Настоящее простое и настоящее длительное время

В значении будущего времени

The Present Simple(Indefinite)Tense and the Present Continuous(Progressive)Tense with a future meaning

The Present Simple Tense выражает только те действия, которые напрямую не зависят от человека, а установлены каким-либо расписанием (расписание поездов/автобусов/самолетов, расписания в учебных заведениях, рабочие расписания, программой телепередач и т. п.).

The plane arrives at five tomorrow. The concert starts in two hours. Самолет прилетает завтра в пять. Концерт начинается через два часа.

The Present Continuous Tense употребляется, когда действия напрямую зависят от человека. Причем the Present Continuous употребляется только в тех случаях, когда высказываемое будущее действие установлено договорённостью или планом (но не расписанием), часто, когда уже известно время, дата или место, где произойдёт это действие.

We’re leaving at 11.00 in the morning. Мы уезжаем в 11 утра.

В обстоятельственных придаточных предложениях условия и времени, которые вводятся союзами if если, unless если не, provided that при условии если, when когда, until, till до тех пор, пока не, as soon as как только, as long as пока, before прежде чем и т. д. для описания будущих действий вместо theFuture SimpleTense употребляется the Present Simple Tense, а вместо theFuture Continuous Tense употребляется the Present Continuous Tense.

When I come home, I’ll have my dinner. While I am doing my job, he will be resting. Когда я приду домой, я буду обедать. В то время когда я буду работать, он будет отдыхать.



Exercise 1. Complete using the correct Present Simple form of the verbs in the box.


arrive come leave take


I’m so excited about our holiday! Our plane 1.____ the airport here at nine o’clock and we 2.____ in Madrid three hours later. Then we 3.____ the train from the airport to the city. We’ll have a great week, and then we 4.____ back on the 20th. I can’t wait!

Exercise 2. Make sentences.
Model: The match/start/at half past seven The match starts at half past seven.
What time/the train/leave/London What time does the train leave London?


1. This term/end/on January 25th.
2. What time/the film/start?
3. The next lesson/start/at 11.40.
4. When/the concert/finish?
5. What time/you/arrive/in Rome B?
6. The play/start/at 8.00.
7. The banks/close/at 3.00 tomorrow.
8. When/the London train/arrive/at Bristol?
9. The 7.15 train/stop/at every station.
10. What time/you/get/there?
Exercise 3. In three of these sentences, the Present Continuous Tense is possible. Which three? Rewrite them with the Present Continuous.
1. Dan is going to come at 5.00.
2. I’m going to learn French one of these days.
3. I’m going to fly to Moscow tomorrow.
4. Merrill is going to tell me about her problems.
5. We’re going to spend next week in Ireland.
6. Are you going to answer those letters?
Exercise 4. Write these sentences in full, putting the verbs into the Present Continuous and supply the missing words where necessary.
Model: I/see/them/Saturday.Im seeing them on Saturday.
1. They/come/here/three weeks.
2. I/meet/John/three o’clock.
3. What/you do/Friday night?
4. I/go/to the disco/Saturday evening.
5. We/go back/to the States/three years.
6. They/go on holiday/two days’ time.
7. I/not come home/Friday.
8. You/work late/tomorrow night?
9. We/not go to school/next week.


Exercise 5. Have you arranged to do anything at these times? Write sentences about yourself.
1. This evening.
2. Tomorrow morning.
3. Tomorrow evening.
4. Next Sunday.
5. Choose another day or time.


Exercise 6. This is Philip’s diary for the next week. Scan the diary and complete the conversation using verbs in the Present Continuous and adding any other words you need.



Philip: Steve: Philip: Steve: Philip: Steve: Philip: Steve: Philip: Steve: Philip: Steve: Philip: Steve: Philip: Steve: Model:What 1.____ (you/do) .What are you doing on Monday night? 2.____ (I/go). Who 3.____ (you/go) with? 4.____ (I/go). What time 5.____ (you/meet) her? At 6.____. And what about Wednesday? 7.____ (you/go out)? Yes, I 8.____. 9.____ (I/go) (you/stay) 10.____ Tuesday? Yes, 11.____. And Thursday? I 12.____ (meet). What time 13.____ (he/arrive)? 14.____. 15.____ (he/stay) for the weekend? Yes, 16.____.


Exercise 7. Choose the correct option to finish the sentences.
1. Tomorrow morning Anne and Tom
a) go to Liverpool to visit their grandparents.
b) are going to Liverpool to visit their grandparents.
c) is going to Liverpool to visit their grandparents.
2. I think tonight’s film
a) start at 8:00 on channel 3.
b) is starting at 8:00 on channel 3.
c) starts at 8:00 on channel 3.
3. Our students
a) are taking a very difficult English test next week.
b) take a very difficult English test next week.
c) takes a very difficult English test next week.
4. I’m so bored! What time
a) do this lesson finish?
b) does this lesson finish?
c) is this lesson finishing?
5. My uncle
a) is traveling to London tomorrow morning.
b) travels to London tomorrow morning.
c) travel to London tomorrow morning.


Exercise 7. Use the words below to write complete sentences or questions. Use the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.


1. A: B: What time/you/go/on Thursday? After lunch.
2. A: B: Hurry up! We’re late. The next bus/leave/in five minutes. OK, I’m ready.
3. A: B: Where/you/go/at the weekend? I don’t know yet
4. A: B: Have you seen Liz recently? No, but we/meet/for lunch/next week.
5. A: B: Let’s meet outside the theatre. What time/the performance/start?
6. A: B: Let’s get a taxi home after the film. Why? It/not/finish late.
7. A: B: Jane/work at Tailor’s Restaurant tonight so she can’t come to the party. Oh, that’s a pity.
8. A: B: Whys Frank in bed so early tonight? He/leave/for France at 5 a.m. tomorrow.
9. A: B: What time/you/go/on Thursday? After lunch.
10. A: B: Hurry up! We’re late. The next bus/leave/in five minutes. OK, I’m ready.
11. A: B: Where/you/go/at the weekend? I don’t know yet.
12. A: B: Have you seen Liz recently? No, but we/meet/for lunch/next week.
13. A: B: Let’s meet outside the theatre. What time/the performance/start?
14. A: B: Let’s get a taxi home after the film. Why? It/not/finish late.
15. A: B: Jane/work at Tailor’s Restaurant tonight so she can’t come to the party. Oh, that’s a pity.
16. A: B: Whys Frank in bed so early tonight? He/leave/for France at 5 a.m. tomorrow.


Exercise 8. A. There are some mistakes in the dialogue. Can you find and correct all of them?


Molly: David:   Molly: David: Molly: Are you doing anything tonight? Yes, I go to the station to meet my friend Bruce. He’s stay here for the weekend, remember? His train get in at eight fifteen. Oh, of course. I’d forgotten about that. Maybe we’ll see you later. What you are doing tonight? Oh, I’m to going to the cinema with Daisy and Gloria and a couple of other people. The film is finishing quite early, so we going to a pizza place afterwards.


  B. Write down about Molly’s and David’s plans for tonight.