Assignments. I. Answer the questions

I. Answer the questions.

1. What is communication?

2. What are the main categories of communication activities in business?

3. What forms does internal-operational communication take?

4. What does external-operational communication include?

5. How can personal communication affect business?

6. What does a business do to improve its public relations?

II. Translate into Ukrainian:

behavioral factors, mental characteristics of individuals, medium used to communicate, memorandums and reports, work-related communicating, point-of-purchase display material, to require supporting comment, to be vital to business success.

III. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Дослідження чітко показують, що комунікація – це одне з найважливіших вмінь необхідних менеджерам.

2. Всі контакти, які мають місце в рамках бізнесу, відносяться до категорії внутрішньої виробничої комунікації.

3. Говорячи про комунікацію, ми маємо на увазі совокупність дій людей, пов’язаних з передачею інформації та її обробкою за допомогою різноманітних засобів та інструментів.

4. Процес комунікації обов’язково включає наступні компоненти: відправника, тобто особу, яка відбирає інформацію і відправляє її, та одержувача – того, кому адресовано повідомлення.

5. Неформальні контакти в цілому не пов’язані з ієрархією організації; для них характерним є більш швидке розповсюдження інформації, проте така інформація може бути недостовірною, суб’єктивною та неповною.

IV. Find proper definitions to the terms.

Terms Definitions
1. communication process 2. service salesperson 3. callback 4. POP advertising   a) promotional material placed at the point of purchase, such as interior displays, printed material at store counters, or window displays; b) the technique used by a sales representative on a second or subsequent effort to induce a potential customer to buy; c) a person who sells intangibles, such as insurance and advertising; d) the steps between a source and a receiver that results in the transference and understanding of meaning.

V. Discuss what culture is associated with each type of communication, and how they can be integrated to form maximum communication both within and outside the company.

VI. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. In other words, unless a common understanding results from the transmission of verbal or nonverbal symbols, there is no communication.

2. Radio and television messages, newspaper and magazine advertising, and point-of-purchase display material obviously play a role in a business plan to achieve its work objective.

3. This communication network is far more effective than a first impression might indicate. Certainly, it carries much gossip and rumour, for this is the nature of human conversation.

4. Written communication is more likely to involve creative effort.

5. Because of these differences in minds, errors in communication are bound to occur.

6. Some find it very difficult to select symbols that express their simplest thoughts.

VII. Read and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Managing people effectively requires an understanding of several behavioral factors. Communication is surely one of them.

2. The importance of communication in business doesn’t become apparent when we consider the communication activities of an organization from an overall point of view.

3. The work-related communicating that a business does with people and groups outside the business is external-operational communication. This is the business’s communication with its public-suppliers, service companies, customers, and general public.

4. Personal communication is the exchange of information and feeling in which human beings engage whenever they come together.

VIII. Here are ten communication tips for writing e-mails, writing letters, and using telephone. The tips are all mixed up. Work out which tip refers to which form of communication? Some tips may apply to more than one form of communication.


Rules of the office 1 Always decide beforehand exactly what you want to say. 2 Always use the spelling tool. 3 At the end, summarize the points made. 4 Be concise. 5 Don’t be too spontaneous. Allow yourself a few minutes’ reflection before sending it. 6 Don’t type in all lower case or all upper case. 7 Limit social chat and get straight to the point. 8 Restate the other person’s concerns using the same key words and phrases. 9 Tailor your style to their style. 10 Use a clear simple layout and clear simple sentences.



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