Exercise 6. Answer the questions. 1) What do endocrine glands produce?

1) What do endocrine glands produce?

2) What does endocrine mean?

3) What are the functions of the endocrine system?

4) What glands compose the endocrine system?

5) What are hormones?

6) How are hormones delivered to the cells?

7) What gland is considered the chief endocrine gland?


Exercise 7. Match the words to their definitions

1) pineal gland a) a large elongated glandular organ, situated behind the stomach, that secretes insulin
2) pituitary gland b) the female gonad, one of a pair of reproductive glands in women
3) thyroid c) a small gland that is located near the center of the brain
4) adrenals d) a pea-sized structure located at the base of the brain and produces hormones which control other glands
5) pancreas e) a gland located in the lower part of the neck
6) ovary f) the male sex gland
7) testis g) a small gland located on top of the kidney

Exercise 8. Translate into English

Ендокринні залози, виділяти гормони безпосередньо в кров, контролювати ріст і розвиток, контролювати гомеостаз і обмін речовин, гіпоталамус і шишкоподібна залоза, гіпофіз і щитовидна залоза, надниркові залози, доставляти гормони до клітин, загальне самопочуття людини, виділятися безпосередньо у кров


Exercise 9. Put questions to the underlined words

1) Endocrine glands produce different types of hormones.

2) The pituitary gland is actually made of 2 completely separate structures.

3) Many blood vessels surround the pituitary gland to carry the hormones it releases throughout the body.

4) The thyroid gland is located at the base of the neck.

5) The gonads – ovaries in females and testes in males – are responsible for producing the sex hormones of the body.

6) The earliest study of endocrinology began in China.

7) Insulin – the hormone produced in the pancreas – was discovered in 1922.

8) The branch of medicine that studies endocrine glands and hormones is called endocrinology.


Exercise 10. Open the brackets. Translate

1) An endocrinologist is a physician who (to specialize) in treating disorders of the endocrine system.

2) The ovaries of the female (to locate) in the pelvic cavity.

3) The Ancient Chinese (to isolate) sex and pituitary hormones from human urine and (to use) them for medicinal purposes.

4) Endocrine glands (to activate) to release their hormones by humoral, neural, or hormonal stimuli.

5) The endocrine system (to include) nine glands and over 100 hormones of the body.

6) One hormone may (to have) several effects on different organs.

7) The term “hormone”, from the Greek hormao –“to excite”, (to enter) the English lexicon in 1905.

8) A disease due to a disorder of the endocrine system often (to call) a “hormonal imbalance”.


Завдання для самостійної роботи студента

1) Перекладіть словосполучення на англійську мову і складіть з ними речення

Ендокринні залози

Виділяти гормони безпосередньо у кров

Гіпофіз і щитовидна залоза

Контролювати обмін речовин

Контролювати ріст і розвиток


2) Дайте розгорнуту відповідь на питання

8) What does the endocrine system consist of?

9) What do endocrine glands produce?

10) What are the functions of the endocrine system?

11) How are hormones delivered to the cells?


3) Поясніть термін

Ендокринна система

Ендокринні залози





Exercise 1. Topic Vocabulary

Communication [kǝˏmju:ni'keiʃn] зв’язки
Decision [di'siʒn] рішення
Delicate ['delikit] тонкий (хрупкий, непрочный)
To evaluate [i'væljueit] оцінювати, визначати
Fiber ['faibǝ] волокно
Highways ['haiweiz] магістраль, шлях
Matter ['mætǝ] речовина (матерія, предмет)
Neuron ['njuǝrɒn] нейрон
Processing ['prǝʋsesiŋ] обробка
Sensory organs ['sensǝri 'ɔ:gǝnz] органи чуття
Smooth ['smu:ð] гладкий, гладенький
Wrinkled ['riŋkǝld] складчастий (*wrinkle – зморшка)


Exercise 2. Pronounce correctly. Translate without a dictionary

Peripheral [pəʹrıf(ə)rəl], nerve [nɜːv], nervous [ˈnɜːvəs], receptor [rɪˈseptə], integration [ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃən], signal [ˈsɪɡn(ə)l], motor [ˈməʊtə]