Exercise 11. Agree or disagree with the statements. Correct the false statements
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I. Vocabulary
Exercise 1. Read and memorize the following words and word- combinations.
1. surface | поверхня |
2. to share | розподіляти |
3.to capture | полонити |
4. shape syn. form | форма |
5. space | місце |
6. texture | текстура |
7. primary | основний колір |
8.tan | рудувато-коричневий |
9. means syn. medium (pl.media), technique | засіб, спосіб, середовище |
10. drawing | рисунок, малюнок |
11. edge | край |
12. mass syn.weight | маса |
13. flat | горизонтальний, рівний |
14. solid | цілісний |
15. stroke | мазок |
16. fabric | тканина |
17. binder | зв’язувальна речовина |
18. easel | мольберт |
19. transparent ant. opaque | прозорий |
20. plaster | штукатурка |
21. encaustic painting syn.hot wax painting | малювання восковими фарбами |
22. resin | камедь |
| широка численність |
Exercise 2. Find the odd one in each group:
- means,flat,media, technique
- shape, form, tan, figure
- weight, bulk, mass, surface
Exercise 3. Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right:
1. texture | a). single movement of a brush |
2. fabric | b).a material used to bind separate particles together |
3. easel | c).a picture or plan made by means of lines on a surface |
4. shape | d).the outward form of an object defined by outline |
5. drawing | e).a frame used for displaying an artist's canvas |
6. stroke | f).any cloth made from yarn or fibers |
7. binder | g).the surface of a material |
Exercise 4. Find in the text derivatives containing suffixes 1. -tion; -ment; -ist; -ance; -ing 2. -ous, -ent, al; of the following words, say to what part of speech they belong to and translate them:
- to paint, to feel, to draw, to direct, to enjoy, to add, to appear, art.
- religion, emotion, to differ
Exercise 5. Give the Ukrainian/Russian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations without using a dictionary:
Prehistoric, religious, nature, history, mythology, element, theme, line, figure, object, material,
pigments, substance, fresco painting, pastel, tempera, acrylic, vinyl, technique, tone, mixture.
II Reading
Exercise 6. Read and translate the text A:
Text A Painting
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Painting is one of the oldest and most important arts. Since prehistoric times, artists have arranged paint on surfaces in ways that express their ideas about people and the world. The paintings that artists create have great value for humanity. They provide people with both enjoyment and information.
All great paintings share a common feature. They express the painter’s special view about a subject. People have always been a favourite subject of painters, who have shown them in many different ways. Religious subjects dominated painting in some parts of the world for hundreds of years. A large part of all the painting ever done in Asia is religious. Medieval Europeans painted almost nothing but religious subjects. Painters of the European Renaissance, which followed the Middle Ages, painted more religious pictures than any other kind. Many artists turn to nature for their subject matter. They paint scenes called landscapes and seascapes that try to capture the many moods of nature. Still lifes are pictures of objects. Still-life painters are interested in the objects themselves – their colour, shape, surface, and the space within or around them. History, mythology, and social expression are another subject matter, which artists often find in the past.
Paintings consist of manyartistic elements. The most important elements include (1) colour, (2) line, (3) mass, (4) space, (5) texture. By stressing certain elements, a painter can make a picture easier to understand or bring out some particular mood or theme. For example, an artist can combine certain colours and lines in a picture to produce an intensely emotional feeling.
Colour can help an artist to tell a story, express an emotion, or create a composition. Sometimes an artist does not colour all the forms as they would appear in real life. Instead, he would use strong primary colours – such as blue, red, and yellow – in the parts of the painting he would like to emphasize. He would balance his colours with delicate black, brown, gray, tan, and white colors.
Line is the chief means by which most artists build up the forms in their pictures. By combining lines of different lengths and different directions, an artist makes a drawing. The addition of paint makes the drawing a painting. Artists use lines to show the edges of the figures and objects. Some lines are thick and some are thin.
Mass allows an artist to express the feeling of weight in a painting. Sometimes a painter can create a picture largely in terms of mass, when an artist makes his objects look as if they are made of stone or some other heavy material.
Space can be created by arranging lines, colours, and light and dark areas in certain ways – even though he really paints on a small flat surface. An artist can make an object look flat or solid, and either close or far away.
Texture refers to the appearance of the painting’s surface. The paint of a picture may be thick and rough or thin and smooth. A rough texture is created by using thick strokes of paint and it would add to a definite emotional feeling of the painting.
Painting materials are many. An artist makes a picture by spreading paint on a surface, such as a wall or a piece of fabric, paper, or wood. The appearance of the picture is affected by the surface on which it is painted, the kind of paint that is used, and the liquid that is used to thin the paint. Paints are made by mixing dry powdered colours called pigments with sticky substances called binders. As the binder dries or hardens, it holds the pigment to the picture surface. Artists use paint thinners (also called painting mediums) along with pigments and binders. Artists use brushes and painting knives to put paint on the picture surface. Brushes come in many lengths and shapes, allowing artists to produce various kinds of strokes. A piece of fabric on which a picture is made is called a canvas, which sits on an easel.
III. Language
Exercise 7. Find in the text and put down English equivalents to the following word combinations:
Доісторичні часи, мати цінність для людства, спільна властивість, релігійні теми, Європейський Ренесанс, Середні Віки, полонити природу, художні елементи, створити композицію, міцні (нерозведені) основні кольори, робити малюнок, відносно маси, невелика плоска поверхня, груба текстура, клейкі речовини.
Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
- All great paintings express the painter’s special view about a….
(subject, object, drawing)
2. … allows an artist to express the feeling of weight in a painting.
(space, color, mass)
- By combining lines of different lengths and different directions, an artist makes a … .
(painting, drawing, picture )
- Brushes come in many lengths and ….
(shapes, shadow, stroke)
5. An artist makes a picture by spreading paint on a … .
(surface, fabric, share )
Exercise 9. Make up the possible word combinations out of the following and translate them:
1. to express 2. to share 3. to turn 4.to combine 5. to build up 6. to spread 7. to hold 8. to produce | a. a feature b. colors and lines c. strokes d. the pigment e. ideas f. forms g. paint h.to nature |
Exercise 10. Match the definitions to the terms in the left column:
1. Landscapes and seascapes 2. Still lifes 3. Colour 4. Line 5. Mass 6.Space 7.Texture 8. Pigments 9. Binders 10. Paint thinners 11. A canvas 12. An easel | a) are pictures of objects. b) helps an artist to tell a story, express an emotion, or create a composition. c) allows an artist to express the feeling of weight in a painting. d) refers to the appearance of the painting’s surface. e).are calledpainting mediums. f). is the chief means by which most artists build up the forms in their pictures. g).are mixing dry powdered colours. h).is used forsupporting an artist’s canvas. i).aresticky substances. j). are scenes that try to capture the many moods of nature. k).is a piece of fabric on which a picture is made. l). can be created by arranging lines, colours, and light and dark areas in certain ways |
IV. Text understanding
Exercise 11. Agree or disagree with the statements. Correct the false statements.
Agreement: I agree with you; You are right; Certainly; Exactly so ; I fully support you
Disagreement: I can’t agree with you; I am afraid you are mistaken; Not quite so; This is not true; I disagree with the statement that…
1. The most important elements include colour, line, mass, and space.
2. Religious subjects dominated painting in some parts of the world for hundreds of years.
3. Texture can help an artist to tell a story, express an emotion, or create a composition.
4. Space can be created by arranging lines, colours, and light and dark areas in certain ways.
5. Artists don’t use paint thinners along with pigments and binders.
6. Still-life painters are interested in the objects themselves.
7. The paint of a picture mayn’t be thick and rough or thin and smooth.
8. All great paintings share a common feature.
Exercise 12. Answer the questions:
1. What is painting?
2. What do paintings provide people with?
3. What do great paintings express?
4. What subjects dominated painting in some parts of the world for hundreds of years?
5. What are main artistic elements?
6. What are painting materials?
7. How are paints made?
V. Oral practice.
Exercise 13. Be ready to speak on the topic “Painting”. Use the plan to be ready.
- The definition of painting.
- A subject matter of painting.
- The concept of artistic elements.
- Types of painting materials.
Exercise 14. Comment on the following: