Различие в употреблении will и (be) going to

The difference between will and(be)going to



Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of will or be going to and the verb in brackets.
1. A: B: Would you prefer tea or coffee? I ____ (have) some coffee, please.
2. A: B: Why are you turning on the television? I ____ (watch) the news.
3. A: B: What are your plans for next week? I ____ (fly) to New York on business.
4. A: B: I’ve just realized. I haven’t got any money. Well, don’t worry I ____ (lend) you some.
5. A: B: I’ve got a stomachache. Wait a second and I ____ (get) some medicine for you.
6. A: B: We need some more ink for the printer I ____ (go) to the shop and get some.
7. A: B: Are you going shopping? Yes, I ____ (buy) some bread
8. A: B: Look! There’s smoke coming out of the photocopier. You turn it off and I ____ (phone) the safety officer.
9. A: B: I cannot see how to use this spreadsheet. Don’t worry. I ____ (help) you.
10. A: B: Has Mike decided what to do when he leaves school? Yes. Everything is planned. He ____ (enter) the university.
11. A: B: What are your plans for the weekend? I ____ (spend) some time with my family.
12. A: B: I don’t know how to use this camera. It’s easy. I ____ (show) you.
13. A: B: I have decided what to buy Mum for her birthday. What ____ you ____ (buy) for her?
14. A: B: What are you doing on Friday night? Oh, I ____ probably ____ (go) to the party.
15. A: B: What would you like to order? I ____ (take) a pizza, please.
16. A: B: Jason is very clever for his age Yes. He says he ____ (become) a doctor when he grows up.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct form of be going toor will to complete the dialogue.
Allison: What are you doing this weekend, Sue?
Susan: I 1.____ (see) a new play tomorrow at the Piccadilly Theatre.
Allison: Have you got the tickets yet?
Susan: No, I 2.____ (get) them this afternoon, actually. Would you like to come?
Allison: Oh, thank you, that would be nice.
Susan: OK, I 3.____ (get) you a ticket too.
Allison: Great! What time does it start?
Susan: Eight o’clock, but we 4.____ (all/meet) in the Café Nero at 7.20.
Allison: OK, I 5.____ (meet) you in the cafe, but, er... I 6.____ (be) there around 7.30.
Susan: That’s fine.
Allison: Oh, one other thing ... I’ve got no money at the moment. I 7.____ (pay) for the ticket on Saturday. Is that OK?
Susan: Yes, that’s OK, no problem.
Allison: 8.____ (you/eat) in the cafe, or just have a cup of coffee?
Susan: Just a coffee I think ...
Allison: Look, 9._____ (we/go) to a restaurant after the show? I know a very good Chinese restaurant ...
Susan: That’s a good idea. I 10.____ (phone) the others and see if they want to come too.
Allison: Good, and then I 11.____ (book) a table for us.
Susan: Great! Great! I 12.____ (see) you tomorrow.
Exercise 3. Work in pairs. Plans and Problems. SA tells SB what his/her intention is for the future. But SB has a few surprises for SA! Look through the example and make your own dialogues.


Model: SA: What are you doing this weekend?
SB: I am going to visit my uncle in Turkey.
SA: But there are no planes going to Turkey this week!
SB: Oh! Well, Ill visit him next week.
SA: But your uncle is on holiday for a month.
SB: Oh! Well, I’ll visit my aunt in Tunisia then!


Visit my uncle in Turkey. No planes this week! Your uncle is on holiday
Go to the theater on Sunday I have a lot of work to do. No tickets for Sunday.
Go to the cinema tonight. All your friends are going to the pub. There is only “Dream House” on at the cinema.
Go to the library. It is raining! It’s closed. Today is Sunday.
Go to the football match together on Saturday. The weather will be terrible on Saturday. I hate football.


Будущее длительное время

The Future Continuous(Progressive)Tense

Образование. The Future Continuous (Progressive) Tense образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме будущего времени (shall be, will be)и формы причастия настоящего времени (Present Participle) смыслового глагола: I shall be working, he will be working.

В вопросительной форме первый вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Shall I be working? Will he be working?