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Stabilization Policy

Stabilization policy, or demand management, is the control of the level of aggregate demand in an economy using fiscal policy in order to eliminate (уничтожать) fluctuation in the level of economic activity. The general aim of stabilization policy is to regulate aggregate demand so as to make it as big as the gross national product in order to maintain the existing level of output and employment. It is also essential to keep the aggregate demand low enough to avoid (избегать) inflation.

An unregulated economy will tend to go through periods of depression and boom. Governments try to avoid such fluctuations by stimulating aggre' „ate demand when the economy is depressed and reducing aggregate demand when the economy is over-heating. Ideally, aggregate demand should be managed in such a way as to grow as much as the GNP.

There exist two main problems: (a) correct timing (выбор времени) of a government injection (вливание) or withdrawal; (b) correct magnitude (величина, размер) of an injection into or withdrawal from the economy to eliminate depressions and booms.

If the government can get the timing and magnitude correct, it will be able to eliminate the effects of depression. For the government to be able to reduce the intensity of the depression to follow, it is necessary to forecast (предсказывать) accurately its beginning, perhaps while the economy is still growing actively.

Much government action is inaccurate in timing and magnitude. Where the government has not been successful in avoiding strong fluctuations in business activity, it can make injections into a growing econo - my which then overheats and withdraw too much at the wrong time, braking too hard.

б) Расположите вопросы в таком порядке, чтобы они могли служить планом текста и ответьте на них.

What may the effect of too high aggregate demand be in an economy? What growth of aggregate demand is known as ideal?

What can happen to an economy if its government's intervention is wrong in timing and magnitude?

How do governments act at time of boom or depression?

Which two main problems of demand management are named in the text?

What are the two names for government control of the level of aggregate demand?


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Does one characterize a country in economics by the location of economic activity of its population or by the activities of its population wherever such activities may take place? The GNP follows the second method or example, if a French company owns a factory in Germany, it contributes to the French GNP.

While the GNP depends on who owns property, the GDP depends on location. It is produced by all factors of production within the country, both domestic- and foreign-owned.

To draw a line between GNP and GDP is not an easy matter as the difference between them is small but there exist interesting exceptions. Switzerland earns a considerable share of its income abroad, which is due to the large number of Swiss-owned multinational companies.

Its GNP has been reported to be more than its GDP by 5 percent.

It is known that Pakistan, too, has a GNP bigger than its GDP since its large population living abroad regularly transfers labour income to the home country.

Most interesting is Kuwait which has used its oil income over the years to acquire (приобретать) property abroad. As a result of its high investment income, its GNP is known to be bigger than its GDP by 35 percent.

б) Ответьте на вопросы:

In what countries is there large difference between GDP and GNP? Why?