Problem-Cause-Solution Order
For a variation on problem-solution order, you might arrange your speech in problem-cause-solution order. This produces a speech with three main points – the first indentifying a problem, the second analyzing the causes of the problem, and the third presenting the solution to the problem.
Specific Purpose: to persuade my audience that the age for full motor-vehicle driving privileges should be raised to 18.
Central Idea/Thesis statement: The number of accidents and deaths involving teenage drivers is a serious problem that can be controlled by raising the age for full driving privileges to 18.
Main Points:
I. The number of accidents and deaths involving teenage drivers is a serious national problem.
A. Each year more than 8,000 people are killed in accidents involving teenage drivers.
B. The risks of being involved in a fatal accident are highest for 16- and 17-year-old drivers.
II. There are four main causes of the problem.
A. Younger drivers haven’t had enough experience to develop their driving skills.
B. Younger drivers are more prone to risk-taking and dangerous driving behaviors.
C. Younger drivers are more likely to have accidents when driving after dark.
D. Younger drivers are easily distracted by presence of other teenagers in the car.
III. We can help solve these problems by raising the age for full driving privileges.
A. Although 16- and 17-year-old drivers should have limited driving privileges, they should not receive an unrestricted license until the age of 18.
B. This will allow younger drivers time to gain maturity and experience before receiving unlimited driving privileges.
Sample Problem-Solution Pattern
Take Heart
General purpose: To persuade
Specific purpose: To persuade the audience to take care of their hearts.
Central Idea/Thesis statement: You will live a long and healthy life if you take care of your heart.
Attention material: Describe a person having a heart attack. It happens 2,300 times a day in the U.S. only.
Relevancy material: Heart disease is a major cause of death. One in four members of this audience is in some stage of heart disease.
Orientation material: The heart is a continuously pumping muscle. Heart disease restricts of blocks flow of blood to the heart (Transition)
Preview: I. Problem: Heart disease is the most serious illness worldwide.
II. Solution: Take care of your heart. (Transition)
I. Heart disease is America’s most serious illness.
A. Heart attacks are most fatal illness.
1. Heart attacks kill 1 million people per year.
2. 46 % of all deaths nationwide from heart attacks.
3. 50 % of all heart attacks fatal.
B. Many people have heart disease.
1. One in three men has a heart attack before 60.
2. One in ten women has a heart attack before 60.
3. Children as young as twelve have heart attacks.
C. Many heart attacks victims become disabled.
1. 33 % of victims become functionally disabled.
2. 19% of victims suffer permanent disability.
D. Heart disease costs are staggering.
1. 36 % of all health care costs.
2. Causing skyrocketing insurance costs.
E. Heart disease caused by a variety of factors.
1. High-cholesterol diet creates fatty deposits.
2. Smokers have 74 % chance of heart attack.
3. Heart drinkers have 50 % chance of heart attack.
4. Drug abuse greatly increases risk.
II. Take care of your heart.
A. Change your lifestyle.
1. Limit intake of high-cholesterol food.
2. Stop smoking/don’t start.
3. Say no to drugs.
4. Reduce intake of alcohol.
B. Action plan to follow.
1. Eat a well-balanced diet.
2. Keep your cholesterol below 250.
3. Have annual physical checkup.
4. Exercise on a regular basis.
A. Summary:
1. Junk food, alcohol, and drugs increase your chances of getting heart disease.
2. If you follow my plan, you will live longer, feel better, and have a more energetic life.
B. Handout: “How to Make Your Heart Last a Lifetime.”
One more variation on problem-solution order is the five-part pattern, the sample of which you can study below.
A Helping Hand
I. Attention
A. We, Europeans, enjoy our way of life.
1. Our supermarkets are laden.
2. Our homes are quite comfortable. (Example)
3. Our schools are available to everyone.
B. Some people in other countries, especially children, have never known how it feels to have their stomachs filled or their minds properly trained.
II. Problem
A. Many are homeless.
1. There are thousands of homeless orphans in Korea. (Example)
2. India has a similar problem. (Example)
B. Many are hungry.
1. Natural disasters frequently cut off the food supply in the Orient. (Example)
2. Poor farming methods impede agriculture output.
3. There are merely very many mouths to feed in some countries. (Examples)
C. Many are uneducated.
1. There is too little money for schools. (Statistics)
2. Pagan beliefs hold back educational progress in parts of Africa. (Examples)
3. Many youths, such as Francisco Santillan of the Philippines, must forego school in order to earn a living. (Example)
III. Possible Solutions
A. We could relax our immigration restrictions.
B. We could send more experts abroad to offer assistance.
C. We could make personal contributions.