Assignments. I. Answer the questions

I. Answer the questions.

1. What may cause a conflict in an organization?

2. What are the main drawbacks of conflicts?

3. What five examples of organizational stress and inefficiency are mentioned in the text?

4. Do conflicts have benefits? What are they, if any?

II. Translate into Ukrainian:

drawbacks of conflict, aggressive impulse, innate drive, clash of values, allegiances to political parties, to assert position and status in the organization, to bring a conflict into the open, the procedure for dismissal, combatants, to become destructive, to become obsessed with the conflict, if a conflict bubbles to the surface, a recipe for, to become entrenched in something.


III. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Всі ми маємо в собі агресивний імпульс – щось на зразок природньої енергії.

2. Причиною конфлікту є розбіжність інтересів тих, хто належить до класу керівників, і тих, хто не є управлінцями.

3. Виносячи конфлікт на поверхню, сторони можуть почати обговорювати розбіжності та шукати рішення.

4. Якщо конфлікт призводить до позитивної зміни, він може розглядатися як творчий процес, що веде до запровадження нових правил.

5. Під час конфліктів якість та кількість комунікації послаблюється, так як сторони все більше укріплюються у своїх позиціях.

IV. Match the terms and definitions.


Terms Definitions
1) evaluate   a) energy; motivation;    
2) entitlement b) payment that is made in goods or services and not in cash;
3) payment in kind c) calculate the value of something;
4) drive   d) a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something that the first party cares about;  
5) conflict e) a person's right.


V. Group the following list of fifteen words into five categories, with three words with associated meanings in each:

problem conflict govern drive status

drawback urge rule aggression position

procedure impulse disadvantage clash level


VI. Recommend actions in these situations. Begin your sentences with:

I think we should…or I don’t think we should…

1 You have a machine that is old and often breaks down.

2 Your market share is falling.

3 One of your suppliers often sends you invoices with several mistakes on them.

4 The company’s main warehouse is too small.

5 Your main competitors are cutting their prices by 20%.

6 An employee is often absent from work. He says he is ill but you don’t believe him.

VII. You are the employee relations manager. One of your junior managers is bad at handling the industrial side of his activities. Each time there is the slightest disagreement or conflict he comes and asks you to sort it out. Write a memo to him explaining the role of conflict and assuring him of its positive sides.



Text 7