Завдання №1 Read and translate the text

Solar Energy

As we know the Sun is an unlimited source of energy. The energy sources of the world such as oil, coal, natural gas are decreasing rapidly. That why it is necessary to find new sources of energy. There is an increasing interest in obtaining energy from the Sun. At present only a little part of solar energy is being used directly. How can we employ solar energy directly to produce useful energy? Nowadays man has learned to obtain electric power from the Sun. The device employed for converting solar energy into useful power is the solar cell. Great scientists of the past melted metals with the help of solar furnace. Using semiconductors, scientists, for example, have transformed solar energy into electric energy.

Завдання №2 Answer the questions

1) The Sun is unlimited source of energy, isn't?

2) Why is it necessary to find new sources of energy?

3) Can we employ solar energy to a great extent?

4) Have scientists transformed solar energy into electric energy?

5) Name the ways of using the Sun as an unlimited source of energy?

Завдання №3 Match the sides.

An unlimited source of energy Плавити метали за допомогою сонячних печей
To find new sources of energy Одержувати енергію від сонця
To obtain electric power from the Sun Необмежене джерело енергії
To melt metals with the help of solar furnace Перетворювати сонячну енергію в корисну енергію
To convert solar energy into useful power Знайти нові джерела енергії

Завдання №4 Make up the sentences

1). is, Sun, the, source, energy, of.

2) can, we, solar, employ, now, energy.

3) decreasing, the, sources, energy, are, the, of, world.

4) scientists, transformed, solar, have, energy, into, energy, electric

5) use, we, energy, every, electric, day.


Завдання №5 Choose the right variant

1). Solar cells ... an ideal source of power for artificial satellites.

a) are b)is c) were

2) Great scientists of the past ... metals with the help of solar furnaces.

a) melts b) melt c) melted

3) To transform solar energy into electric energy scientists ... semiconductors.

a) to use b) uses c) used

4) Solar furnaces ... just one of the numerous ways to harness the sun.

a) illustrate b) illustrates c) illustrated

5) Scientists ... their search for new sources of energy many years ago.

a) began b) begin c) begins



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Дисципліна «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням

Спеціальність 5.05070104 «Монтаж і експлуатація електроустаткування підприємств

і цивільних споруд»

Варіант 14

Завдання №1 Read and translate the text

What is the role of a computer in our everyday life?

We are living in the Age of Science and Technical Progress. In our days one cannot imagine our life without telephone, radio, television and computers. We cannot imagine technical progress without modern automatic equipment, without computer. Computer can solve a series of complex problem and make hundreds of logical decisions without becoming tired. A computer can replace people in dull, routine tasks in offices and factories, in chemical and metallurgical plants. It can do arithmetic problems faster than any person alive. By means of electric circuits it can find the answer to a very difficult and complicated problem in a few seconds.

We can communicate with one another over any distance with the help of a computer. The operation of "thinking" machines requires highly skilled, cultured people with good knowledge of technology, that's why we must study well to be able to work with these "thinking" machines.