Завдання №2 Answer the questions

1 Can we imagine technical progress without modern automatic equipment, without computers?

2. What can computer do?

3. Can a computer replace people in dull, routine tasks in enterprises?

4. In what way can we communicate with one another over any distance?

5. Why must we study well?

Завдання №3 Match the sides.

1.to imagine technical progress without computers 1.Уявити технічний прогрес без комп'ютерів
2.to solve a series of complex problem 2.Спілкуватися один з одним на будь-якій мові
3.to replace people in dull, routine tasks 3.Розв'язувати ряд складних проблем
4.to communicate with one another over any distance 4.Вміти працювати з машинами, які "мислять"
5.to be able to work with the "thinking" machines 5.Замінити людей у нудній, повсякденній роботі


Завдання №4 Make up the sentences

1. can, a, computer, receive, program.

2. have, a, era, opened, in, computers, new, manufacturing, up.

3. an, device, computer, is, electronic.

4. have, modern, they, systems, enhanced, communication.

5. are, computers, for, personal, at, homes, and, schools, designed, use, offices.


Завдання №5 Choose the right variant

1. Computer engineering ... now the most rapidly growing field.

a) are b) was c) is

2. Computers today......with microprocessors.

a) is being equipped b) are equipped c) will be equipped

3. Computers......data and ... them.

a) have to evaluate and process b) is able to evaluate and process c) can evaluate and process

4. Computer... information in form of characters called data,

a) accepts b) were accepted c) is being accepted

5. Computers... with data in binary format.

a) are working b) will work c) work



Голова циклової комісії іноземних мов ____________

Протокол засідання № _________

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Комісія іноземних мов

Дисципліна «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням

Спеціальність 5.05070104 «Монтаж і експлуатація електроустаткування підприємств

і цивільних споруд»

Варіант 15

Завдання №1 Read and translate the text

What is a Computer?

Computer is a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical components. So it is referred to as electronic device. Computer has no intelligence by itself.

The basic job of the computer is the processing of information. Computers accept information in the form of instruction called a program and characters called data. With their help computers perform mathematical and logical operations. After that they give the results. Computer is used to convert data into information. Computer is also used to store information in the digital form. Computer is used to help people in decision making process.

Завдання №2 Answer the questions

1). What does the term "computer" describe?

2) Is computer intelligent?

3) What is the basic job of the computer?

4) In what way terms "data" and "information" differ?

5) What purpose are computers used for?


Завдання №3 Match the sides.

1.To refer to as electronic device 1.Поєднання електронних і електромеханічних компонентів
2.Combination of electronic and electromechanical components 2.Належить до електронного приладу.
3To store information in the digital form 3.Перетворювати дані в інформацію
4.To convert data into information 4.Зберігати інформацію у числовій формі
5.tо gеt information 5.отримувати інформацію під час висновку


Завдання №4 Make up the sentences

1) computer, electronic, made, components, of, is,

2) are, five, there, of, system, elements, computer.

3) convert, into, computers, information, data.

4) intelligence, by, has, computer, no, itself.

5) helps, in, computer, decision, people, making, process.

5. Put in the right variant of answer given below and underline it.