Assignments. I. Answer the questions

I. Answer the questions.

1. What are four characteristics that successful managers tend to have?

2. What tasks should effective managers excel at?

3. What is the most under-used management tool?

4. What is the difference between MBWA and MBWAWP?

5. What is fatal to the smooth running of any team?

6. Why do great managers make things happen?

7. How does a good manager feel about other people’s weakness?

II. Translate into Ukrainian:

to be exploited rather than remedied, to acquire useful information from the outside world, to have no truck with something, on the look-out for higher-level activities.

III. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Коли успішні менеджери переходять на іншу роботу, вони лишають ситуацію кращою, ніж вона була, коли вони прийшли.

2. Хороші менеджери завжди намагаються не упустити момент, коли їх працівники добре виконують роботу, щоб привітати їх з цим.

3.Гарні менеджери передбачають можливу невдоволеність людей.

4. Успішні керівники використовують силу, а не слабкість, в собі та в інших людях.

5. Великі менеджери впевнені, що їх робітники зроблять все можливе, аби створити середовище, в якому люди могли б вільно проявляти себе.

6. Гарні менеджери постійно набувають нових умінь та освоюють корисну інформацію із навколишнього світу.

IV. Choose proper definitions to the following terms.


Terms Definitions
1. manager 2. setback 3. merit rating 4. favouritism   a) a superior’s attitude and behavior toward a particular worker, group, or ideas, based on considerations other than objectivity, professional judgement, impartiality, fairness, or equity, when making a decision among alternatives in employee relations; b) an individual responsible for the control or direction of people, a department, or an organization; c) periodic evaluation of workers’ efficiency as a basis for pay increases and/or promotion; d) a reversal or partial loss in an activity.

V. Finish the list of adverbs. Then, using each adverb once only, complete the sentences that follow.


adjective adverb
basic basically
common ……….
constant ……….
full ……….
true ……….
virtual ……….

1. There are … no women in top positions at our company.

2. …, a good manager is someone who knows how to handle staff well.

3. It is ... believed that leaders are born not made.

4. In business, you need to be … aware of what your competitors are doing.

5. We have quite a reputation for our innovative approach to product design – we are … on the look-out for new ideas.

6. I am … delighted to hear of your promotion – it is well deserved.

VI. The following pairs of words are frequently confused. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. Then write sentences of your own to illustrate the meaning of the other five words.

ensure; assure dissatisfied; unsatisfied effective; efficient morale; moral criticism; critic


1. A good manager will ... that his staff have an opportunity to express their opinions.

2. In my opinion, the demand for this product is still largely ...

3. The new machine is very … – it is quick, clean and very economical to run.

4. The ... of the story is that you must dismiss someone, you had better do it quickly.

5. Our new advertisements have come in for a lot of … – many people consider they are in poor taste.