Способы перевода причастий I и II


  Active Passive
Present Participle выражает действие, происходящее одновременно с действием, выраженным сказуемым transmitting в функции 1) определения: передающий (иногда: -вший)(-ущ, -ющ, -фщ, -ящ, -вш,) 2) обстоятельства: передавая (,, -ав, -ив; придаточным предложением: Когда передают… при + существительное: при передаче being transmitted в функции 1) определения: передающийся, передававшийся, который передается (-щийся, -вшийся, -мый) 2) обстоятельства: будучи передан, когда передаётся
Past Participle выражает действие, происходящее одновременно с действием, выраженным сказуемым, раньше или позже этого действия не употребляется   transmitted в функции 1) определения: передаваемый, переданный (-нный, -емый, -имый, -тый, -щийся, -вшийся) 2) обстоятельства: когда передали, (при + существительное – при передаче)
Perfect Participle выражает действие, предшествовавшее действию, выраженному сказуемым having transmitted в функции обстоятельства: передав (-ав, -яв, -ив, -вшись) having been transmitted в функции обстоятельства: после того как передали, так как передали, когда передали




Exercise 1. Choose the best participle forms (A-J) to fit into the sentences. One of the forms is not needed.


A. modernizing B. exhausted C. having been trained
D. realizing E. being F. crying
G. shining H. fallen I. having failed


1. ____ children make me nervous.
2. ____ for two years, he has become very skillful in the trade.
3. ____ snow covered the sidewalks.
4. He spent a lot of money ____ the house.
5. ____ twice, he didn’t want to try again.
6. ____ poor, he didn’t spend much.
7. ____ by the morning’s work, I got myself a cup of coffee and sat down.
8. ____ that there was no hope to save his business, he gave up.


Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences replacing the italic part with a Present Participle.


Model: Jim was talking to his friend and forgot everything around him. Talking to his friend Jim forgot everything around him.


1. Since they watch the newsevery day they know what’s going on in the world.
2. My friends are vegetarians and don’t eat meat.
3. While Sally was tidying up her flat she found some old photos.
4. Kate was a good girl and helped her mother in the kitchen.
5. As we didn’t have enough money we spent our holidays in the village last year.
6. The lady was sitting in the café. She was drinking coffee.
7. Since he didn’t feel well he didn’t go to the concert.
8. Claire walked home and met an old friend.


Exercise 3. Replace the italic part in the sentences with a Perfect Participle.


Model: We switched off the lights before we left the house. Having switched off the lights we left the house.


1. The children asked their mother’s permission and then went out to play.
2. We have run two kilometers today, so we are very exhausted.
3. She filled the dish washing machine and switched it on.
4. Mark had been to the disco the night before and overslept in the morning.
5. We had played in the garden all day and were sunburned in the evening.
6. She had not slept for two days and therefore wasn’t able to concentrate.
7. Since I had not seen my group-mate for ages, I didn’t recognize him.
8. My brother had not ridden a horse for a long time and found it very difficult to keep in the saddle.


Exercise 4. Fill in the Perfect Participle. Decide whether to use active or passive voice.


1. ____ (stop) the car, the police officer wanted to see the documents.
2. ____ (write) the grammar test, the students felt relieved.
3. ____ (do) research all day, we were quite exhausted in the evening.
4. ____ (confess), he was accused of even more criminal offences.
5. ____ (arrive) at the station, they called a taxi.
6. ____ (type) by the secretary, the letter was signed by the boss.
7. ____ (interrupt) several times, he was rather annoyed.
8. ____ (live) in Oxford for ten years, he spoke English like a native speaker.


Exercise 5. Rewrite the sentences replacing the italic part with a Past Participle.


Model: I have a dog that is called Larry. I have a dog called Larry.


1. The dinner was cheaper than we had expected.
2. He was accused of stealing the jewelry and arrested.
3. Mrs. Smith was shocked by the bad news and burst into tears.
4. The workshopis organized by our team and will surely be a great success.
5. The film is based on real events and tells the story of a fashion designer.
6. Lily was born in Hollywood and knows all the famous movie stars.
7. The car was taken to the garage. It was repaired within two hours.


Exercise 6. Replace the underlined phrase with a suitable participle phrase.


Model: She fell asleep while she watched the film. She fell asleep watching the film.


1. Because I can speak Arabic I was able to follow their conversation.
2. After she had moved out, Kelly found it difficult to find a nice place to stay.
3. The sea was very rough, which made me feel sick.
4. As I am not very good with figures, I need a person to do my accounts.
5. This is a house which was built to last forever.
6. Provided you wash it at a cool temperature, this sweater will not shrink.
7. People who play loud music late at night can be a real problem.
8. The people who lived closest to the sea coast were the worst affected.
9. Because he had been unemployed for so long, John despaired of finding a job.


Exercise 7. Replace the Relative Clause by a Participle Construction while keeping the rest of the sentence unchanged.


Model: The man who was waiting in the office expected a phone call. The man waiting in the office expected a phone call.


1. Passengers who wanted to go to Brighton had to change in Manchester.
2. The girl who was picked up by her father was very nice.
3. The house that stands at the end of the road will soon be sold.
4. The conference which was planned by our team was about information technologies.
5. A friend who helps you in need is a good friend indeed.
6. A picture that shows the image of a person is a portrait.
7. The problems that were discussed will be essential for our life.


Exercise 8. Combine the clauses using participle constructions. Decide whether to use the conjunctions in the participle clause or not.


Model: Since he had never been there before, he was amazed. Not having been there before, he was amazed. Before he left the office, he switched off the lights. Before leaving the office, he switched off the lights.


1. As she was on holiday, she couldn’t go to the birthday party.
2. While she was cooking, she cut her finger.
3. When they travel around Italy, they always stay in youth hostels.
4. Since she didn’t hear the doorbell, she missed the delivery.
5. After I had dropped him at the station, I drove straight to the supermarket.
6. Since she didn’t feel well, she stayed in bed.
7. While I was talking on the phone, I forgot about the pie in the oven.


Exercise 9. Find the participles or participial phrases. Tell what they modify.


1. Running through the thick forest, the man stumbled and fell.
2. The prize was awarded to the prominent scientist.
3. The man threw out the broken computer.
4. The builders, trying to finish before the rain, poured the concrete quickly.
5. Studying through the night, the students tried to prepare for the exam.
6. Frustrated by the lack of progress, the man decided to give up.
7. Disappointed, the woman stomped her foot and left angrily.
8. Thinking himself alone, Frank began to sing his favourite song.
9. The drinking water is not safe in some countries.
10. Listening to the loud music, Tom couldn’t hear the phone.


Exercise 10. Choose the correct form.


1. I am so relaxed/relaxing that I don’t want to move.
2. I find horror films really frightened/frightening and not at all fun to watch.
3. Sometimes I get really frustrated/frustrating when I can’t express myself well in English.
4. We were stopped by a man with a gun who took our money. It was terrified/ terrifying.
5. The seminar was really interested/interesting.
6. She was overwhelmed/overwhelming when everyone cheered and we gave her presents.
7. If I feel stressed, I think that taking a bath is often relaxed/relaxing.
8. I’m really tired/tiring. I think I’ll go to bed.
9. He’s very interested/interesting in computers and everything connected with them.
10. The trip was overwhelmed/overwhelming with so many things to do and it was all so new.
11. She is never satisfied/satisfying with the results of her work.
12. Cleaning is so tired/tiring! I think I’ll have a rest and phone my friend.
13. My mother was shocked/shocking by the man’s bad language.


Exercise 11. Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.


Model: Dick is a great assert at any party because he is so charming. Being so charming, Dick is always a great assert at any party.


1. I took a short language course following my graduation from university. Having __________________________________a short language course.
2. As she threw open the windows Nancy said: ‘There’s nothing like fresh air!’ throwing ‘There’s nothing like fresh air!’ _________________ the windows.
3. The flowers should grow well if you plant them in a sunny spot. Planted _________________________________________ should grow well.
4. My husband is having a lot of trouble finding a good job as he hasn’t had the benefit of a college education. Having ___________________________a college education, my husband is having a lot of trouble finding a good job.
5. Steve was a demanding boss because he was such a perfectionist. Being ________________________________was a demanding boss.

Причастные обороты

Participial Constructions