Complete each sentence with the most suitable word
To totter; spare; to reverse (2); apology; confidence; ignorance;
Incapacity; to label; to resolve
1. I must make an ___________to her.
2. You have won my ___________, I know I can trust you .
3. His __________for kindness makes everybody dislike him.
4. Please, _____________me your opinions: just tell me the facts.
5. ___________ of the law is no excuse.
6. Police ________ the boy a thief.
7. Have you __________ where to go next?
8. He __________ the judgment and set the prisoner free after all.
9. The pile of books __________ then fell.
10. Shall we ___________the order and put Z at the beginning of this dictionary?
10. Study the meanings of the verbs ‘to extend’ and ‘to expect’
‘to expand’ and ‘to expend’.
to extend : 1/ ( space, land or time ) to reach, stretch or continue;
2/ to make longer or greater, esp. so as to reach a desired point;
3/ to stretch out (a part of one’s body) to the limit;
4/to give or offer something to someone;
5/ to cause to use all possible power.
to ‘expect’ : 1/ to think that something will happen;
2/ to consider that sth is likely to come or happen;
3/ to believe, hope and think that someone will do sth
4/ to suppose.
to expand : 1/ to grow larger;
2/ to become more friendly and willing to talk.
to expend : 1/ to spend or use up
Fill in the blanks with the proper verb form. Analyze the use of the verbs
to extend , to expect,to expand, to expend . Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. The hot weather _________ into October.
2. Iron ________ when it is heated.
3. He refused to take the hand I ________in friendship.
4. I’m _________a letter.
5. They _________ all their strength on trying to climb out.
6. The government decided to __________ the railway to the border of the state.
7. He breathed deeply and _________ his chest.
8. He _________ to fail the examination.
9. Who broke that lamp? I _________ it was a cat.
10. The horse won the race easily without being fully extended.
11. This quiet young man _________ only when he is among friends
12. The officer _________ his solders to do their duty in the coming battle.
13. The bank will _____ you credit.
Complete this table to make word families.
Noun | Verb | Adjective | Person |
extend | |||
persistent | |||
support | |||
suppressor | |||
expect | |||
ignorance | |||
expand | |||
confidant | |||
expend | |||
appreciation | |||
pretender |
Translate into Ukrainian.
1. I do not blame other Americans for dabbling in French, since I myself am the worst of dabblers. 2. But I see no reason why any of us should pretend that it is anything more than dabbling. 3. The usual way of reading French does not lead even to an acquaintance with French literature. 4. Everybody knows that words in a living language in order to be understood have to be lived with. 5. They are not felt as a part of living literature when you see them pressed out and labeled in a glossary, but only when you hear them fly about. 6. A word is not a definite thing susceptible of dictionary explanation. 7. It is a cluster of associations, reminiscent of the sort of men that used it, suggestive of social class, occupation, mood, dignity or the lack of it, primness, violence, pedantries, or platitudes. 8. It hardly seems necessary to say that words in a living literature ought to ring in the ear with the sounds that really belong to them, or that poetry without an echo cannot be felt. 9. It may be that there is no way out of it. 10. Perhaps it is inevitable that the colleges which had so long taught the dead languages as if they were buried should now teach the living ones as if they were dead. 11. But there is no need of pretending that this formal acquaintance with books results in an appreciation of literature. 12. No sense of the intimate quality of a writer can be founded on a verbal vacuum.
13. Translate into English using the following phrases:
a/ to come to know (feel, etc.);
b/ to tax one’s power (patience, etc.);
c/ I will say this for …
A. 1. Він почав розуміти, що для спілкування його знання мови недостатнє.
2. Під час війни йому стало ясно, що швидко заповнити цей пробіл не вдасться. 3.Він нарешті відчув, що знання в нього всього лише поверхневі. 4. Автор став відмінно розуміти ту мову, на якій його вчителька розповідала йому про свої сімейні справи. 5. Поступово вона почала усвідомлювати, що вона їм у тягар. 6. Він багато читав і потроху став розуміти англійський гумор.
Б. 1. Опис подій вимагав від мене значної напруги пам'яті.
2. Я не міг зважитися сказати їй, що вона випробовує моє терпіння.
3. З величезною напругою своєї дійсно рідкої спостережливості йому вдалося відновити всі події цього дня. 4. Як я не напружував пам'ять, я не міг згадати його ім'я.
В. 1.Треба їй віддати належне, вона була надзвичайно працьовита. 2. Треба йому віддати належне, він зробив усе, щоб опанувати іспанською мовою.
3. Треба їй віддати належне, вона дуже цікавиться благополуччям своїх рідних. 4. Треба йому віддати належне, він з будь-яким європейцем може говорити на його рідній мові.
1. What made the author wish he could speak to a Frenchman in his own language?
2. What attempts did he make to learn conversational French?
3. What do you learn about Mme. Carnet's method of teaching the language?
4. Why did he decide against taking French lessons?
5. What does he mean by "a career of hypocritical benevolence"?
6. Why did he take daily walks in Central Park with Mr. Bernou?
7. What makes him compare Central Park with the Garden of Eden?
8. Who did he fasten upon after Mr. Bernou and why did the man feel disinclined to talk in French?
9. How did the Frenchmen in New York respond to the author's attempts to speak French?
10. What trick did he resort to in order to make the Frenchmen speak French to him? Who did it work well with?
11. How did the tobacconist treat him?
12. What did a long year of persistent attempts to learn the language end in?
a) Did his French improve?
b) What did he come to think of all the Americans in New York who claim to know French culture?
13. What does the author find wrong in the way languages are taught?
Quote the text to prove that:
a) the author spared no effort to learn spoken French,
b) the usual methods of teaching a foreign language proved inadequate,
c) Mme. Carnet had no idea how to teach French,
d) the author discovered that people who claimed to know French culture, literature, etc. were mere dabblers.
Retell the text according to the outline below using the suggested words and phrase.:
1. The author realizes he doesn't know French well enough:
down to; outbreak; no more desire; in his own language; well enough; off and on; width of the chasm; to cut one off; to bridge; either ... or; phonograph; bouts with; to acquire; sermon; quinsy; sore throat
2. The author takes conversation lessons:
well on in years; to keep on diligently; to inquire faultlessly; to take care of; to say this for; personal (family) affairs; no human being; to confide in; abundantly; to repress; relentless; unbridled; soliloquy
3.The author resolves to take no more lessons:
to hunt down; hypocritical; benevolence; immensely interested; to fall in with; to be so much alike; to interchange; to meet daily; must have run like this; to come to feel; exactly; to divest the mind; acquisitions; to slip away; to tax one's powers of description
4. The author makes more attempts to get in touch with French people:
to take to the streets; a dry season; a clannish folk; to take pains; to spare the trouble; to dive; to pull out; humane
5. The author is able to report definite results:
sense of ignorance; vast; profound distrust; to profess; to dabble (in); a living language; a cluster of associations; suggestive of; to ring in the ear; no way out; inevitable; dead languages; no need; appreciation (of); to found; verbal vacuum; to convey
1. Act out the talk between the author of the story and M. Bernou.
Give your analysis of the mistakes they made. Give the correct version of their talk.
2. Imagine that the author of the story asks you to give him recommendation concerning foreign language mastering. What will you recommend to him?
3. Make up dialogues based on the following suggestions:
a/ An American lady talks to a friend. She has been taking conversation lessons from a Spaniard for almost a year, yet the progress leaves much to desire. She has been planning a trip to Latin America and is eager to speak the language, but so far she hasn't achieved much. Her friend asks a number of questions about the teacher, his method, the records and textbooks she has been using, etc. After the questions are answered the friend tries to give advice. The lady is terribly disappointed.
b/ Mr. Brown talks to his son and daughter. He tries his best to make them understand how important to learn foreign languages while people are young. His son doesn't want to waste time on learning languages, because it takes a lot of time. He is keen on natural history. His daughter believes that it is very easy to learn a foreign language, every fool can do it. Mr. Brown says it is not so very easy, unless one does it at the proper time. Express your point of view acting as Mr. Brown.