Exercise 7. Find in the text where the Participle I, II (the Infinitive) is used. Define functions
IV. Language
Exercise 8. Find in the text and put down English equivalents to the following word combinations:
Вмілий майстер, об’єднати уяву із знанням, розвивати новий зміст, заохочувати ремісників, підтримувати контакт, підтримка уряду, практичні досягнення, ставати класикою, головні новатори, функціональні форми, перша поява, столовий посуд, врятувати мистецтво від ізоляції.
Exercise 9. Make up the possible word combinations out of the following and translate them:
1. to achieve 2. to make 3. knowledge (of) 4. stacking 5. to elevate 6. to gain 7. to take for 8. lighting 9. to appeal to 10.weaving | a. familiar b. the status c. independence d. granted e. tastes f. integration g. workshop h. fixtures i. chairs j. craftsmanship |
Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given below:
1.Bauhaus designs have passed so completely into the … of the twentieth century.2. The school had three aims at its … that stayed basically the same throughout the life of the Bauhaus. 3. Students at Bauhaus were trained by both an artist and a … .4. The German term Bauhaus, literally "house of construction" … "School of Building".5. In ceramic and … , a new vocabulary of … was established.6. A designer Marcel Breuer created many … at the Bauhaus that have become classics.
inception ; furniture designs; stood for; functional shapes; master craftsman; metal design; visual language |
V. Comprehension
Exercise 11. Find in the text and translate a passage describing:
a). history of Bauhaus;
b). innovations and achievements of "School of Building";
c). ideologies of Bauhaus;
Exercise 12. Agree or disagree with the statements. Correct the false statements.
Use the expressions for:
Agreement: I agree with you; You are right; Certainly; Exactly so ; I fully support you
Disagreement: I can’t agree with you; I am afraid you are mistaken; Not quite so; This is not true; I disagree with the statement that…
1. Certain designs of Bauhaus so appealed to popular tastes that they are still manufactured today.2. Bauhaus was a school for experiments and education of German architecture.
3. The school existed under three different architect-directors.
4. Walter Gropius wanted to make modern artists familiar with science and economics.
5. Marcel Breuer was famous for his first tubular-steel chair.
6. Walter Gropius came from the Werkbund movement.
Exercise 13. Answer the questions:
1. What is Bauhaus?
2. What cities did Bauhaus exist?
3. What was the concept of the Werkbund movement?
4. How was the Bauhaus founded?
5. What was the main desire of Gropius at school?
6. What aims had the school?
7. What areas were the greatest practical achievements at the Bauhaus?
VI Oral Practice
Exercise 14.Speak about Bauhaus using the chart:
V Reading and Comprehension