Список использованных источников. 1. Майкрософт Рус — Microsoft, ООО


1. Майкрософт Рус — Microsoft, ООО. Russian Business.

2. "Microsoft Board of Directors" (Press release)

3. "Microsoft Corporation Corporate Governance Guidelines"

4. Ольга Проскурина, Игорь Цуканов. «Я всегда был корпоративным патриотом»

5. http://stock-list.ru

6. Apple Investor Relations FAQ, Apple inc.

7. http://www.thevista.ru

8. http://www.tadviser.ru

9. Access & Map." Sony Global.

10. "Gaming company Top 25"

11. http://www.podberi.tv

12. http://i-business.ru

13. http://www.hardwareluxx.ru

14. http://www.microsoft.com

15. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Альтаир_8800

16. Allan, Roy A. (2001). A History of the Personal Computer.

17. "Bill Gates: A Timeline". BBC News (BBC).

18. Staples, Betsy (August 1984). "Kay Nishi bridges the cultural gap".

19. Dyar, Dafydd Neal (November 4, 2002). "Under The Hood: Part 8".

20. Engines that move markets. Books.google.co.uk.

21. "Steve Ballmer: Chief Executive Officer"

22. http://www.gartner.com/technology/home.jsp

23. Microsoft Chronology". CBS News (CBS Interactive). Retrieved August 5, 2010.

24. http://360.datamonitor.com.ezproxy.gsom.spbu.ru

25. International directory of company histories» Vol. 6 / editor Paula Kepos.

26. http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/History/The-History-of-Microsoft-1999-The-Series-Finale

27. http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/microsoft-corporation-history

28. http://www.reeed.ru/info_microsoft-kompanii.php

29. http://www.microsoft.com/rus/government

30. http://www.darwinsys.com/history/mslies.html#deals

31. http://www.theofficialboard.com/org-chart/microso




Приложение 1

Уильям Генри Гейтс III

Приложение 3

Приложение 2

Стив Баллмер

Приложение 4

Пол Аллен

Прилжение 6. Xbox

Приложение 5


Приложение 7. Лента BASIC

Рис. 2. Подробная структура организации на 2012 год.[35]


[1] Майкрософт Рус — Microsoft, ООО. Russian Business.

[2] "Microsoft Board of Directors" (Press release)

[3] "Microsoft Corporation Corporate Governance Guidelines"

[4] Ольга Проскурина, Игорь Цуканов. «Я всегда был корпоративным патриотом»

[5] http://stock-list.ru

[6] Apple Investor Relations FAQ, Apple inc.

[7] http://www.thevista.ru

[8] http://www.tadviser.ru

[9] http://www.tadviser.ru

[10] "Access & Map." Sony Global.

[11] "Gaming company Top 25"

[12] http://www.podberi.tv

[13] http://i-business.ru

[14] http://www.hardwareluxx.ru

[15] http://www.microsoft.com

[16] http://www.thevista.ru/

[17] http://www.microsoft.com/

[18] http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Альтаир_8800

[19] Allan, Roy A. (2001). A History of the Personal Computer.

[20] "Bill Gates: A Timeline". BBC News (BBC).

[21] Staples, Betsy (August 1984). "Kay Nishi bridges the cultural gap".

[22] "Bill Gates: A Timeline". BBC News (BBC).

[23] Dyar, Dafydd Neal (November 4, 2002). "Under The Hood: Part 8".

[24] Engines that move markets. Books.google.co.uk.

[25] "Steve Ballmer: Chief Executive Officer"

[26] Allan, Roy A. (2001). A History of the Personal Computer.

[27] Allan, Roy A. (2001). A History of the Personal Computer.

[28] "Microsoft Chronology". CBS News (CBS Interactive). Retrieved August 5, 2010.

[29] http://360.datamonitor.com.ezproxy.gsom.spbu.ru

[30] «International directory of company histories» Vol. 6 / editor Paula Kepos.

[31] 1http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/History/The-History-of-Microsoft-1999-The-Series-Finale.

[32] http://www.reeed.ru/info_microsoft-kompanii.php.

[33] http://www.microsoft.com/rus/government

[34] http://www.darwinsys.com/history/mslies.html#deals

[35] http://www.theofficialboard.com/org-chart/microsoft