Animals as Useful Biomedical Models in Research
Although in modern times the practice of veterinary medicine has been separated from that of human medicine, the observations of the physician and the veterinarian continue to add to the medical knowledge. Veterinary medicine plays a great role in the health of man through the use of animals as biomedical models because animals may suffer from similar diseases as man and research on many genetic and chronic diseases of man cannot be carried out using humans. However, only a few species of more than 1,200,000 species of animals can be utilized in research, though practically for every known human disease, an identical or similar disease exists in at least one animal species.
Animal research has played an important role in every major medical advance of the last century for both human and animal health. Seven of the last ten Nobel Prizes for medicine have depended on animal research, for example, the development of penicillin (mice), organ transplant (dogs), and work on poliomyelitis that led to a vaccine (mice, monkeys). The most important uses of animals in science have included the use of the monkeys (rhesus macaque) for the identification of blood types; dogs (beagles) were subjected to cigarette smoke for research on hog cancer, and the use of dogs by I. P. Pavlov to investigate behaviourism. His development of genetics has allowed increasing the research on genetically modified organisms and the cloning of Dolly the sheep has made her one of the best known experimental animals. Thus, animal studies are of great importance to the development of new surgical techniques, the testing of new cures, the prediction of toman reaction to drugs, and nutritional research. Animals are especially valuable in research on chronic degenerative diseases because (hey can easily be caused experimentally in them. Nowadays more and more people are suffering from chronic degenerative diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, so experiments on animals may be of great value. It is obvious that new research discoveries that involve (lie study of animal diseases will result in other important contributions to human health.
Vocabulary List
degenerative disease— дегенеративное заболевание
cardiovascular disease— сердечно-сосудистое заболевание
1. Методические рекомендации к лингафонному курсу английского языка для студентов 2 года обучения. ЛВИ, 1983.
2. Разумовский О.В. Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 2 курса ветеринарного факультета. - СПб., Изд-во СПб ГАВМ, 2007.
3. Муравейская М.С.,. Орлова Л.К. Английский язык для медиков. Москва. Изд-во: Флинта-Наука, 2009.
4. Курашвили Е.И., Михалкова У.С. Английский язык для технических вузов. Москва. Изд-во: Высшая школа, 1991.
5. Комарова Е.Н. Английский язык для специальностей «Зоотехния» и « Ветеринария» Москва. Изд-во: Академия, 2010.
6. Black¢s Student Veterinary Dictionary, Edited by Edward Borden, 2007.
Lesson 1. 3
Lesson 2. 6
Lesson 3. 7
Lesson 4. 10
Lesson 5. 11
Lesson 6. 14
Lesson 7. 17
Lesson 8. 19
Lesson 9. 21
Lesson 10. 29
Lesson 11. 31
Lesson 12. 33
Lesson 13. 39
Lesson 14. 41
Lesson 15. 45
Lesson 16. 47
Lesson 17. 50
Supplement 52
Литература. 58
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