Exercise 6. Answer the questions. 2) What does the Latin term “persona” literally mean?

1) What is personality?

2) What does the Latin term “persona” literally mean?

3) How can you explain the concept of consistency in the personality structure?

4) What types of temperament are there?

5) What is a personality trait?

6) How can situations influence the person?

7) What is emotion?

8) What is the biological basis of personality?


Exercise 7. Find out the pairs of words with the similar meaning. Use three of them in sentences

to affect to differ
to distinguish to answer
to initiate to influence
to respond to stay
to remain to cause
to produce to begin

Exercise 8. Match the words to their definitions

1) person a) the combination of mental and emotional traits of a person; natural predisposition
2) personality b) a distinguishing feature, as of a persons character
3) temperament c) the way in which one acts or conducts oneself
4) trait d) an individual human being
5) behaviour e) a strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others
6) emotion f) the set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving, etc., that makes a person different from other people


Exercise 9. Translate into English

відрізняти одну особу від іншої, передбачати реакції людини, поняття особистості, ряд характеристик відносно сталих у часі, певний ступінь сталості, реакції на різні подразники, змінюватися з віком і досвідом, риси особистості, особливе поєднання рис, впливати на поведінку, передбачення та передчуття, комунікабельність та емоційність, залежати від об’єму кори головного мозку


Exercise 10. Read the text and say for what personality theories the following statements

Are true.

Biological theoriessuggest that genetics is responsible for personality. Research suggests that there is a link between genetics and personality traits.

Behavioral theories suggest that personality is a result of interaction between the individual and the environment. Behavioral theorists study observable and measurable behaviors, rejecting theories that take internal thoughts and feelings into account.

Psychodynamic theories of personality emphasize the influence of the unconscious mind and childhood experiences on personality. Psychodynamic theories include Sigmund Freud's psychosexual stage.

Humanist theories emphasize the importance of free will and individual experience in the development of personality. Humanist theorists emphasized the concept of self-actualization, which is an innate need for personal growth that motivates behavior

The trait theory approach is one of the largest areas within personality psychology. According to this theory, personality is made up of a number of broad traits. A trait is basically a relatively stable characteristic that causes an individual to behave in certain ways.

Model: each stage of personality development is characterized by certain conflicts

psychodynamic theories

1) internal thoughts and feelings aren’t taken into consideration;

2) the unconscious mind influences personality significantly;

3) genetics is responsible for personality;

4) free will and individual experience are the basic components of personality;

5) psychosexual experience is very important for personality;

6) self-actualization is an innate need of a person;

7) a personality trait causes an individual to behave in certain ways

Exercise 11. Tell about the concept of personality by the plan below.

1) Personality as a pattern;

2) The meaning of the term ‘personality’;

3) The characteristics of personality (behavioral consistency, personality traits (individual differences), influence of situation);

4) The biological basis of personality/