Freddie is said to have a wife in Scotland

b) Nobody knows anything about Brenda's family.


c) People think that someone started the fire deliberately.


d) You should ask a doctor to see to that cut.


e) People say that Chris was in the army.


f) My trousers need to be pressed before I leave.


g) No-one has signed this letter.


h) Mary's hair still needs cutting.


i) People believe that Norma is living in Paris.


j) The director of the school has decided that smoking is no longer allowed.


Внимательно посмотрите на текст. Отметьте галочкой каждую правильную строку. Если же есть лишнее слово, выпишите его.

Opening of New Fairdene Sports Centre The Gulliver Sports Centre, which has been completely rebuilt, was been reopened yesterday by the Minister for Sport. The building it was originally used to as a market, but was sold to Fairdene Council in 198 Land it then converted into a sports hall. Local schools were played football and basketball indoors, and keep fit classes were held there. In 1990 the hall was damaged when by afire which was broke out in the heating system. The hall could not be used, and remained empty while discussions continued about its future. It was then and decided that the hall would to be rebuilt, and an appeal for money was launched. Two years ago a local businessman offered to pay for the building work, and plans were drawn up. The new hall is includes a swimming pool, running track and other sports facilities which can be used by anyone in the Fairdene area. The Minister was made a speech in which she congratulated everyone involved.   …\/…. …been… 1)….. 2)….. 3)….. 4)….. 5)….. 6)….. 7)….. 8)….. 9)….. 10)….. 11)….. 12)….. 13)…... 14)…… 15)…..  

11.Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в правильную форму действительного или страдательного залога.

During the past hundred years, many wonderful cave paintings (discover). Early artists (use) simple materials and (draw) on rocks. One of the first discoveries (make) in 1879 in Altamira. A young girl (walk) in a cave when she (stop) to light a candle. As soon as she (do) so, she (see) strange animals on the walls. Since then, a great many more paintings (find). In one picture, some deer (hunt) by men. The men (shoot) arrows at them and the deer (run) away. Today, we (try) to understand these pictures. Nobody (think) that they are childish. From them we (learn) a great deal about early man.

12.Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в правильную форму.

When the great new dam has been built it (supply) power for a third of the country's requirements. The dam (take) ten years to build and the course of the river (change). At present, twenty thousand workers (employ) and by the time the dam (complete), it (cost) millions of pounds. As many people have had to leave their homes, the government (build) new villages for them. The great dam (improve) living standards. In future, farmers (produce) more than half the country's needs; new factories (build) and the whole country (have) an adequate supply of electricity.


1. Не все глаголы могут иметь форму страдательного залога. Является ли глагол переходным или непереходным, можно проверить по словарю.

2. Агент действия (кем?) указывается в предложении, только если эта информация необходима.

3. Формы страдательного залога часто используются, чтобы дать безличную оценку.

4. Обычно перевод глагола из действительного залога в страдательный сопровождается сменой смысла всего предложения. Страдательная форма, удачная в некоторых контекстах, в других может оказаться неприемлемой.

5. Пассивные формы чаще употребляются в письменной речи, особенно в научных и технических текстах.

6.В некоторых языках глаголы могут стоять в форме страдательного залога, но переводиться формой действительного залога. Это может привести к неверному употреблению пассивной формы в английском языке.

This book reads well. Эта книга легко читается.
Смотри также: Unit 11 Промежуточный тест 2  



(Units 7, 8, 9, 10)