nature.
5. А supersaturated solution (to know) to be a solution with the excess of the solute.
6. Proteins (to sure) to be highly complex compounds elaborated by living cells.
7. The absorption of acetylsalicylic acid (to know) to be lower than that of salicylamide.
8. Vitamin A (to sure) to be synthesized by at least three separate processes.
9. She (to expect) to come soon.
10. Не (to say) to know several foreign languages.
11. Proteins (to know) to be highly complex compounds elaborated by living cells.
12. The intermediate substances (to know) to be very important.
13. Many proteins (to sure) to coagulate by heat.
14. This drug (to say) to be more effective than its predecessor.
15. The resulting solution (to say) to be saturated at the temperature of the experiment.
Exercise 23:Translate the sentences, paying attention to the Complex Subject.
1. The levels were found to be unaltered.
2. The results presented here seem to support the views described above.
3. Environmental factors are known to be of significance.
4. The process appears to be similar to that observed in neutrophils.
5. Additional studies are required to determine the precise role of protein.
6. Macrophages appear to be the first cells to interact with the arterial wall in marked hypercholesteremia.
7. Coronary patients have now been established to be at increased risk of cardiac mortality.
8. The cell happened to have divided during the experiment.
9. The factors are known to be associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis.
10. This phenomenon has been found to have a wide occurrence.
11. This group of patients appears to represent a unique subgroup with anticardiolipin syndrome.
12. Human milk seems to be able to prevent sensitization to other foreign proteins as well.
13. Goat's milk has been proved to be good for eyes owning to the rich presence of vitamin A.
14. Combination therapy with aspirin and dipyramidole has been reported to reduce platelet deposition in patients with some grafts.
15. After vitamin injections some patients seem to have improved.
16. He was known to have had a hernia for many years.
Exercise 24:Paraphrase the sentences using The Complex Subject.
Model: It is said that the rash is often associated with itching. → The rash is said to be often associated with itching.
1. It is known that the patient takes Donnotal as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of duodenal ulcer.
2. It is reported that each tablet of K-phos neutral contains 853 mg sodium phosphate, 155 mg monobasic potassium phosphate and 130 mg monobasic sodium phosphate monohydrate.
3. It is mentioned that the dosage of Massengill was provided as a single unite concentrate to be added to sanitized water supplied in a disposable bottle.
4. It is said that Inderal is a white crystalline solid which is readily soluble in water and ethanol.
5. It is considered that Blenoxane is indicated in the management of the following neoplasm either as a single agent in combination with other approved chemotherapeutic agents.
6. It was proved that the tablets triturates were punched not of a parent mold with a multicoated gadget which fitted over and into mold proper.
7. It was believed that the oldtime pharmacists were very familiar with making of globular masses of medical substances.
8. People consider the climate there to be very healthful.
9. It is expected that the performance will be a success.
10. It is said that the book is popular with both old and young.
11. It was supposed that the crops would be rich that year.
12. It was reported that five ships were missed after the battle.
13. It appeared that he was losing patience.
14. It happened that I was present at the opening session.
15. It turned out that my prediction was correct.
16. It seems they know all about it.
17. It seems they have heard all about it.
Exercise 25:Translate the sentences into English.
1. Известно, что вода является одним из лучших растворителей.
2. Полагают, что этот вопрос не был полностью изучен раннее.
3. Оказывается, что эти ученые работают над совершенствованием (perfection) новых методов исследования твердых веществ.
4. Показано, что нано трубки обладают рядом ценных свойств.
5. По-видимому, это направление исследования является актуальным и перспективным.
6. Известно, что эти ученые разработали новый эффективный способ очистки воды.
7. Установлено, что автомобили являются основными источниками загрязнения воздуха в больших городах.
8. Пучки (bundles) нано трубок, по имеющимся оценкам (estimate), обладают в 50 раз большей прочностью по сравнению со сталью.
9. Хорошее знание органической химии, несомненно, оказывает большую помощь (to be of a great help) при разработке методов синтеза органических веществ.
10. Стивен обязательно выиграет эту олимпиаду.
11. Предполагают, что Аня выступит на конференции.
12. Боб, наверное, нам поможет. Он наверняка нам поможет.
13. Полагают, что они уехали вчера.
14. По-видимому, переговоры (talks) закончатся завтра.
15. Полагают, что эта работа была выполнена успешно.
Exercise 26:Make up sentences.
1. To be delivered, on Saturday, the letter, is expected.
2. We, the job, right away, are supposed, to do.
3. Was found, behaviour, Nora's to be suspicions, son.
4. Company, to be pleasant, was considered, Constance.
5. Today, to be announced, the news is expected.
6. Your team, to win, the game, was expected.
7. To have mode, our head engineer, an important discovery, was known.
8. This, of, to, unlikely, is great, be, importance, fact.
9. Have, to, said, to, are, come, to conference, the delegates.
10. Writing, be, is, a new, to, likely, book, he.
11. To, the question, able, be, at, thought, are, to, they, once, solve.
12. Life, Earth, thought, is, to, from, to, have, been, brought, space.
13. Peter, said, a student, talented, is, to, be.
14. He, about, know, little, seems, to, it.
15. They, expected, arrive, tomorrow, are, to.
16. Не, be, is, good, doctor, said, to, a.
Exercise 27:Open the brackets, using the proper form of infinitive.
1. He seems (to read) a lot.
2. He seems (to read) now.
3. He seems (to read) all the books in the library.
4. We expect (to be) back in two days.
5. We expected (to help) by the teacher.
6. I am sorry (to break) your pen.
7. The children seem (to play) since morning.
8. I want (to take) you to the concert.
9. She hoped (to help) by her friends.
10. I hope (to see) you soon.
11. Determining the entropy (to turn out) to be difficult and laborious.
12. A chemical compound which occur on earth (to find) to make up the other planets, the Sun and other stars.
13. The inert elements (to think) not to be incapable of forming chemical bonds.
14. A gas (to consider) to be a collection of individual molecules in extremely rapid motion at all temperatures above absolute zero.
15. A compound between a weekly basic oxide and a weakly acidic oxide (negative, to be likely) to be very stable.
16. Uranium (to prove) to be isotopic with, and chemically inseparable from thorium.
Exercise 28:Find the sentences with Complex Object.
1. Gold is found in many regions of Russia.
2. Zink sulphide is found to have two principal crystalline modifications.
3. I found this book difficult.
4. Hydrogen is the lightest element known.
5. Hydrogen is known to be the lightest element.
6. He was sent to study abroad.
7. He seems tired today.
8. The acid seems to be likely to dissolve the precipitate.
9. The new method is believed to have given good results.
10. The substance was supposed to contain admixtures.
11. Toxicity tests indicate the product to be completely harmless.
12. These medicines may worsen bone disease because they cause the body to lose more calcium.
13. We have thought this law to hold only for gases which are under normal conditions
14. This student is known to work hard.
15. The results obtained were found to be in perfect agreement with earlier findings.
Exercise 29:Make up sentences, using the word-combination from the table:
He A scientists A student Pharmaceutical students Analytical chemists An experiment The tests The data A staff The results They The report of Dr. Black | was (were) said to seen to heard to supposed to believed to expected to reported to considered to thought to found to announced to known to | be a good specialist. know all about it. be a very good lector. fail an exam in Botany. carry out this difficult experiments. necessary in the field of Pharmacognosy. manufacture a new drug. produce an extremely dangerous reactions. to contain some important information. occur in some foreign scientific books to write a new scientific article to be difficult. to be helpful. to be in perfect agreement with the earlier findings. |
During the lesson we’ve met the different kinds of chemist’s shop and its departments. Write assay, make a presentation on the topic “The chemist’s shop of my dreams”.
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Exercise 30:Open the brackets and use the Complex Subject.
Model: He is thought (study) now. – He is thought to be studying now.
1. He is considered (be) a good musician.
2. They are thought (go away) some days ago.
3. James is expected (make) a report next Wednesday.
4. Steve is known (help) them to solve a problem when they were in trouble.
5. Mozart is known (compose) a lot of wonderful pieces of music.
6. The film is considered (be) the worst of the year.
7. She is supposed (work) in the laboratory from2 to 6 p.m. tomorrow.
8. They are known (make) a new discovery a month ago.
9. He is expected (manage) the business himself.
10. He is said (be) at the customs office now.
11. The delegation is reported (leave) Prague tonight at 11a.m.
12. They are known (live) in Egypt for a long time.
13. He is believed (work) at an urgent problem now.
Lead – in
Exercise 1: Identify the ecological dangerous tendencies.
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Exercise 2:Complete the sentences with one of the words or phrases given.
components physiological ecology academic ignorance systems community ecology population ecology evolutionary ecology |
Ecology is the study of environmental _____________, or as it is sometimes called, the economy of nature. "Environmental" usually means relating to the natural, versus human-made world; the "systems" means that ecology is, by its very nature, not interested in just the _____________ of nature individually but especially in how the parts interact. Ecology is technically an _____________ discipline, such as mathematics or physics, although in public or media use, it is often used to connote something that is “ecologically bad” or is or is not “good for the ecology”. More properly ecology is used only in the sense that it is an academic discipline, no more evaluative than mathematics or physics. Most professional ecologists are not terribly unhappy when ecology is used in the normative sense, preferring the wider public awareness of environmental issues today compared to the widespread _____________ of three decades ago.
The subject matter of ecology is normally divided onto four broad categories: _____________, having to do with the response of single species to environmental conditions such as temperature or light; _____________, usually focusing on the abundance and distribution of individual species and the factors that cause such distribution; ____________, having to do with the number of species found at given location and their interactions; and, having to do with the structure and function of the entire suite of microbes, plants, and animals, and their abiotic environment, and how the parts interact to generate the whole. This branch of ecology often focuses on the energy and nutrient flows of ecosystems, and when this approach is combined with computer analysis and simulation we often call it systems ecology. _____________, which may operate at any of these levels but most commonly at the physiological or population level, is a rich and dynamic area of ecology focusing on attempting to understand how natural selection developed the structure and function of the organisms and ecosystems at any of these levels.
Exercise 3:Choose the most appropriate vocabulary term from the list:
A Ecosystem B Habitat C Community D Population
1 ________ All the living and non living things in an area
2 ________ All the ants in an anthill
3 ________ An area that provides food and shelter
4 ________ Fish, frogs, turtles, lily pads and dragonflies are all members of the same what?
5 ________ All the blackbirds in your neighborhood
6 ________ A forest
7 ________ The damp soil within a forest in which a mushroom grows
8 ________ Different populations that live together in a particular area
9 ________ A prairie dog, a hawk, and a badger all members of the same what?
10 ________ The rainbow trout in a stream
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Exercise 4:Find the right translation:
Environment is not only our life, but also the future of the Earth. Everybody knows about it. | Без сомнения, еще одна область, вызывающая серьезное беспокойство и оказывающая влияние на различные части нашей планеты – проблема отходов |
It’s well-known that climate changes are resulting in an increase in the number of worldwide natural disasters like floods and hurricanes. | Я прекрасно осознаю тот факт, что загрязнение воздуха не является проблемой окружающей среды первостепенной важности, по мнению большинства людей, так как она не представляет непосредственной угрозы для многих из нас. |
Why are people all over the world so much concerned about environmental problems and at the same time do nothing to solve them? It’s anybody’s guess. | Этот вопрос является вопросом чрезвычайной важности, так как оказывается воздействие на многие аспекты окружающей среды. И к сожалению, большинство людей не очень хорошо осведомлены об этом. |
Without any doubt, another area of grave concern that impacts many different parts of this planet is the issue of waste. | Окружающая среда не только наша жизнь, но также и будущее нашей планеты. Все об этом знают. |
I’m fully aware of the fact that air pollution isn’t an issue that most people consider to be of primary environmental concern since it doesn’t seem to pose an immediate pressing threat for a lot of us. | Хорошо известно, что изменения климата приводят к увеличению числа стихийных бедствий, таких как наводнения и ураганы во всем мире. |
The question is overwhelming because there are so many different aspects of the environment which are being impacted today.And,unfortunately, most of people are not very knowledgeable about it. | Почему люди во всем мире так серьезно озабочены проблемами окружающей среды и, в тоже самое время, ничего не делают для их решения? Об этом можно только догадываться. |
Exercise 5:Make the dialogues according to the cases:
You and your friend are discussing the ecological situation in your city. Discuss the following ecological problems and choose the one you both find the most serious:
Exercise 6:Play the dialogue and make a similar one:
- Why are people all over the world so much concerned about environmental problems and at the same time do nothing to solve them? It’s anybody’s guess.
- To begin with they are the problems of all peoples and nations. Environment is not only our life, but also the future of the Earth. Everybody knows about it.