Exercise 14. Read the text. Explain the essence of design process according to Dino Dini
What is your attitude to the theory "The management of constraints"?
Use phrases:in my opinion, to my mind, I`d rather say that, in fact, there`s no doubt that, furthermore, frankly speaking, according to.
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1.to underpin - підтримувати
2. constraint – примус, тиснення
3. negotiable – обіговий, договірний
Text B
According to video game developer Dino Dini in a talk given at the 2005 Game Design and Technology Workshop held by Liverpool JM University, design underpins every form of creation from objects such as chairs to the way we plan and execute our lives. For this reason it is useful to seek out some common structure that can be applied to any kind of design, whether this be for video games, consumer products or one's own personal life. For such an important concept, the question "What is Design?" appears to yield answers with limited usefulness.
Dino Dini states that the design process can be defined as "The management of constraints". He identifies two kinds of constraint, negotiable and non-negotiable. The first step in the design process is the identification, classification and selection of constraints. The process of design then proceeds from here by manipulating design variables so as to satisfy the nonnegotiable
constraints and optimizing those which are negotiable. It is possible for a set of non-negotiable constraints to be in conflict resulting in a design with no solution; in this case the non-negotiable constraints must be revised. For example, take the design of a chair. A chair must support a certain weight to be useful, and this is a non-negotiable constraint. The cost of producing the chair might be another. The choice of materials and the aesthetic qualities of the chair might be negotiable.
Dino Dini theorizes that poor designs occur as a result of mismanaged constraints, something he claims can be seen in the way the video game industry makes "Must be Fun" a negotiable constraint where he believes it should be non-negotiable.
VI Oral Practice
Exercise 15. Fill in the following table and be ready to speak about:

VII Reading and Comprehension
Exercise 16. Read the text for 8 minutes.
1. a built in obsolescence –заплановане старіння
2.page layout - розміщення нумерації сторінок
3. artistic merit –художність
4. fabric – тканина, матеріал
5. marketability – реалізованість
Text C Types of Designers
Fashion design
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Fashion design is the applied art dedicated to clothing and lifestyle accessories created within the cultural and social influences of a specific time. It differs from costume design which is considered to have a built in obsolescence usually of one to two seasons. A season is defined as either autumn/winter or spring/summer. Fashion designers can work in a number of ways. Fashion designers may work full-time for one fashion company, known as in-house designers, which owns the designs. They may work alone or as part of a team. Freelance designers work for themselves, and sell their designs to fashion houses, directly to shops, or to clothing manufacturers.
Graphic design
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The term graphic design can refer to a number of artistic and
professional disciplines which focus on visual communication
and presentation. Various methods are used to create and combine symbols, images and/or words to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. A graphic designer may use typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to produce the final result. Graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated. Common uses of graphic design include magazines, advertisements and product packaging.
Industrial design
Industrial design is an applied art whereby the aesthetics and usability of mass-produced products may be improved for marketability and production. The role of an Industrial Designer is
to create and execute design solutions towards problems of form, usability, use of ergonomics, engineering, marketing, brand development and sales.
Interior design
Interior design or Decor is a profession concerned with
anything that is found inside a space - walls, windows, doors,
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finishes, textures, light, furnishings and furniture. All of these elements are used by interior designers to develop a functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing space for a building's user. The work of an interior designer including environmental psychology, architecture, product design,
and traditional decoration (aesthetics and cosmetics).
They plan the spaces of almost every type of building including: hotels, corporate spaces, schools, hospitals, private residences, shopping malls, restaurants, theatres, and airport terminals.
Landscape design
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Landscape design is similar to landscape architecture. Landscape Design focuses more on the artistic merits of design, while Landscape Architecture encompasses the artistic design
as well as structural engineering. Landscape design and Landscape Architecture, both take into account soils, drainage, climate and other issues, because the survival of selected plants
depends on those. Landscape design is almost synonymous with garden design.
Textile design
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Textile design is the process of creating designs for knitted,
woven or printed fabrics. Successful textile designers have
a creative vision of what a finished
textile will look like with a deep understanding of the technical aspects of production and the properties of fibre, yarn, and dyes. Designs for both woven and printed textiles often begin with a drawing or watercolour sketch of the finished design. Today, most professional textile designers use some form of computer-aided design software created expressly for this purpose.
Exercise 17. Match the word combinations in column A with their equivalents in column B:
1. to focus on visual communication and presentation 2. brand development 3.dedicated to clothing and lifestyle accessories 4. usability of mass-produced products 5.to create designs for knitted, woven or printed fabrics 6.a deep understanding of the properties of yarn and dyes 7.landscape architecture 8.to take into account 9. to develop a space 10.to sell designs to fashion houses 11. watercolour sketch | a. практичність продуктів масового виробництва b. приймати до уваги c. створювати проекти для трикотажного, тканинного, вибивного матеріалу d. розроблювати простір e. розвиток товарного знаку f. продавати проекти будинкам(домам) моделей g. садово-паркова архітектура h. орієнтуватися на відеозвязку та презентації i. акварельний ескіз j. глибоке розуміння властивостей нитки та фарб k. призначений одягу та аксесуарам стилю життя |
Exercise 18. Match types of designs according to their meaning:
1. Fashion design 2. Costume design 3. Graphic design 4. Industrial design 5. Interior design 6. Landscape design 7. Textile design | a. focuses on visual communication and presentation b. is concerned with anything that is found inside a space c. focuses on the artistic merits of design. d. is the process of creating designs for knitted, woven or printed fabrics. e. is the applied art dedicated to clothing and lifestyle accessories created within the cultural and social influences of a specific time f.is an applied art whereby the aesthetics and usability of mass-produced products may be improved for marketability and production. g. has a built in obsolescence usually of one to two seasons. |
Exercise 19. Guess what kinds of designers are told:
1. have a creative vision of what a finished textile will look like with a deep understanding of the technical aspects of production and the properties of fibre, yarn, and dyes;
2. work for themselves, and sell their designs to fashion houses, directly to shops, or to clothing manufacturers;
3. focus on the artistic merits of design taking into account soils, drainage, climate and other issues;
4. develop a functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing space for a building's user, plan the spaces of almost every type of building;
5. may work full-time for one fashion company, they may work alone or as part of a team;
6. create and execute design solutions towards problems of form, usability, use of ergonomics, engineering, marketing, brand development and sales;
7. use typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to produce the final result;
VIII. Oral practice:
Exercise 20. Speak on the following statements:
1. Fields of design especially demanded nowadays.
2. Skills that vital for each type of designers.