NOW use these expressions to grant the right to speak


Professor N. Will take /will be in/is in/ the chair.

The chair will be taken by ...

The Chairman is/will be ...

Today's discussion will be chaired by our vice president...

I should like to open the discussion by asking for your comments on the paper given by...

Would you speak a little louder/speak up/, please Would you speak more slowly, please?

I think we should now take up to the discussion/come to the discussion.

The discussion will be opened by a contribution from Dr. N of the University of Stockholm.




Introduction. This should briefly outline the problem with particular emphasis on the present state of knowledge, followed by a short statement on the aim of the investigation

Material and Methods. This section should contain a brief description of the equipment and material employed and the ex­planation of the way in which the work was done.

Results. This part of the paper provides a brief description of the results obtained. Data as far as possible, should be pre­sented in tables or graphs; double documentation in text, tables, or figures should be avoided.

Discussion. The author is advised to discuss the results, giving particular emphasis to unsettled and controversial points and indicating some conclusions.

References. Citations (цитирование in the text should ap­pear as ciphers (арабская цифра) in parentheses (круглые скобки) referring to the reference list. All authors cited, and only these, must be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order according to the name of the first author and with running numbers of citations

Illustrations: Each graph, drawing, or photograph must be numbered in sequence with Arabic numerals.

Tables: The data must be arranged so that the tables read in the same direction as the text. They should be numbered con­secutively with Arabic numerals...


The abstract is the author's summary of a scientific paper. It is printed under the heading at the beginning of the article. The abstract serves as a convenience to the readers of the jour­nal and to expedite the work of the abstracting journals. ..

The opening sentence should indicate the subjects of the investigation. The abstract should comprise a brief and factual summary of the content and conclusions of the paper, a pointer to any new information which it may contain, and indication of that information's relevance.

When giving experimental results, the abstract should indi­cate the method used; for new methods, the basic principle should be given.

The abstract should be intelligible in itself without refer­ence to the paper and should only in exceptional cases exceed 200 words.

Key words

From four to nine key words for indexing should be given by the author together with the abstract. They should be placed in alphabetical order...


Занятие № 17

Тема: «Mini-conference: Students’ Presentations of Papers»

2. Форма организации занятия: практическое занятие.

Разновидности занятия: в интерактивной форме.

3. Значение изучения темы: данная тема способствует выработке умений и навыков, необходимых для использования английского языка, как средства общения с носителями английского языка в процессе участия и проведения конференции.

4. Цели обучения:

- общая: обучающийся должен обладать ОК-1, ОК-5, ОК-6; ПК-9;

- учебная: обучающийся должен уметь использовать основные правила делового общения, принятые международным сообществом; вести диалог, принимать участие в дискуссии, применять методы и средства познания для интеллектуального развития, повышения культурного уровня, профессиональной компетентности, а также уметь составлять деловые письма, отвечать на них, вести переписку по Интернету; извлекать из англоязычного текста, понимать, описывать, анализировать, обобщать и критически оценивать результаты исследований, представлять результаты проведенного исследования в виде научного отчета, презентации, статьи или доклада. Писать научные статьи и резюме к ним на английском языке.


5. План изучения темы: