Напишите предложения. Используйте оборот there are и соответствующие выражения из таблицы

seven twenty-six nine thirty fifteen fifty   letters days players days planets states September the solar system the USA a week rugby team the English alphabet  

17. Вставьте выражения there is/there are или it is.

1."... … a train at 10.30.' '… … a fast train?'

2. I'm not going to buy this shirt … … very expensive.

3. 'What's wrong?' ' … … something in my eye.'

4. ' … … anything on television tonight?' 'Yes, … … . ‘

5. 'What's that building?' ' … … a school.'

6. ' … … a restaurant in this hotel?' 'No, I'm afraid not.'

Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs)

1. Вставьте глаголы can, can't, could, couldn 't.

When I was young I ……….. play sport but I ……….. dance well. Now I'm old; I ………. climb the stairs, but I ……….. sit in my armchair and watch TV.

2. Напишите о правилах поведения Ани в офисе, используя выражения has to do or doesn't have to do. Затем напишите о себе.

Ann You

sort out the morning post get up early at weekends

type letters visit my grandparents on Sundays

answer the phone do housework every day

clean the office help Mother wash up

fill in reports take exams this year

lock up the office study hard

3. Вставьте выражения have to, has to, don 't/doesn t have to, didn 't have to , had to or won't have to.

1. It's Sunday tomorrow. So I ……….. get up early.

2. There's no school tomorrow. So the children ……….. go to bed early.

3. We went to the restaurant yesterday, so we ……….. cook.

4. Let's clean up now so we ……….. do it tomorrow.

5. It rained yesterday, so I ………… water the flowers.

6. Lucy feels better now, so she ……….. take the medicine.

7. You've got plenty of time. You ……….. hurry.

8. He ……… shout or else she can't hear him.

9. It was very cold yesterday, so I ……….. wear a coat.

10. She ……….. wear glasses or else she can't read.

11. I can't go out tonight. I ……….. study for my exam.

12. I took the dog for a walk this morning, so you ……….. take it out tonight.

13. My car doesn't work, so I ……….. take the train.

14. I broke my tooth, so I ……….. go to the dentist yesterday.


4. Вставьте словаmust ormustn’t

1. You ……….. do your home work before you go out.

2. Children ……….. wear uniforms at school.

3. You ………… feed the animals at the wildlife park.

4. I ……….. be at home at eight.

5. You ………… smoke!

6. If you lose your passport, you ……….. report it to the police.

7. Children ………… use their mobile phone in class.

8. You ……….. be late for school.


Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Must I wash up? — Yes, you must/can.

2. Must I clean my room? — No, you mustn 't/needn 't. It's tidy enough, I think.

3. When I was young, I can/could run very fast. I even won a school contest.

4. I got a poor mark for my test so I will have to/must rewrite it.

5. You mustn 't/needn't hurry. You have a lot of time to finish the task.

6. Must/can I use your pen? - Yes, please.

7. You can 't/mustn 't smoke in the airport.

8. She's ill, so she has to/must stay in bed.

9. There was a lot of work to do, so we could/had to do it instead of going out with friends.
10. I can/could speak very loud and clear. That's why I'll be saying the speech at tomorrow's ceremony.


6. Вставьте mustn 't or needn 't.

A teacher is speaking to his students before a test:"You are going to have a test today. Your test papers are on your desks. You …………begin until I tell you. You …………. hurry; you have plenty of time. You …………. speak during the test. You………… copy your friends' work and you ………… open any books. You………… write in pen; if you prefer, you can write in pencil. You ………………stay when you finish; you can leave if you want to, but you …………be noisy. When you leave you ………… wait for your friends outside the classroom. Wait outside the building! Finally I wish you all good luck. You can begin now."

7. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя один из следующих модальных глаголов, а именно: needn’t, can, may, could, have to, must, mustn’t, can’t, should.

1. ___ you help me?

2. When I was young, I ___ run very fast.

3. There were no buses yesterday evening. We ___ to walk home.

4. You look tired. You ___ go to bed.

5. ___ I sit here?

6. The windows aren’t dirty. You ___ clean them.

7. I ___ hurry. I haven’t got much time.

8. You ___ park here. (It’s forbidden).

9. May I smoke here? – No, you ___.

10. I ___ swim very well.

8. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя один из следующих модальных глаголов, а именно: needn’t, can, may, could, have to, must, mustn’t, can’t, should.

1. You ___ go to the bank. I can lend you some money.

2. ___ you tell me the time, please?

3. ___ I use your phone?

4. I ___ finish this work today. I am too tired.

5. You ___ listen to your parents.

6. Tom usually goes to bed late and he is always tired. He ___ go to bed earlier.

7. You ___ walk on the grass. (It’s forbidden)

8. She ___ dance for hours when she was young.

9. The doctor says that I ___ to lose some weight.

10. Kate ___ speak three languages.