Измените предложения, используя глаголы в скобках и необходимую форму инфинитива. Переведите предложения на русский язык
Example: It’s necessary to pass a new law. (must) – A new law must be passed.
- It’s impossible that the court imposed such punishment. (can’t)
- It’s necessary to apply this law. (must)
- They say that they have entered into a contract with this company. (claim)
- My English is getting better. (tend)
- I’m sure that the contract was breached. (must)
- I think investigators have been working on this case for half a year already. (must)
- It’s possible that he committed this crime. (could)
- They say that they have filed the appeal. (claim)
- I’m almost sure that he is entitled to damages. (must)
- I don’t believe he committed this crime. (can’t)
- Unfortunately a lot of men who left their families don’t pay alimony. (tend)
- We are sure that this very law was applied in this case. (must)
- It’s possible that this issue is regulated by employment law. (could)
- They say that they are working on this problem. (claim)
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
- How are branches of law classified in Russia?
- Which branches of law belong to the category of fundamental law?
- What do specialized branches deal with?
- How do composite branches differ from fundamental and specialized ones?
Active Vocabulary
To reflect social relations –отражать социальные отношения
A unit of the system of law – единица системы права
Peculiarity -особенность
To make attempts – предпринимать попытки
Fundamental branches of law - основные отрасли права
Specialized branches of law – специальные отрасли права
Composite (complex) branches of law – комплексные отрасли права
The system of law in the Russian Federation is presented by norms, institutions and branches of law which together make a single unity. The system reflects social relations regulated by specific norms and institutions of law. For example the problems of marriage and divorce, child custody and adoption are connected with the sphere of family relations and consequently regulated by the norms of family law.
Branches of law are supposed to be one of the basic units in the whole system of law. Each branch has its own peculiarities, which differentiate this very branch from the others, its subject and method and its own place in the system. For years Russian jurists have made attempts to classify branches of law. Nowadays there are different subdivisions that are used by contemporary Russian scholars. Thus as well as in most other countries law in Russia is divided into public and private, substantive and procedural, domestic and international. But there is one more classification which is based on certain characteristics of Russian law. Traditionally Russian lawyers single out fundamental, specialized and composite or complex branches of law. Fundamental branches regulate the most general and important relations in different spheres of social life. This category involves branches of substantive law such as civil law, criminal law, administrative law, as well as procedural law including civil, criminal and administrative procedural law. Constitutional law doesn’t belong to the group of fundamental branches. It is traditionally considered to have the leading position among other branches, as the norms of constitutional law serve the basis for the norms of other branches. Constitutional law in Russia concerns the structure of legislative, executive and judicial power and principles of their work; the political system of the country; its federative structure; forms of property; electoral system; legal status of citizens including their rights, duties and liberties. The main source of constitutional law is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Specialized branches of law deal with special areas of social relations such as family relations, financial relations, labour relations, etc. These branches are rather independent and their norms are presented in special codes, for example the Family Code which is the primary source of family law; the Labour Code which is known to be the source of employment law, the Land Code which is the source of land law, etc.
Together with fundamental and specialized branches there are so-called composite branches. Usually these branches don’t have their own codes. The relations arising in these spheres of law are usually regulated either by the norms of fundamental law i.e. administrative, civil or criminal law or by norms of specialized law for example financial law. This group includes such branches as business law, environmental law, maritime law, agricultural law, etc.
Используя текст, заполните схему, отражающую классификацию отраслей российского права. Как вы думаете, к какой категории относятся следующие отрасли права. Подберите русские эквиваленты к данным отраслям права. При необходимости воспользуйтесь словарем.
Financial law Social Security law Penitentiary law National Economy law | Agricultural law Commercial law Law of Prosecutor’s Supervision Business law |
_____________________ Law | |||||||||||||||||
Fundamental Branches of Law | _______________ Law | ||||||||||||||||
![]() | Civil Law | Administrative Law | |||||||||||||||
![]() | |||||||||||||||||
Procedural Law | |||||||||||||||||
![]() | Administrative Procedural Law | Criminal Procedural Law | |||||||||||||||
__________ Branches of Law | Labour Law, _____________________________________________ | ||||||||||||||||
![]() | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||
__________ Branches of Law | Environmental Law, ______________________________________ | ||||||||||||||||
![]() | |||||||||||||||||
![]() | |||||||||||||||||
3. Решите, справедливы ли данные высказывания. Исправьте неверные утверждения.
- The system of Russian law reflects social relations which are regulated by specific norms and institutions of law.
- The classification of law into public and private isn’t used by Russian lawyers.
- All fundamental branches of law are codified.
- The category of fundamental branches includes only substantive law.
- Constitutional law refers to fundamental branches.
- Constitutional law regulates the work and structure of all branches of power, as well as the federative structure of the country, rights and obligations of the citizens.
- Specialized branches are completely dependent from fundamental ones.
- Specialized branches don’t have their own codes.
- Business law belongs to the category of specialized branches.
4. Используя текст 3 и схему из упражнения 2, расскажите о системе российского права.
Повторение грамматики: Complex Subject Конструкция «Сложное подлежащее» |
Конструкция Complex Subject состоит из имени существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в именительном падеже и инфинитива в нужной форме. Конструкция Сложное подлежащее употребляется с определенными глаголами, которые условно можно разделить на несколько групп.
- К первой группе относятся глаголы, которые в предложениях с конструкцией Complex Subject всегда употребляются в пассивном залоге и выражают:
- Осведомленность, знание, утверждение: to know (знать), to think (думать), to state (заявлять, утверждать), to report (сообщать), to say (говорить), to announce (сообщать).
Example:He is known to have won this case. – Известно, что он выиграл это дело.
- Предположение: to expect (ожидать), to suppose (предполагать), to believe (верить), to consider (считать, полагать), to ask (просить).
Example: He is expected to become the Prime Minister. – Ожидают, что он станет Премьер-министром.
- Восприятие: to see (видеть), to hear (слышать), to notice (отмечать).
Example:He was seen to steal a wallet. – Видели, как он украл кошелек.
- Ко второй группе относятся глаголы, которые в предложениях с Complex Subject всегда употребляются в активном залоге: to appear – появляться, оказываться; to seem– казаться; to happen – случаться; to prove / to turn out – оказаться.
Example:He seems to be losing his popularity. – Кажется, он теряет свою популярность.
- Также ComplexSubject в английском языке используется после таких словосочетаний, как tobelikely (вероятно), tobeunlikely (маловероятно), tobecertain (несомненно), tobesure (обязательно).
Example:She is unlikely to sue them. – Маловероятно, что она предъявит им иск.
Предложения с конструкцией Complex Subjectобычно переводятся на русский язык с помощью таких оборотов, как «говорят, сообщают, думают, видели, слышали, оказалось, случилось, известно, маловероятно, вероятно» и т.п.
Конструкция Complex Subject крайне редко используется в разговорной речи. Гораздо чаще подобную конструкцию можно встретить в газетах, журналах, научных статьях, репортажах.