Read the article again and decide whether the following sentences TRUE or FALSE. Explain your choice

1. FASB proposed to classify deferred taxes in balance sheet.

2. New amendments will be implemented in December, 2015.

3. The proposed changes would match the presentation of deferred income tax assets with IFRS.

4. Current tax presentations provides users with necessary and understandable information.

5. New standard refers deferred tax assets to fixed assets.

6. New tax presentation would negatively influence the quality of information.

7. According to the offered updates, deferred taxes would be on the books less than one reporting period.

Study the following definitions from the OXFORD DICTIONARY.

Tax avoidance -ways of paying only the smallest amount of tax that you legally have to. Tax bracket -a range of different incomes on which the same rate of tax must be paid.
Tax evasion -the crime of deliberately not paying all the taxes. Income tax -the amount of money that you should pay to the government according to how much you earn or receive from other funds.
Tax exemption -a situation in which a person or a company does not have to pay tax. Differed tax -paying the tax later than you earn or receive the income.

Insert the words from ex. 2 into the sentences.

1. There were only two __________ - 22% and 40%.

2. Competitors have challenged the company's _______ as unfair.

3. The famous multinational is accused of _______________.

4. The rate of ____________ differs from country to country.

5. Sometimes the company has to put _________ in the balance sheet as customers haven't repaid its payments.

6. If the company transfers its income to off-shore zone this process might sometimes be called _______________.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Во многих странах существует прогрессивная шкала налогообложения, что значительно влияет на учет.

2. Часто бухгалтера применяют практику отложенных налоговых обязательств.

3. Объектами налогового учёта являются доходы и расходы организации, учитываемые для целей налогообложения.

4. Информация об объектах налогового учёта в аналитических регистрах формируется в хронологическом порядке.

5. Бухгалтерский учёт совпадает с налоговым, если в учётной политике закреплён одинаковый по- рядок применения коэффициентов к основной норме амортизации.

6. Налогооблагаемый доход определяется на базе учетного дохода за отчетный период.

7. Отсроченный актив по подоходному налогу аннулируется пропорционально величине реверсированной временной разницы.

8. Временные разницы возможны при несовпадении балансовой стоимости.




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