Комплексна контрольна робота. Ділова англійська мова, ІІІ курс, 5 семестр

Ділова англійська мова, ІІІ курс, 5 семестр

Варіант 8


Read and translate the text (paragraphs 1 – 3 in a written form). Before reading look through and remember the following words and word combinations from the text


get an interview мати інтерв’ю (співбесіду)
reference відгук, рекомендація
present a list of reference надати список відгуків
tense напружений
polite ввічливий
be confident бути впевненим
persuade переконувати
regular duties звичайні обов’язки
colleague колега
be an asset for the company бути придбанням для компанії
give a good representation добре представити
demand вимагати
appoint the date призначити дату
posses володіти
monitor accounting procedures контролювати, перевіряти обчислювальні операції
liaison зв’язок, взаємодія
tax authorities податкові органи
handle керувати, володіти, контролювати, справлятися
salary заробітна плата
negotiable те, що може обговорюватися
warehouse склад
translator, interpreter перекладач
orally усно
in written письмово
vice versa навпаки
simultaneous одночасний
receptionist, secretary секрeтар
lawyer адвокат
securities цінні папери
equity звичайна акція, акція без фіксованого дивіденду
willingness бажання
advertising реклама (дія)
advertisement реклама (оголошення)
label прикріплювати етикетку, ярлик
trademark торгова марка
copyright авторське право
Corporate Law корпоративне законодавство
commercial transaction комерційна угода
labour law трудове законодавство
attorney адвокат, юрист
order spare parts замовляти запчастини
assemble монтувати, збирати
investigate customers’ need вивчати (визначати) потреби покупців


1. Mr. McDermot: An interview is an important event in the life of every job applicant. It can be the last test on the way to a new position. That’s why it’s very important to be well prepared for an interview.

2. Come in time the appointed place for an interview. Don’t forget to take all the necessary documents for your better presentation (references, characteristics, diplomas).

3. Don’t be nervous and tense with the interviewer, be polite and listen attentively to all the questions you are asked. If you are confident in what you talking about it will make a good impression on the interviewer. Try to give full and clear answers to the questions. Be ready to discuss the details of your future work. Try to persuade the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the chosen position and asset for the company. Don’t talk about personal questions if they are not connected with the future work.

4. Don’t hesitate to describe fully your responsibilities and regular duties at the previous job if you are asked. Show that you are thinking ahead in your career development. Be ready to explain the reasons of your desire to change the work. Tell about your educational history and obtained degree. Don’t forget to mention your computer skills, language fluency if it’s required by the company.

At the end of the interview thank the interviewer for his/her attention. Don’t demand the immediate answer about his/her decision, appoint the certain date for it.

Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian

1. My friend has got an interview for tomorrow that’s why he is so nervous.

2. Did you present a list of references to the interviewer?

3. He was confident and they didn’t hesitate to take him for this position.

4. The interviewer was impressed by my experience in this field.

5. Did you understand all the questions during the interview?

6. What date was appointed for your interview?

7. The interviewer told me that Mr. Green was an asset for any company.