Summary: A chemist’s shop is a medical institution in which you can buy all the necessary things when you are ill.


Exercise 10:Answer the following questions:

1. What is a chemist’s shop?

2. What types of chemist’s shops do you know?

3. What departments does a chemist’s shop consist of?

4. What can you buy at the chemist’s department?

5. Which department provides medicines only by the doctor’s prescription?

6. When are medicines prepared in the presence of patients?

7. Where are medicines prepared at a chemist’s shop?

8. How is an assistant’s room furnished?

9. According to what requirements are medicines prepared?

10. How are poisonous and drastic substances used?

11. How are they stored?

12. Who managers a chemist’s shop?


Exercise 11: Look at the scheme and guess what kinds of chemists’ shops are there in our country.





Exercise 12: You know that many English words are polysemantic. Can you find equivalents to the following words:


injection мастерская
poisonous упорный, терпеливый
hospital денежные вложения
patient отвратительный



drastic alterations заснуть
a marble tablet горькая пилюля, тягостная необходимость
a bitter pill to swallow найти решение
satisfactory solution некоторая рисовка у.
drop asleep замолвить за кого-л. словечко
He made a mistake of trying to extract further information from out director. Лимонная кислота может быть извлечена из сока апельсинов, лимонов или грейпфрутов.
tincture of affectation кусок мрамора
Citric acid can be extracted from the juice of oranges, lemons, or grapefruit. Она опустила глаза и наклонила голову.
She dropped her eyes, and hung her head. Он сделал ошибку, пытаясь выудить дополнительную информацию у нашего директора.
to drop a word in favour of smb удовлетворительное решение
to find a solution коренные преобразования



Exercise 13:

Listen to the tape and:

1. Try to tell in Russian the main idea of the text in Russian;

1.1. Read and translate the following words:

___ drug ___ prescription ___ treatment ___ pharmacies ___ next step ___ local drug store ___ (to) wait ___ pharmacist’s practice ___ to dispense medication ___ (to) compound medications ___ (to be) expected to do sth. ___ manufacturer ___ packaged ___ (to) interact with ___ attention ___ (to) be able to explain ___ wrong medicine ___ life-threatening consequences ___ (to) sleep ___ side-effects ___ drug interactions ___ should be taken ___ (to be) lisenced ___ drowsy ___ (to) prove aptitude ___ (to) do research ___ State ___ additional education ___ (to) stay healthy ___ goal ___ (to) get well

2. While-watching activities:

2.1. Watch a video called “Pharmacist’s Job Description”. Put the numbers near the words in 1.1. in order as you hear them.

2.2. Watch the video once again and fill in the blanks by the words from 1.1.

1. When a ____________ is written for a ____________ or ____________, the ____________ for the patient is usually a visit to the pharmacist.

2. ____________ a few minutes, ok? Thank you.

3. And, well, for most people that often means going to the ____________.

4. Hospitals and community clinics have ____________ as well.

5. Typically, pharmacists spend most of the day standing at a counter, ____________.

6. They may also ____________, though this is now one much smaller part of the ____________.

7. While many of the drugs they handle are prepackaged by ____________, pharmacists ____________ to understand the ingredients and how they might ____________ other medications.

8. This is a profession that requires careful ____________ to detail.

9. Making a mistake and dispensing the ____________ could have ____________.

10. Ok, so your prescriptions are all set. What the doctor wrote is a medication to help you ____________.

11. Out of the job is ____________ to people how the prescriptions ____________ or administered.

12. And providing information on ____________ and ____________.

13. Just be careful when you wake up in the morning, sometimes you may feel a little hungry or a little bit ____________.

14. There’s also well lot of people work involved. To study to become a pharmacist, you must first prove your ____________ in science and maths by passing the “The pharmacy college admissions test”.

15. After earning a Doctor of Pharmacy Degree at a college or university, pharmacists then need ____________ by the ____________.

16. With ____________ pharmacists can move into administration or teaching. They can even ____________ to develop new drugs.

17. But the ____________ is the same – helping people get the medications they need to ____________ and ____________.


3. After-watching activity. Watch the video once again and answer the following questions:

1. What English equivalents do you know for the word “аптека”?

2. What are the main duties of a pharmacist?

3. What requirements does the job of a pharmacist have? What may happen if one doesn’t fit them?

4. What one should do to become a pharmacist?

5. What is the main goal of a pharmacist?



Exercise 14:Work with the text according to our algorithm:

1. Read the title of the text.

2. Look through the italicized words in the text and guess the main idea of the text.

3. Read the title and try to discuss the main problem which is described in the text.

4. Look through the text and formulate the main information.

5. Compose the plan of the text.

6. Ask your groupmates some questions.

a. Do you know anything from the history of pharmacy?

b. Is it necessary for a pharmacist to know the history of his profession? If yes, why?

c. Was it a noble profession in the past?

7. Tell your opinion about the information. Inform the group about some extra facts – make examples of similar facts.


Exercise 15: Watch a documentary “Victorian Pharmacy” and prepare a short report on the topic.



In the period of the development of pharmacy from early Victorian times, round about the 1840s, through to the late 1800s Victorian Pharmacies were often the only accessible and affordable source of healthcare for a population often unable to afford the services of doctors or other health professionals.

The early pharmacists’ willingness to take on almost anything to provide their public with what they wanted was incredible. Medicines in those days may have been limited and crude by today’s standards but even then pharmacists, as they are today, were acknowledged as experts in the use of herbs, plant extracts and chemicals, not to mention countless other everyday essentials to Victorian life. Life was extremely difficult then. There were plenty of diseases around to be fought off. Cholera was a major killer at the time and there were serious sewerage problems in cities such as London. Luckily this was the period when carbolic acid was developed as a byproduct of coal production.

Other major issues of the Victorian era included the shocking number of arsenic-related deaths, which in turn led to the introduction of the Arsenic Act in 1851 creating the first Poisons Register.

It wasn’t only medicines that were provided by Victorian pharmacists, they dispensed plenty of other things, including perfumes, for example. Pharmacists had expertise in essential oils and used to blend their own perfumes. They supplied shaving equipment, too. Why? Because they not only made shaving preparations but also shaved their customers. “Why reading glasses and dental care, you may wonder? Pharmacists used to make tooth powders, extract teeth, test eyes and fit glasses. Indeed, the Pharmaceutical Society was formed decades before the equivalent dentistry and optics bodies.

And the list goes on – photography, sexual health, dermatologicals and so on. Whatever the public wanted, pharmacists bought, made or created a service for it.




Письмо-запрос (inquiry или enquiry) компания посылает, когда хочет:

Ø Получить подробную информацию о товарах (goods).

Ø Узнать, имеются товары в наличии (availability of goods).

Ø Уточнить время и сроки поставки (delivery dates).

Ø Получить информацию об условиях поставки и скидках (terms and discounts), способе транспортировки (method of transportation), страховании (insurance).

Ø Получить информацию о ценах на товары (prices of goods).

Ø Получить каталоги (catalogues) и образцы товара (samples of goods) и т.д.

При написании писем-запросов следует, как можно более подробно изложить суть вопроса, что позволит Вашему деловому партнеру сократить время на составление ответа.

Если обращение с запросом в данную компанию идет первый раз, то в письмо необходимо включить следующие пункты:

1. Указание на источник информации о данной компании ее товаре.

2. Суть вопроса.

3. Краткие сведения о Вашей фирме или организации.

4. Выражение надежды на сотрудничество.

При повторном запросе в письмо обычно включается только второй пункт. Как и большинство других деловых писем, письмо-запрос, как правило, печатается на фирменном бланке, на котором указаны название компании-отправителя запроса, ее почтовый адрес, номера телефонов и факса.


Клише и выражения писем-запросов:


Ø We read your advertisement in … - Мы прочитали Вашу рекламу в …

Ø With regard to your advertisement in … of … , we would ask you … - В связи с публикацией Вашей рекламы в … от … мы хотели бы попросить Вас …

Ø We have heard of your products from … - Мы узнали о продукции Вашей компании из …

Ø We have seen your current catalogue showing … - Мы обратили внимание на Ваш последний каталог, в котором описаны …

Ø We are interested in buying (importing, etc.) … - Мы хотели бы купить (импортировать и т.п.) …

Ø Please inform us (let us know) as soon as possible … - Просим сообщить нам как можно скорее …

Ø We would ask you to let us have a quotation for … - Сообщите нам, пожалуйста, расценки на …

Ø We would like to have further details about … - Мы бы хотели получить более подробную информацию о …

Ø In connection with this … - В связи с этим …

Ø Our company was founded in … - Наша компания была основана в … году.

Ø For over … years our company has imported from western countries … - Более, чем … лет наша компания импортирует из западных стран …

Ø If your prices are competitive we may be able to let your have regular orders. - Если Ваши цены устроят нас, мы будем регулярно заказывать Вашу продукцию.

Ø We look forward to your early reply. - С нетерпением ждем Вашего ответа.

Ø Your prompt answer will be (would be) appreciated. - Будем признательны за быстрый ответ.

Образец письма-запроса

(Sample of Inquiry)


Pet Products Ltd. 180 London Road Exeter EX4 4JY England 25th February, 1998   Dear Sirs, We read your advertisement in the “Pharmacy today” as for 25th December. We are interested in buying your equipment for drugs production. Would you kindly send us extra information about this equipment and give in detail: - price - dates of delivery - terms of payment - guarantees - if the price includes the cost of equipment installation and our staff training. Our company specializes in distributing medicinal products in Africa. We have more than 50 dealers and representatives in different regions and would like to start producing drug in Africa. If your equipment meets our requirements and we receive a favorable offer we will be able to place a large order for your equipment. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, V. Smurov   V. Smurov, Export-Import Manager




Exercise 16:Before translation make a back-ground analysis: Generic medicines, brand-name medicines


Exercise 17:

Фирменные названия (brandnames / trademarks)

При переводе фирменных названий и сходных с ними имен собственных решающими являются два обстоятельства: первое – насколько важным для содержания является сохранение в тексте этого фирменного название, и второе – известно оно или нет носителям ПЯ (переводящего языка, языка перевода).

Фирменные названия приборов, машин, изделий и материалов следует транслитерировать и заключать в кавычки, причем первое слово названия следует писать с прописной буквы.

Наименования иностранных учреждений обычно переводятся на русский язык с использованием эквивалентных наименований на русском языке. Первое слово и имена собственные пишутся с прописной буквы. В наименованиях важнейших международных организаций все слова пишутся с прописной буквы.

Названия торговых марок при переводе с английского на русский язык, в основном, не переводятся, а транслитерируются.

ТРАНСЛИТЕРАЦИЯ – формальное побуквенное воссоздание исходной лексической единицы с помощью алфавита переводящего языка. Например, Shakespeare – Шекспир: русская форма имени следует частично правилам чтения английского написания звуков, а частично трансформирует их в приблизительно похожие – в тех случаях, когда в русском языке нет фонетических аналогов (английские дифтонги превращаются в монофтонги э, и – по начальному элементу дифтонга).

Exercise 18:Translate the text: