Exercise 4: Conversation: Use the questions below to have basic English conversations about art and artistic ability
· to enrich knowledge– збагачувати знання
· а source of information –джерело інформації
· to educate – навчати
· to teach – навчати
· to form moral value – формувати моральні цінності
· to be worth – бути вартим (This book is worth reading)
· a plot – сюжет
· to fascinate – зачаровувати
· to give a useful information – давати корисну інформацію
· to publish a book - видавати книгу
Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:
A book is one of the greatest wonders of world. Why are so many people fond of reading? The world of books is full of wonders. You and characters of books can find yourselves in different countries and have a lot of adventures.
The book is a faithful friend. They form our values and characters. We try to look like the characters of our favourite books: to be brave, honest, not to be silly and greedy, to be true friends. We enjoyed the beauty and wisdom of fairy-tales when we were babies and Granny read them to us. They taught us to be kind, clever, hardworking, to understand other people and help them. They teach us to understand the beauty of nature, take care of it, to love our homeland.
Books have been with us since childhood. Who hasn’t read «Alice in the Wonderland», «Mowgli»? Who hasn’t travelled with Marry Poppins to her imaginary world? Who hasn’t imagined himself to be Robinson Crusoe on the deserted island? We have read a lot of interesting books. Some well-known books are popular with children all over the world. We know the main characters of our favorite book. If you are not fond of reading, take a book to your liking or borrow it in a library and read it. Books are worth reading. Really, they are our good friends.
Exercise 2: Answer the questions:
1. What role have the books played in shaping the cultural life of any society?
2. Can we get along without books?
3. Do books make up a necessary part of your life?
4. Do you consider the books a means of relaxation?
5. What kind of books do you prefer?
6. What kind of books do you prefer to read?
7. Do you like to read English or Ukrainian books?
8. Is it possible to live without books for you?
9. Books are our friends, aren't they?
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences:
Books stay with us … Today many people say… When we become adults… Products of modern technologies like computers… Nevertheless, there still exist people… Books teach us… Books enrich the inner world of a reader… | who receive pleasure from the special atmosphere that books create. and certainly entertain him. they don’t have time and desire to read books. can replace traditional books. what is right and what is wrong. during the whole life. we still find books that absorb us. |
Exercise 4: Agree or disagree:
ü We can't live without books.
ü Books are our friends and teachers.
ü We can learn a lot of interesting and useful things from the books.
ü We can’t learn a lot about new lands and the world around us reading books about travellings and adventures.
ü When we read books on history we can’t learn a lot about the history and traditions of our country and many foreign countries.
ü People all over the world enjoy books.
ü Children don’t like to read fairy tales and stories about magic and imaginary lands.
Grammatical Topic
SENTENCE ORDER (Порядок слів у реченні).
· Порядок слів, при якому підмет стоїть перед присудком, а прямий додаток після присудка, є типовим для англійського розповідного речення: She loves children. Вона любить дітей.
I'll give you my address. Я дам вам свою адресу.
We cannot take money from him. Ми не можемо брати з нього гроші.
I don't want to do it. Я не хочу говорити про це.
· Обставини звичайно стоять після додатків, після дієслова-присудка або в кінці речення: Не sent me a telegram this afternoon. Він прислав мені телеграму сьогодні після полудня. I went to a library today; Я ходив сьогодні в бібліотеку.
· Обставини часу і місця можуть стояти на початку речення: Last_Sunday she cameto Moscow. Минулої неділі вона приїхала до Москви.
· Обставини, виражені прислівниками неозначеного часу often часто, seldom рідко, ever коли-небудь, never ніколи, usually звичайно, always завжди, soon скоро, already вже, sometimes інколи тощо, ставляться між підметом і присудком, але після дієслова to be, а також після допоміжних або модальних дієслів, якщо вони є в складі присудка:
I never heard her name. Я ніколи не чув її імені.
Не was always alone. Він завжди був самотнім.
I have always thought of it. Я завжди думав про це.
(Прислівник already часто ставиться в кінці речення, sometimes — на початку або в кінці:I asked them already. Я вже запитував їх.)
Exercise: Translate the sentences:
1. Музика допомагає мені розслабитись післ важкого дня, коли я її слухаю, я розслабляюсь, забуваю про всі проблеми та щаспокоююсь.
2. Книги є джерелом інформації, вони допомагають людям розвиватись, збагачувати знання, а також вони вчать нас як себе вести та діяти.
3. Сьогодні компютери заміняють книги, ми навіть можемо скачати будь-яку книгу, яку тільки захочемо і насолодитись нею.
4. Я люблю читати книги ввечері, коли я маю час. Сюжет зачаровує мене і я забуваю про все, думаю тільки про зміст книги.
5. Книга дає людині можливість дізнатись про багато цікавого. Кожен день я намагаюсь читати і розширювати свій кругозір.
6. Я завжди маю хорошу книгу під рукою. Я ніколи не сумую з книгою.
7. Коли-небудь ти згадаєш, що варто читати книги.
Заняття № 40
· treasure[ 'treʒə] – скарб
· amazing – вражаючий
· wisdom [wizd(ə)m] – мудрість, премудрість
· fairy tale – казка
· to pay attention– звертати увагу
· habit– звичка
· deep– глибоко
· to provide knowledge – надають знання
· to give necessary information – давати необхідну інформацію
· to give a good advice – давати хорошу пораду
· to enrich vocabulary– збагачувати словниковий запас слів
· instead of – замість
· to try –намагатись
· to behave –поводитись
Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:
Books accompany us as long as life endures: when we are small babies our parents read us fairy tales, when we become elder we swallow exciting books page after page and finally when we mature we still read amazing books which entirely absorb our attention.
Books are a real treasure: you can never be lonely in the company of a good book. Actually reading is such an amazing habit: the deeper you delve into it, the more you are drawn to it. Reading is a nice means to relax and de-stress after a hard day. However, books not only entertain us and provide valuable knowledge, but they also form and develop our intellect, encourage imagination and enrich vocabulary.
Nevertheless, reading is a kind of media which seems to be more attractive. More and more people prefer to watch TV or surf on the internet instead of reading. Though mainly reading is the best way to make your brain work. When you read a book you entirely absorb into it: you try to find out how the characters look like, how you would behave if you were in the shoes of this or that character – your brain doesn’t stop working.
Books contain grains of wisdom. They give us moral advice and teach us what is right and what is wrong. English philosopher Bacon said that “reading makes a full man”. The truth of this statement can hardly be questioned.
It is really true that reading makes the brain think, enriches imagination and at the same time it provides pleasure and helps people to relax. Neither TV, nor Internet can replace good books. That’s why those who want to be smart and intelligent should spend on reading at least 30 minutes daily.
Exercise 2: Answer the questions:
1. How do you get information about the world?
2. Can reading help you to get information about the world?
3. When do you like to read?
4. Why is reading books interesting and useful?
5. How often do you read books?
6. What can books tell you about the world?
7. Do you think TV programmes not reading can help you to learn at college? In what way?
8. What sort of information do you get from newspapers and magazines?
9. What are the main types of newspapers in Ukraine?
10. What newspapers and magazines do you read?
11. Do you like listening to the radio or reading books? Why?
12. What can help you to learn better at college?
13. What is the best way of learning new things about the w
Exercise 3: Match each word or word-combination with the appropriate definition:
1. horror 2. legend 3. fantasy 4. short story 5. humor 6. drama 7. historical fiction 8. folklore 9. science fiction 10. fairy- tale 11. realistic fiction 12. poetry | а) stories composed in prose, usually for theatrical performance b) story about fairies or other magical creatures, usually for children c) fiction which invites suspension of reality d) the songs, stories, myths, and proverbs of a people or "folk" e) fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread f) fiction full of fun, fancy, and excitement, meant to entertain g) story, sometimes of a national or folk hero, includes imaginative material h) verse and rhythmic writing i) story based on impact of actual, imagined or potential science j) story that is true to life k) fiction of such brevity that it supports no subplots l) story with fictional characters and events in a historical setting |
Exercise 4: Translate the sentences:
10. To read a good book means that people can broaden their horizons, enrich their knowledge and vocabulary.
11. Books give us moral advice and teach us what is right and what is wrong.
12. You can never be lonely, alone in the company of a good book. When the book is really interesting and amazing you forget about everything and you are completely absorbed in it.
13. It is really true that reading makes the brain think, enriches imagination and at the same time it provides pleasure and helps people to relax.
14. More and more people prefer to watch TV or surf on the internet instead of reading.
Exercise 5: Translate the sentences:
1. Книги є справжнім багатством людства. Кожен, хто читає книги набуває мудрості.
2. Я захоплююсь фантастикою, особливо мені подобається дізнаватись про різні наукові новинки та про речі, які можуть бути в майбутньому.
3. Хороша книга дає багато корисної та потрібної інформації.
4. В сучасному світі люди заміняють книги інтернетом та телебаченням. Замість читати книги, вони сидять в інтернеті та скачують різний матеріал вдома.
5. Я дуже люблю читати книги, які мають вражаючий сюжет, які показують справжнє життя. Коли читаєш таку книги, то розумієш як себе поводити в тій чи іншій ситуації, що є поганим, а що хорошим.
Заняття № 41
· to express feelings and ideas – виражати почуття та емоції
· to make people understand life – змусити людей зрозуміти життя
· to enjoy the beauty of the world – насолоджуватись красою світу
· to relax and relieve stress – відпочивати та знімати стрес
· to forget about the troubles – забути про проблеми
· to escape from problems – втекти від проблем
· to broaden our horizons – розширювати наш кругозір
· to find out something new – довідуватись про щось новее
· to appreciate – цінувати
· to reflect the inner world – відображати інутрішній світ
· to let off steam – випустити пару (дати волю почуттям)
· to move deeply – глибоко торкнути, зворушити
· to arouse a feeling of– викликати почуття
· to make a great impression on – справити велике враження на
· to be based on real life – на основі реальних подій
· to absorb– поглинусь в
· to influence souls of youth, their feelings, to form their moral values – впливати на душі молоді, їх почуття, формувати їхні моральні цінності
· to learn the history of the mankind – вивчати історію людства
· to create the notion about beauty and harmony – створювати поняття краси та гармонії
· to develop good qualities – розвивати хороші якості
· to bring to tears – довести до сліз
· to improve – покращити
· to have effects on – мати вплив на
· to chill out – охолонути
· а source of information –джерело інформації
· to educate – навчати
· to provide knowledge – надають знання
· to give necessary information – давати необхідну інформацію
· to give a good advice – давати хорошу пораду
· to enrich vocabulary– збагачувати словниковий запас слів
Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:
The Arts cover an extremely wide field. They are encountered both in our education and leisure as we move from childhood to adulthood. Painting, sculpture and modelling are usually met at an early age both as a form of play and at school where they provide release from reading, writing and arithmetic. Literature often appears in the form of bedtime stories. Many children's stories have become classics.
When children reach their teens, they generally develop an interest in cinema. For some this is mainly entertainment provided by Hollywood blockbusters, but others progress to more challenging films. Most school pupils read novels as part of English Literature and are also introduced to Shakespeare, though they are more likely to take an interest in contemporary drama as provided by television soap operas.
A visit to a music store will reveal a sizeable interest in classical music, especially among older people. Opera and ballet appeal to a minority of the population and are usually expensive both to stage and to watch.
Exercise 2: Answer the questions:
1. Does your country have any well-known artists who are famous for cinema, theatre, literature, ballet, opera, classical music or painting?
2. What are your "top three" art forms? Explain the reasons for your choice.
3. In what ways were you encouraged to appreciate the Arts at home and at school? What jobs in the Arts world would be suitable for you?
4. Give the names of your favourite novel, author, play, dramatist, film, film director, musical composition, composer, painting and painter. Why do you like them?
5. Which country would you visit to appreciate the Arts? What would you plan to see?
6. Do you think there should be greater or less censorship of the Arts in your country?
Exercise 3: Find the "odd one out":
A | B | C | |
1. | a classic | a masterpiece | a work of art |
2. | opera | ballet | theatre |
3. | modelling | sculpture | painting |
4. | to appeal | to interest | to appreciate |
5. | to stage | to screen | to put on |
6. | galleries | museums | studios |
Exercise 4: Conversation: Use the questions below to have basic English conversations about art and artistic ability.
1. Do you have any artistic talent?
2. Can you draw or paint pictures well?
3. Do you know anyone who is a good artist? What kind of art can they produce?
4. Do you enjoy going to museums and looking at paintings or sculptures (shapes cut from stone)?
5. What kind of art do you like most?
6. Who are some famous artists that you have heard of?
7. Do you have a favorite painting? If so, describe it and explain why you like it.
Exercise 5: Discussion:
1. Do you think music and dancing are forms of art? Explain why or why not.
2. Do you think of cartoons and comics as art? Again, explain!
3. Do you think graffiti (writing on city walls) is art? Why or why not?
4. Do you think website design is a serious art?
5. What do you think our world would be like without art?
6. Do you think governments should spend money on art and museums, or should art only be promoted by private citizens?