II. Выполнение заданий по теме

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Если результаты обследования будут благоприятными, больного выпишут из больницы к концу недели.

2. Если частота сердцебиения станет нормальной, больному разрешат непродолжительные прогулки.

3. Как только я получу результаты Ваших анализов, я смогу поставить правильный диагноз и назначить соответствующее лечение.

4. После того, как Вы примете это лекарство, Вам следует полежать.

5. Если Вы поможете мне провести этот эксперимент, мы сможем доложить о нем руководителю лаборатории уже завтра.

6. Перед тем, как Вы будите выполнять это упражнение, Вам следует расслабить все мышцы.

Определите функцию Participle I и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. A group of laughing people came to us. 2. He stood talking to her in a soft voice. 3. Not understanding what they wanted he repeated his question. 4. Travelling all over the world the scientist saw many interesting things and collected important material. 5. Mary stopped to look at the birds singing in the tree. 6 . The old man showing them those pictures lived in our house many years ago. 7. Being tired they decided to lie down and rest a little. 8. We watched the schoolchildren playing football at the stadium. 9. Tom found her sitting by the fire. 10. The man standing near the window is my cousin.

Переведите следующие поговорки, содержащие герундий. Вспомните, какие русские пословицы или поговорки соответствуют данным английским.

1. Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

2. To make an omelets without breaking eggs.

3. It’s no use crying over the spilt milk.

4. Speaking without thinking is shooting without aim.

5. Saying is one thing and doing is another.

6. Seeing is believing.

Переведите предложения с модальными глаголами.

1. She can speak three foreign languages.

2. He can both organize and motivate.

3. Could I use your car today?

4. Could you help me with my translation?

5. When a child Bob could play the piano very well.

6. May I take my test on Tuesday?

7. You may not leave the hospital without permission (разрешение).

8. They might come but I’m not sure.

9. He might be ill.

10. You must tell me the truth.

11. You must think more carefully before set­ting up your own business.

12. It’s 8 o’clock, they must be at home now.

13. It’s dark outside, it must be about 7 now.

14. They got married last week. They must be very happy.

15. You should take some professional training.

16. You should have informed me in advance (заранее).

17. Teenagers shouldn’t drink alcohol.

18. I think you should give up smoking.

19. You shouldn’t drive so fast.

20. Would you like to take part in the meeting?

21. We would often visit our old teacher.

22. You ought to write a letter to your parents.

23. You oughtn’t to speak to your parents like this.

24. You needn’t eat the salad if you don’t like it.

25. We have a lot of time so we needn’t hurry.


Раскройте скобки, употребив сказуемое в действительном или страдательном залоге.

1. Such changes in the stomach (to cause) by stress.

2. The effectiveness of this method (not to study).

3. Doctors (to use ) laser in different fields of medicine.

4. Only aspirin (to use) in this case.

5. Cardiovascular diseases (to treat) surgically.

6. This substance (to prevent) many diseases.

7. A group of experimental animals (to give) a dose of medicine.

8. Health tests can ( to use) at home.

6. Переведите те предложения, в которых «one -ones и that-those» выступают в роли заменителей существительных.

1. One man-no man.

2. One of my friends wants to take a post graduate course.

3. One must be always attentive while preparing for the examination session.

4. These are not my text-books, those are mine.

5. That student is the best one.

6. He treated his patients and those of Dr. Ivanov.

7. Those girls are first year students.