Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя инфинитив и инфинитивные конструкции

1. Мы сообщили по факсу о том, что решили расторгнуть договор.

2. Преступник угрожал использовать страшное оружие, полиция перекрыла (to cut off) движение (traffic).

3. Криминология имеет тенденцию к внедрению более точных методов исследования.

4. Так как задержанный не соглашался подписать протокол, был приглашен его адвокат.

5. Кредитор обещал предоставить заем (to give a credit) нашей фирме в один миллион долларов.

6. Нарушитель отказался добровольно пройти в полицейский участок.

7. Совет директоров хотел, чтобы акционеры узнали о кризисе.

8. Некоторые люди не любят давать свидетельские показания.

9. Мы ожидали, что договор купли-продажи (buy-sell) офиса зарегистрируют в течение трех дней.

10. Экспертам нужно повторно исследовать причины дорожного происшествия.

11. Адвокату нужно пять дней, чтобы ознакомиться с делом и подготовиться к судебному процессу.

12. Контракт необходимо было согласовать с соответствующим должностным лицом.

13. Адвокат постоянно напоминал обвиняемому о том, чтобы он говорил правду, только в этом случае можно было ожидать снисхождения присяжных(to receive mercy).





Прочитайте и переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы, выполните задания, данные после текста.


  1. How can you define the term “labour law”?
  2. What does labor law deal with?
  3. What does labor law govern?
  4. Why is this branch of law so important?
  5. What are the main elements of labor law?
  6. How do you understand the expression “custom and practice agreement”?
  7. What is the main function of trade unions?
  8. What does the written statement from the employer describe?

Active Vocabulary

Legal rights –законные права

Trade union - профсоюз

Branches of law – отрасли права

Conditions of work – условия труда

Social security –социальная защита, обеспечение

Disability insurance – страховка на случай нетрудоспособности

Welfare– благосостояние

Provisions – положения, условия

To negotiate agreement – договариваться об условиях

Favorable – благоприятный

Restrictions – ограничение

Grievance- жалоба, трудовой конфликт

Dismissal– увольнение, отставка


Labour Law


Labour Law is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their organizations. As such it meditates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions and employers. Out of all different branches of law, this one deals with the terms and conditions of work, and disputes regarding employment of labor. This is a set of rulings and regulations that govern the relationship and terms between employers and employees.

In its most comprehensive sense the term includes social security and disability insurance as well. In addition to the individual contractual relationships growing out of the traditional employment situation, labour law deals with the statutory requirements and collective relationships that are increasingly important in mass-production societies, the legal relationships between organized economic interests and the state, and the various rights and obligations related to some types of social services.

The basic subject matter of labour law can be considered under nine broad heads: employment; individual employment relationships; wages and remuneration; conditions of work; health, safety, and welfare; social security; trade unions and industrial relations; the administration of labour law; and special provisions for particular occupational or other groups. There are special rules about the employment of children and young people.

Your rights at work will depend on:

· your statutory rights and

· your contract of employment.

Statutory rights are legal rights based on laws passed by Parliament.

Nearly all workers, regardless of number of hours per week they work, have certain legal rights.

The contract of employment is the agreement made between the employer and the employee. This could be in the form of a written agreement or what has been agreed verbally between them. In addition, the contract of employment will also include “custom and practice” agreements. These are how things are usually done in the workplace, for example, if the employer always gives the employees a day’s holiday in August. Even though this is not mentioned in the written contract this will form part of the contract of employment as it is usual practice. If the written contract says one thing, but in practice all the employees have been doing something else with the employer’s knowledge and agreement, the “custom and practice” would form the contract rather than the written statement.

A trade union may have negotiated an agreement with an employer about conditions at work. The negotiated agreement will often form part of a contract of employment, particularly if the conditions are more favourable than the previous ones. One of the main functions of trade unions is to protect the rights of workers.

All workers, regardless of the number of hours they work per week, are entitled to receive a written statement from their employer, within two months of starting work. The statement describes the main terms of the contract of employment. The statement must give details about: job title, wages and hours of work, sick pay, pension schemes, holiday entitlement, grievance, dismissal and disciplinary procedure and so on.