Комплексна контрольна робота. Ділова англійська мова, ІІІ курс, 5 семестр

Ділова англійська мова, ІІІ курс, 5 семестр

Варіант 20

strategies in managing the staff

Read and translate the text (paragraphs 1 – 3 in a written form). Before reading look through and remember the following words and word combinations from the text

leadership керівництво, керівники
concept поняття, ідея, загальне уявлення, концепція
outstanding видатний
approach підхід
define визначати
attempt спроба
accomplish виконувати, завершати, доводити до кінця, удосконалювати
be engaged бути зайнятим
fairly справедливо
mutual спільний
reward винагороджувати
self-interest особиста зацікавленість
predict передрікати, пророкувати
indicate указувати
guidance керівництво
emphasize підкреслювати
follower послідовник
tend мати тенденцію, схилятися до чогось
facilitate полегшувати, допомагати, сприяти
combine поєднувати, сполучати
perceive розуміти, усвідомлювати, розрізняти, почувати
clarification очищення, пояснення, з’ясування


1. For over 25 years, major corporations and organizations throughout the world have used the concepts of Situational Leadership to improve the effectiveness of their managers. One of the most outstanding leadership models was developed by Dr. Hersey and Dr. Blanshard at Ohio State University to provide managers with a practical and simple approach to achieve the best results from their people.

2. There are many ways you can be an effective leader – there is no single “School solution” to the management process.

3. Leadership is defined as any attempt to influence the behaviour of an individual or the group. Accomplishing a task or reaching a goal through the efforts of other people means a person is engaged in leadership. Real leadership means managing people fairly for mutually rewarding and productive purposes and has nothing to do with manipulation – taking unfair advantage of or influencing others for self-interest, or making people feel uncomfortable.

4. Motivating and controlling people toward accomplishment of planned objectives requires 3 important skills: understanding past behaviour – predicting future behaviour – directing, changing and controlling behaviour.

5. Research studies indicate that effective leaders can be engaged in different types of behaviour: task behaviour and relationship behaviour.

6. Task behaviour provides and direction – the leader clearly spells out duties and responsibilities to an individual or group about everything.

7. Relationship behaviour emphasizes two-way communication with followers and exchanging information with them. This type tends to be more nonverbal than task behaviour. Synonyms for relationship behaviour are supporting, facilitating, and encouraging.

8. Some good leaders manage to combine both types of behaviour in their work, though all of them have different leadership styles.

9. Leadership style is defined as the leader’s patterns of behaviour – including both words and actions as perceived by other.

10. Their are 4 leadership styles:

1. High task, low relationship behaviour (The leader provides specific instructions and supervises followers closely, sometimes it’s called “telling”);

2. High task, high relationship behaviour (The leader explains decisions and provides followers with opportunities for clarification – “selling”);

3. High relationship, low task behaviour (The leader shares ideas with followers and facilitates decision making – “participating”);

4. Low relationship, high task behaviour (The leader turns over responsibility for decisions and implementation to followers – “delegating”).