Emergencies natural character and life safety recommendations.

Topic 6. Safety of life in emergency situations.

Lesson 1.Emergencies of natural character.


Name of the question studied Time
Introduction. 5'
1. Causes and classification of emergencies. 30'
2. Emergencies of natural character and life safety recommendations. 30'
3. Trends in emergency situations of natural and technogenic disasters in 2011 20'
The final part. 5'




1. Zaplatynsky V.M. Safety of life. Reference lecture outlines for all specialties. - K. KDTEU, 1999. - 208 p.

2. Bedriy Y.I., Nechai V.Y. Safety of life. Textbook. - L.: Magnolia-2006, 2007. - 499 p.

3. Zhelibo E.P., Zaverukha N.M., Zatsarnyy V.V. Safety of life. The manual / Ed. E.P. Zhelibo. 6th ed. - K.: Caravela, 2008. -344s.

4. Lapin V.M. Safety of human life. Textbook. - K.: Knowledge, 2007. - 332 p.

5. Law of Ukraine "On protection of population and territories from emergency situations of technogenic and natural character", 2000

6. State emergencies qualifier. DC 019-2001.

7. The provisions on the classification of emergency. (Approved PKMU from 24.03.2004, № 368).

8. National Report on the technogenic and natural security in Ukraine in 2007. - K.: MOE, 2008.

Tasks for independent work

1. Examine the lecture material [3], p. 162-192, [2], p. 351-402. [1], p. 119-130, [4], p. 146-179.

2. Get acquainted with the governing documents [5-8].

3. Get acquainted with educational films "Chernobyl-1986", "Ozhydiv-2007”.



Safety of life in emergency situations

Causes and classification of emergencies.

Emergencies of natural character and life safety recommendations.

Trends in emergency situations of natural and technogenic disasters in 2011


Every day in the world is recorded thousands of events in which there occurs a violation of normal living conditions and human activities and that may or do cause death and/or significant material damages. Such events are called emergencies.

The mass media, as a rule, tend to draw public attention to emergencies, especially when they have or may lead to a large number of victims, threaten normal life and activity of groups of people, entire regions or even countries. Almost all newspaper publications, radio or television news issues can not miss such messages.



Common emergency signs:

- the presence or threat of human death or significant deterioration in their life conditions

- economic losses

- the essential deterioration of the environment state

Let’s consider the classification of emergencies and each class of emergencies in order: their causes, negative effects, security recommendations.



1. Causes and Classification of Emergencies


Emergency - violation of normal life and activity of people in a facility or area, caused by an accident, disaster, natural disaster or other dangerous events that led/may lead to people’s death and/or significant material damages.


Causes of emergencies appearance:

- Accidents;

- Disasters;

- Natural disasters;

- other events, such as epidemics, terrorism, armed conflicts etc..

Accident -dangerous technogenic event that creates a threat to people’s life or health at the facility, territory or waters, and leads to the destruction of buildings, equipment and vehicles, breakdown of production or transportation process or harms the environment.

Disaster - large-scale disaster or other event that results in severe and tragic consequences.

Natural hazard -the natural event or the result of natural processes that can affect people, economic facilities and environment due to its intensity, magnitude and duration distribution.


Common signs of emergencies (emergencies effects):

- the presence or threat of people’s death or significant violation of their life conditions;

- economic losses;

- deterioration of the environment state.

According to the causes of events that could lead to emergency appearance, the latter are classified into classes:

1. emergencies of natural character.

2. technogenic emergencies.

3. emergencies of socio-political character.

4. emergencies of military character.


Emergencies of natural character - dangerous geological, meteorological, hydrological, marine and freshwater phenomena, soil or subsoil degradation, natural fires, changing of the industrial environment state, infectious diseases of people, farm animals, mass pests or diseases affection of crops, the state of water resources and the biosphere changing, etc.

Technogenic emergencies - traffic accidents, fires, unprovoked explosions or threat of their appearance, accidents with the release (the threat of release) of hazardous chemical, radioactive, biological substances, sudden destruction of buildings, accidents on networks and life-supporting systems, hydrodynamic accidents at dams etc.

Emergencies of socio-political character, associated with the illegal actions of terroristic and unconstitutional direction: fulfillment or a real threat of fulfillment of a terroristic act (an armed attack, capture and detention of important facilities, nuclear installations and materials, communications and telecommunications, assault or attempt on crew at aircraft or ship), theft (attempted theft) or destroyment of ships, hostage-taking, explosive assemblies setting in public places, weapons stealing or seizing, , etc. obsolete ammunition detection.

Emergencies of military character, associated with the effects of weapons of mass destruction or conventional weapons usage, during which there occur secondary factors affecting the population due to the destruction of nuclear and hydroelectric stations, warehouses and storages of radioactive and toxic substances, waste, petroleum products, explosives, transportation and engineering communications, etc.


Considering the size and effects emergencies classified into 4 levels:

1. State level.

2. Regional level.

3. Local level.

4. Site level.


To determine the level of an emergency, the following criteria [7]:

1) spatial distribution and scope of technical and financial resources needed for disaster management;

2) the number of people affected or living conditions were violated due to an emergency;

3) Size inflicted (expected) losses.


Emergency of the state level - is a emergency:

1) that has spread, or may spread to the territory of other states;

2) that is spread on the territory of two or more regions of Ukraine, and to eliminate it necessary inputs in quantities that exceed the capabilities of these regions, but not less than 1% of the expenditures of local budgets;

3) which led to the death of over 10 persons and injured in more than 300 people (victims - people whose life or health was harmed as a result of the National Assembly), or violated the normal living conditions of more than 50 thousand people for a long time (more than 3 days);

4) died in more than 5 people or injured over 100 people, or violated the normal living conditions of more than 10 thousand people for a long time, and losses exceeding 25 thousand times the minimum wage (MW);

5) losses which exceeded 150 thousand MW;

6) which in other cases stipulated by legislative acts on its grounds recognized as an emergency state level.

Emergency of the regional level is such emergency:

1) which is spread on the territory of two or more counties (cities of regional importance) regions, and for its elimination necessary inputs in amounts that exceed the capabilities of these areas, but not less than 1% of the expenditures of local budgets;

2) which resulted in the death of 3 to 5 persons and injured in 50 to 100 people, or violated normal living conditions from 1 thousand to 10 thousand people for a long time, and losses exceeded 5 thousand MW;

3) the loss of which exceeded 15 thousand MW.

Emergency of local level is the emergency that:

1) has moved beyond the areas potentially dangerous object, threatens the environment, neighboring settlements, engineering, and for its elimination necessary inputs in amounts exceeding their potentially dangerous object;

2) died in 1-2 people and injured 20 to 50 people, or violated normal living conditions of 100 to 1000 people for a long time, and losses exceeded 0.5 thousand MW;

3) the loss of which exceeded 2 thousand MW.

Emergency of the site level - the National Assembly, which is not covered by the above-mentioned definition, occurred at the site, and the consequences of not beyond the facility or its buffer zone.

Cases of violation processes, equipment operation, temporary layoffs as a result of automatic safety locks and other local undesired departments, sections and individual objects falling towers and break wires power lines do not belong to the accidents that have category.

Emergencies have different extent by the number of victims, the number of people who were sick or crippled, the number of people who suffered non-pecuniary damage, the size of economic losses, an area of ​​the territory in which they evolved, and so on.

The importance of an emergency is determined primarily by the number of victims and the degree of impact on the surrounding living environment, ie the level of "man - living environment" she touched, and the size of the damage caused by this system. Based on the hierarchy of systems "man - living environment" You can talk about:

Local emergencies (or Incidents, accidents), which correspond to the level of "man - living environment" with one person or a tight group.


Conclusions. The current situation in Ukraine on natural hazards, accidents and disasters characterized as very complex. The trend of increasing number of emergencies, the severity of their consequences are forced to consider them as a serious threat to the individual, society and the environment, as well as the stability of the economy. To work in the area of emergency must involve a significant amount of human, material and technical resources. Prevention of emergency situations and liquidation of their consequences, the maximum reduction in the scale of losses and loss has become a nationwide problem and is one of the most important tasks of the executive and management at all levels.

For effective work to prevent disasters, mitigate their effects, and reduce the scale of loss or damage is very important to know their causes and have a theory of catastrophes.



Emergencies natural character and life safety recommendations.

Emergencies of the natural character include:

- Geological emergencies(Earthquakes, Landslides, Subsidence (gap) the earth's surface; Karst abyss; Volcanic eruptions);

- Meteorological emergencies

- Hydrology(marine and freshwater)emergencies

- Fires in natural ecological systems

- Medical and biological(infectious disease in humans, the mass poisoning of people)

- Infectious disease and massive poisoning of farm animals

- Mass deaths of wild animals

- Defeat crops diseases and pests


Reasons of the emergencies of natural character are natural hazards and disasters.

According to statistics for 2007 emergencies of the natural level scale as follows: 5 - AS 21 - PP 53 - MY 73 - PR. As a result, the National Assembly of natural origin in 2007 in Ukraine, killing 68 people (including 11 children) were injured - 946 persons (304 children). Damages of about 670 million USD.


Emergencies of the natural character in 2007 includes:

Meteorological - 23%, poisoning the population - 22% of fire in natural ecosystems - 20% infectious disease in humans - 13% geological - 10% of infections with / farm animals - 9%; hydrological - 3%.


Geological emergencies

Geological emergencies include: earthquakes, landslides, subsidence (gap) of the earth surface karst abyss; volcanic eruptions.


Earthquake – is a strong oscillation of the crust induced by tectonic causes that lead to the destruction of buildings, fires and casualties.

Causes of earthquakes. They causes by movement and percussion of tectonic plates of the earth's crust.

Each year our planet shudders over a million times. 99.5% of these earthquakes are light, their force not exceeding 2.5 points on the Richter scale. A small number of earthquakes are up to force 8-9 points on this scale. One of the strongest earthquakes-8 points, occurred 12.07.1988, in Armenia (Leninakan, Spitak), 25 thousand people died, Spitak was totally destroyed, Leninakan - 80%.

Ukraine is not seismically dangerous zone, but the Carpathians and the Crimea are seismically active, for which in 2007 recorded 120 earthquakes and 46 (respectively) the power to 2.5 points.

Recommendations for safety during earthquakes.

• If you stay in the room, you should immediately take a safe place. These are holes of capital internal walls, angles formed by them. Remember that exterior walls of buildings collapsed more often. You must stay away from windows and heavy objects that could tip over or budge.

• Do not run out of the house because, debris falling along the walls are serious danger. Safer to await push where you found it, and just waiting until its completion, go to a safe place.

• Being in a multistory building, do not rush to the elevators or stairs. Flights of stairs and elevators often crumble during the earthquake.

• After stopping of shocks, you need to go outside urgently, move away from buildings to open space to avoid the blows debris falling.

• Being in a moving car should slowly brake away from tall buildings, bridges or overpasses. You must remain in the car until stopping of shocks.

• To find oneself the heap, you should calmly classes the situation; give yourself first aid, if needed. You must provide first aid to those who need it. It is important to take care of communicating with those who are outside the heap (voice, thud). A person can remain viable (without food and water) for more than two weeks.


Landslides -are slippery shifting down the hillsides masses of rocks, arising from the imbalance.

Landslides can occur on all slopes with an inclination of 20° or more in any season. By the speed of displacement of rock, landslides are divided into:

slow (rate of several tens of centimeters per year);

medium (the speed of several meters per hour or day);

fast (speed of tens kilometers per hour).

Causes. Landslides occur due to weakening of rock strength due to weathering and washing of precipitations and groundwater, systemic shocks, reckless economic activity, and so on.

Only quick shifts can cause disaster with fatalities. Volume of rocks, which are displaced by landslides, is in the range from several hundred to many millions of cubic meters.

The most significant centers of landslides in Ukraine recorded on the right bank of the Dnieper, on the Black Sea coast, in Zakarpattia and Chernivtsi region.

The most effective measures to fight the shift is diversion of surface water, artificial transformation of relief (reducing the load on the hillsides), fixing the hillsides using the struts.

During 2007, there were 4,195 active landslides in almost all regions of Ukraine.

For example, in Kiev in 2007 reached 100 landslides and 6 shear reliefs. Most of the landslides are under temporary stabilization due to the effective work of anti-landslide constructions , but in 2007 seven landslides were activated. The intensity of the shift process increases with the developing of hillsides and holding on them disordered building. Intensification of shift processes noted in areas of landslide slope between Petrovska street and Kudrivska street (Petrovsky ravine), near St. Andrew's Church, between Dehtyarivska street and Kyyankivsky lane (landslide #25), near the funicular, below the Mariinsky Palace, near the Magdeburg Rights monument and on the territory of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The most landslip slope where possible activation process includes the area between the streets: Lukyanivska - Olehivska, Glibochitska - Petrovska (Honcharny ravine Petrovsky ravine) and the district of Vydubytsky monastery.

The effects of geological emergencies are the destruction of buildings, service lines, communication systems, transportation networks, and others.

Basic safety recommendations are the following:

1) continuous monitoring of the environment, knowledge of the possible development of geological emergencies;

2) providing of non-getting to the shift zone, timely evacuation - leaving the danger zone;

3) personal readiness to resist landslide in own yard.


Flood - a significant submersion of the areas due to rise in water level in the river, lake, storage reservoir, caused by downpours, spring snowmelt, surges of water, destruction of dams etc.. Floods cause extensive property damages and result in human losses.

According to UNESCO, in the XX century 9 million people died because of the flood. No wonder people say that the worst thing for a person is water and fire. Floods cause large financial losses and - in some countries up to 50% of their national income. Only for a year worldwide losses make up billions of dollars. Damage from flooding increases. A major factor that contributes to flood damage is man-made impact on the environment. First of all it is deforestation, after which infiltration properties of the soil are reduced by 3.5 times, and the intensity of its flushing increases by 15 times. In the rainforest deforestation leads to increase in the runoff by 2-2,5 times. Number of flooding increases also with increasing number of cities.

Time from time floods are observed on the major rivers of Ukraine. Among them, Dnieper, Dniester, Pripyat, Western Bug, Tisza and others. Floods also take place on small rivers and in areas where there are no defined channels. In these areas, flooding is formed by downpours.

Catastrophic floods in the end of the 1988 and throughout 1999 in Transcarpathia in its consequences, the victims and the involvement of forces has become the greatest after Chernobyl catastrophe. Just over 12 hours in 269 settlements were destroyed 2695 houses, more than 12 thousand - seriously damaged, 10,680 people were outdoors. Waterproof construction, water and sewer facilities, bridges, roads, power lines and communications were affected, agribusiness suffered significant losses.

In July and August 2008 in western Ukraine emerged the biggest flood. It destroyed nearly 6,000 homes.

Consequences of floods:

- Submersion of the large areas of land;

- Damage and destruction of buildings and structures;

- Damage to highways and railways;

- The destruction of equipment , communications and irrigation systems;

- The death of animals and damage of crops;

- Washing away topsoil;

- Damage and destruction of raw materials, fuel, food, fertilizer, etc;

- The threat of infection diseases (epidemic);

- The deterioration of water quality;

- Deaths.

Floods differ from other natural disasters in the way that they can be predicted. But the prediction of the flood probability is much easier than prediction of the time of its beginning. Accuracy of the prediction grows with obtaining reliable information on the number and intensity of rainfall, water levels in the river, water reserves in snow cover, changes in air temperature, long-term weather forecasts and more.

In 2007, Ukraine has seen flooding on the area of 121 thousand square kilometers, which is 1/5 of the whole territory (according to the National Report MOE 2007).

The most intense flooding process develops in all river valleys and bottoms of Black Sea region:

- In the Mykolaiv region 72% of the region is flooded, it is 496 settlements, including - 6 towns, 4 townships and 486 villages. In Mykolaiv 7 plots measuring 50 square meters. Km are flooded;

- Within the Odessa area around 19.7 thousand square kilometers of the area is flooded. Among this territory are 608 settlements, including 10 cities, 16 towns and 582 villages. Large areas between the southern and south-western parts of the region are naturally flooded, the rest of flooding is man-made and are evolving under the influence of economic activity. About 30% of the area of Odessa is in the constant flooding (about 50 sq km);

- In the Kherson region, flooding is observed on the area of 11.3 thousand square kilometers. Most affected by the process of flooding the South-Western (Golopristansky, Belozersky, Skodovsk, Kalanchak) and Northwestern (Velykooleksandrivske and Vysokopolskoye) areas. The determining factor in the development process of flooding in the region is intense and long-term reclamation of water (operation of large irrigation canals and irrigation systems), resulting in establishment of groundwater level at of 0,2 - 3,0 m. According to available information from the monitoring wells, for the past 2 years, groundwater levels have not changed significantly. 269 towns are flooded, among them - Genichesk, Naked Dock, Kakhovka, Kherson and others. Flooding in Kherson is local, only on some areas . .But in time it may cover a larger square, in whole 50% of territory. The most flooded are the central and eastern parts of the city. Also, along the Dnieper coast the development of flooding is traced.

The main direction of flood control is to reduce the maximum losses of water in the river due to redistribution of flow in time (planting shelterbelts, soil plowing across the slope, maintaining riparian vegetation strips, terracing slopes, etc.). For medium and large rivers very effective means is to regulate flood flow through reservoirs. In addition for protection from flood is widely used well-known way - placement of dams. To eliminate the danger of appearance of congestions clearing and deepening of individual sections of the river is conducted ,the destruction of ice by explosions before 10-15 days before the ice flows is also may be applied. Another very important way to control the runoff and prevent flooding is landscape and reclamation activities.

Recommendations for life safety during floods:

•when a warning of flooding is received, it is needed to go to a safe place - on the hill (after turning off water, gas, electric);

• if flooding develops slowly, it is necessary to transfer the capital in a safe place, and to occupy the upper floors (loft), roofs of buildings by yourself;

• in order to leave the place of flooding, use boats and all that can keep a person on water (logs, barrels, car camera, etc.);

• when a person is in the water, it is necessary to take off the heavy clothes and shoes, use floating around things and wait for help.

Karst phenomena - failures due to soil mining and erosion of soil by the ground waters.

In 2007, according to the State Geological Survey, within the territory of Ukraine, more than 26,000 surface and underground karst forms is recorded. In accordance with the lowering of ground water levels the possibility of activization of karst is greatly increased.

For example, in the Chernivetskyi region, the active appearance of open karst is observed in some areas within Kitsmansky, Zastavnivsky, Novoselytskiy and Khotyn areas. The activation is noted near the village Rynhach, where within the karst field the failure with a diameter of 30 m and a depth of 25 m was formed, and near the village Klivodyn in Kitsmansky region, a karst crater with a diameter of 30 m and a depth of 20 m was formed.