Choose the word from the text to complete the gap

Look through the sentences and decide which of them are True(T), False (F).

a) China`s economic growth doesn`t threaten the environment.

b) The China`s situation is unique.

c) The economy of modern China is very similar to those of Japan and South Korea, but it faces far more complicated problems.

d) A sharp worsening of air and water pollution happens because of the contribution of heavy industries into the country`s economic growth.

e) In 2007, China caught up with the United States as the world’s biggest producer of emissions of greenhouse gases.

f) The challenges are also strikingly dofferent from those that Japan’s economyexperienced as it entered the 1970s.

g) Environmental problems in Japan caused domestic conflicts.

h) It used to be difficult to see the blue sky in industrial cities of Japan, and almost nothing changed.

i) Chinese leaders see two biggest obstacles the economy must now overcome: inflation and the environment.

j) Chinese public finances can`t support the economy during its environmental cleanup.


Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

a) The worldwide focus on the country during the recent _______gave greater prominence than ever to the environmental issues.

1. Olympic Games

2. SCO Summit in Beijing

b) Japan and _______scenarios of environmental problems are very alike with the Chinese one.

1. South Korea

2. Western countries

c) A country that provides an excellent example of how it can come to grips with its environmental problems is _______.

1. Taiwan

2. Japan

d) China moved from _______caused not only by prices foroil and food but also increasing wages in the past two years.

1. from decrease in the level of prices to quite rapid increase

2. from increase of the level of prices to quite rapid dcrease

e) Up to 2007 China’s energy intensity (energy used per unit of GDP) had been ________ for two decades.

1. rising

2. declining

f) In 1970 under the Bretton Woods system, Japan`s yen enjoyed a _______ rate against the dollar.

1. steady

2. floating

g) Most of the pollution in Japan in 1970s was in _____________.

1. water and air

2. the streets and shores.

h) Nowadays in Japan people wear face masks only when they _________.

1. can`t breathe

2. are ill

i) The Japanese government’s strong ________ position enabled it to run growth-supporting deficits for much of the next decade.

1. social

2. financial

j) Without great support from the government over local officials, ______________will not have any effect in China.

1. environmental regulations

2. macroeconomic laws


Find the words from the text according to their definitions.

a) relating to one's own family, jurisdiction, or country;

b) a subject or problem which people are thinking and talking about;

c) a systematic examination and evaluation of data or information, by breaking it into its component parts to uncover their interrelationships;

d) a particular way in which something is done, organized or happens;

e) the set of basic principles and associated guidelines, formulated and enforced by the governing body of an organization;

f) a sum of money which is borrowed;

g) someone in a high position, especially in business, who makes decisions and puts them into action;

h) something needing great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and which therefore tests a person's ability;

i) damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste;

j) pollution (including noise, heat, and radiation) discharged into the atmosphere by residential, commercial, and industrial facilities.


Choose the word from the text to complete the gap.

a) The wide usage of different _______ causes water, air and soil pollution.

1. emissions

2. chemicals

3. gases

b) Some scientists say the environmental situation on the planet is pretty sad, and some think even more, that it is _______.

1. daunting

2. striking

3. unprecedented

c) China`s _______ industries most of all contributed into the present environmental situation.

1. chemical

2. steel

3. heavy

d) Economy of any country strives for being a(n) _______ one.

1. international

2. competitive

3. industrial

e) The social instability is caused by the _______ in the Parliament.

1. frictions

2. obstacles

3. implications

f) The higher rates of the local _______ the more flourishing the state is.

1. investments

2. currency

3. competition

g) To invest into Russian projects seems _______ for most of the foreign businessmen.

1. hopeless

2. difficult

3. hazardous

h) When the country`s economy is at its peak, the goods are getting cheaper it is called _______.

1. inflation

2. deflation

3. competition

i) If the local _______ help to build the school by giving money from the budget, this will be considered a great contribution.

1. people

2. investors

3. authorities

j) No _______ property is allowed to have in the countries under a socialistic regime.

1. local

2. private

3. governmental