Заняття 9. Орфоепія. Графіка. Орфографія

Орфоепія(від грецьк. orthos - прямий, правильний + epos - мова) - 1. Розділ мовознавства, який вивчає правила вимови звуків певної мови. 2. Сукупність правил, які відтворюють норми вимови на певному етапі розвитку мови. orthoepy
Графіка(від грецьк. graphō - пишу, креслю, малюю) - 1. Розділ мовознавства, який вивчає співвідношення між буквами (графемами) та фонемами. 2. Сукупність знаків письма певної мови. script
Алфавіт- сукупність букв, розташованих у певній послідовності. alphabet
Буква -графічний знак, який слугує для позначення звуків на письмі. Буква може позначати один звук (наприклад, буква а), два звуки (наприклад, буква я), м’якість приголосних (буква ь). letter
Графема- графічне зображення букви, яке може змінюватися в залежності від стилю письма, місця в слові тощо: К, к, к, к. grapheme
Орфографія, або правопис(від грецьк. orthos правильно, graphō - пишу, креслю, малюю) - система правил написання слів. spelling
Орфограма- написання букви в слові, яке регламентується правилом орфографії. spelling letter
Принципи орфографії - основні підходи до визначення правил написання. В українській мові діє три принципи орфографії - фонетичний, морфофонематичний та традиційний. spelling principles
Фонетичний принцип орфографії вимагає написання слів у відповідності до їхнього звучання. За цим принципом пишуться слова стіл, дивний та інші. phonetic principle of spelling


Морфофонематичний принцип орфографіївимагає того самого написання морфем незалежно від звучання та позиції фонем у слові. За цим принципом пишуться слова земля, легкий. morphophonemic principle of spelling
Традиційний (історичний) принцип орфографії вимагає написання слів у відповідності до традиції, яка склалася: дециметр, президент. traditional principle of spelling




Вправа 1. Перекладіть українською мовою. Поясніть вимову англійських звуків у 3-4 словах.

She was, I imagine, an old lady who took sudden and violent fancies to people. She took one to me on the strength of a perfectly simple action which anyone might have performed. On leaving, she took me warmly by the hand and asked me to come and see her. I replied, of course, that I should be very pleased to do so, and she then urged me to name the day. I did not want particularly to go, but it would have seemed churlish to refuse, so I fixed on the following Saturday. After she had gone, I learned something about her from my friends. That she was rich, eccentric, lived alone with one maid, and owed no less than eight cats." "I see," said Mr. Maherne. "The question of her being well off came up as early as that?"

"If you mean that I inquired..." began Leonard Vole hotly but Mr.Mayherne stilled him with gesture. "I have to look at the case as it will be presented by the other side. An ordinary observer would not have supposed Miss French to be a lady of means. She lived poorly. Unless you had been told the contrary, you would in all probability have considered her to be in poor circumstances - at any rate to begin with. Who was it exactly who told you that she was well off?"

"My friend, George Harvey, at whose house the party took place."

"Is he likely to remember it?"

"I really don't know. Of course it is some time ago now." "Quite so, Mr. Vole. You see, the first aim of prosecution will be to establish that you were in low water financially - that is true, is it not?" Leonard Vole flushed.

"Yes," he said in a low voice. "I had a run of bad luck just then."

(to be continued)


Вправа 2. Запишіть слова українською та англійською мовами. Поясніть написання.

Пр...ор...тет, барок...о, К...тай, Вав...лон, З...мбабве, поз...ц...я, мас...а, х...м...я, аж...отаж, тон...а, тра...ктор...я, ж...рі, к...пар...с, хр...ст...янство, про...кт, м...тропол...т, пр...амбула, пр...з...дент.




Завдання 1. Перекладіть текст українською мовою. Виконайте фонетичну транскрипцію одного англійського слова та одного українського.

Завдання 2. Оберіть два англійських слова і виконайте графіко-фонетичний аналіз.

Завдання 3. Схарактеризуйте фонетичні процеси.

Варіант 1

"Quite so," said Mr. Mayherne again. "That being, as I say, in low water financially, you met this rich old lady and cultivated her acquaintance assiduously. A great deal depends on the memory of Mr. Harvey. Is he likely to remember that conversation or is he not?" Leonard Vole reflected for some minutes. Then he said steadily enough, but with a rather pale face. "I do not think that that line would be successful, Mr. Mayherne. Several of those present heard his remark, and one or two of them chaffed me about my conquest of a rich old lady." The solicitor tried to hide his disappointment. "Unfortunate," he said. "But I congratulate you upon your plain speaking, Mr. Vole. You made the acquaintance of Miss French, you called upon her, the acquaintanceship progressed. We want a clear reason for all this. Why did you, a young man of thirty three, good-looking, fond of sport, popular with your friends, devote so much of your time to an elderly woman with whom you could hardly have anything in common?"

(to be continued)


Варіант 2

"I can't tell you — I really can't tell you. After the first visit, she pressed me to come again, spoke of being lonely and unhappy. She made it difficult for me to refuse. She showed so plainly her fondness and affection for me that I was placed in an awkward position. You see, Mr. Mayherne, I've got a weak nature, I'm one of those people who can't say no. And believe me or not, after the third or fourth visit I paid her I found I was getting fond of the old thing. My mother died when I was young, an aunt brought me up, and she, too, died before I was fifteen. If I told you that I enjoyed being mothered and pampered, you'd only laugh." Mr. Mayherne did not laugh. Instead he took off his pince-nez again and polished them.

(to be continued)

Варіант 3

"I accept your explanation, Mr. Vole," he said at last. "I believe it to be psychologically probable. Whether a jury would take that view of it is another matter. Please continue. When was it that Miss French first asked you to look into her business affairs?"

"After my third or fourth visit to her. She understood very little of money matters, and was worried about some investments."

Mr. Mayherne looked up sharply.

"Be careful, Mr. Vole. The maid, Janet Mackenzie, declares that her mistress was a good woman of business and transacted all her own affairs, and this is borne out by the testimony of her bankers."

"I can't help that," said Vole. "That's what she said to me."

(to be continued)


Варіант 4

Mr. Mayherne looked at him for a moment or two in silence. Though he had no intention of saying so, his belief in Leonard Vole's innocence was at that moment strengthened. He knew something of the mentality of elderly ladies. He saw Miss French, infatuated with the good-looking young man, hunting about for pretexts that would bring him to the house. What more likely than that she should plead ignorance of business, and beg him to help her with her money affairs? She was enough of a woman of the world to realize that any man is slightly flattered by such an admission of his superiority. Leonard Vole had been flattered. Perhaps, too, she wanted to let this young man know that she was wealthy. Emily French had been a strong-willed old woman, willing to pay her price for what she wanted. All this passed rapidly through Mr. Mayherne's mind, but he gave no indication of it, and asked instead a further question.

(to be continued)


Варіант 5

"Mr. Vole," said the solicitor, "I am going to ask you a very serious question, and one to which it is vital to have a truthful answer. You were in low water financially. You had the handling of an old lady's affairs - an old lady who, according to her own statement, knew little or nothing of business. Did you at any time, or in any manner, convert to your own use the securities which you handled? I beg of you, take your time before you reply." But Leonard Vole took no time at all.

"My dealings with Miss French's affairs were all perfectly fair, I acted for her interests to the very best of my ability."

(to be continued)

Варіант 6

"Thank you," said Mr. Mayherne. "I believe that you are far too clever to lie me over such important matter." "Surely," said Vole eagerly, "the strongest point in my favour is the lack of motive. Granted that I cultivated the acquaintanceship of a rich old lady in the hopes of getting money out of her, surely her death frustrates all my hopes?"

The solicitor looked at him steadily. Then, he repeated his trick with his pince-nez. It was not until they were replaced on his nose that he spoke.

"Are you not aware, Mr. Vole, that Miss French left a will under which you are the principal beneficiary?" "What?" The prisoner sprang to his feet. His dismay was obvious and unforced. "My god! What are you saying? She left her money to me? Mr. Mayherne nodded slowly. "You pretend you know nothing of this will?"

(to be continued)

Схема графіко-фонетичного аналізу слова


1. Записати слово, а також його транскрипцію. Вказати, скільки лексичних одиниць містить фонетичне слово. Якщо фонетичне слово з проклітикою чи енклітикою, відзначити цей факт.

2. Виділити склади і схарактеризувати кожний з них (закритий - відкритий, прикритий - неприкритий).

3. Схарактеризувати наголос.

4. Пояснити фонетичні процеси.

5. Показати співвідношення буква - звук - фонема; схарактеризувати звук.

6. Пояснити кількісні співвідношення між буквами та звуками.