Завдання №5 Choose the right variant. 1) We two types of current

1) We ... two types of current.

a) know b) knew c) knows

2) The number of cycles per second......the frequency of the current

a) is called b) was called c) am called

3) Alternating current.........info direct current

a) could be changed b) have been changed c) can be changed

4) An alternating current ... its direction of flow through a circuit

a)changes b) change c)changed



Голова циклової комісії іноземних мов ____________

Протокол засідання № _________

«________» ______________ 2012р




Комісія іноземних мов

Дисципліна «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням

Спеціальність 5.05070104 «Монтаж і експлуатація електроустаткування підприємств

і цивільних споруд»

Варіант 20.

Завдання №1 Read and translate the text

1. The study of electricity began with Dr. Gilbert 2. He lived at about the same time as Galileo 3. In 1600 he wrote a book describing experiments on electricity and magnetism 4. Russia played an important part in the development of electrical science 5. In spite of difficult conditions under which the scientists and inventors had to work in tzarist Russia they discovered electrical phenomena of great importance 6. In addiotion to that Russian scientists and inventors always tried to find practical application for the phenomena discovered 7. The first work on electricity published in Russia was that written by the father of Russian science Lomonosov 8. Lomonosov was the first to find that heat, lignt and electricity are different forms of movement 9. He was also the first to find the electrical nature of some atmospheric phenomena. 10. Academician Petroff was the first scientist in the world who observed the phenomena know later as the electric arc.

Завдання №2 Answer the questions

11. Russia played an important part in the development of electrical science, didn’t it ?

12. Did Russian scientists and inventors discover electrical phenomena of great importance?

13. Who published the first work on electricity in Russia?

14. What did Lomonosov find?

15. Was Lomonosov the first to find the electrical nature of some atmospheric phenomena?

Завдання №3 Match the sides

1. difficult corrections 1. природа електрики
2. practical application 2. різні форми руху
3. electrical nature 3. практичне застосування
4. elelctrical arc 4. скрутні умови
5. different forms of movement 5. електрична дуга

Завдання №4 Make up the sentences

6. Lived, he, is, in, century.

7. Described, electricity, he, and, magnetism.

8. Scientists, Russian, electrical, phenomena, discovered, important.

9. Different, of, movement, forms, heat, light, and, are.

10. Petroff, arc, electric, observed, the.

Завдання №5 Choose the right variant

1) He … to the technical school every morning?

a) to go b) goes c) go

2) We ... to be students.

a) to want b) wants c) want

3. … you like English?

a) to go b) do c) does

4 I … stay at home on Sundays.

a) am not b) doesn’t c) don’t

5) … it (shop) raining yet?

a) did it shop b) is it shopped c) has it shopped


Голова циклової комісії іноземних мов ____________

Протокол засідання № _________

«________» _____________2012


Комісія іноземних мов

Дисципліна «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням

Спеціальність 5.05070104 «Монтаж і експлуатація електроустаткування підприємств

і цивільних споруд»

Варіант 21

Завдання №1 Read and translate the text

1.The first person to produce an electric current was Volta. 2. It happened in 1799. 3. He built the first “dry” cell. 4. It was made of a disk of copper, a layer of cloth, another disk of copper and so on for several layers of tree materials 5. The first disk of copper and the last disk of zinc were connected by means of a wire. 6. This connection produced current electricity. 7.The word “volt” comes from Volta, the name of the inventor. 8. Our present day cells and batteries of cells work on the same principle as Volta’s dry cell. 9. “Voltage” means “force” or “pressure” of an electric current. 10. Amperage means “amount” of electricity flowing.

Завдання №2 Answer the questions

1. Who first produced an electric current?

2When did it happen?

3. What did he build?

4. Where does the word “volt” come from?

5. What does “voltage” mean?

Завдання №3 Match the sides

1. electric current 1.вимір в амперах означає кількість електрики|блискавковідвід|
2. “dry” cell 2. сухий елемент
3.connected by means of 3. « напруга » означає сила
4. “voltage” means force 4. пов'язана з допомогою
5. amperage means amount of electricity 5. электрический ток


Завдання №4 Make up the sentences

1. Built, he, first, cell, “dry”, the .

2. Comes, Volta, from, word, the, “volt”.

3. Produced, Volta, elelctric, an current.

4. In 1799, happened, it.

5. “amount”, means, amperage.

Завдання №5 Choose the right variant

1) ...she a teacher?

a) Am b) Is c) Are

2) They … me to visit them yesterday

a) asks b) ask c) asked

3) … you read this book Some days ago?

a) did b) do c) does

4) І ... a pupil.

a) am b) is c) are

5) ... you do for a walk after school?

a) do b) does c) did

Голова циклової комісії іноземних мов ____________

Протокол засідання № _________

«________» ______________ 20


Комісія іноземних мов

Дисципліна «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням

Спеціальність 5.05070104 «Монтаж і експлуатація електроустаткування підприємств

і цивільних споруд»

Варіант 22

Завдання №1 Read and translate the text

1. Electricity plays a very important part both in industry and in agriculture. 2. We use electricity as a means of transportation and communication. 3. A primitive man depended upon fire, smoke or other kind of signals to send his thoughts to his neighbour. 4. And a modern man can talk with someone in some distance. 5.In recent years electricity has made a great contribution to radio communication between the spaceships and also between the austronauts and the Earth. 6. We apply elelctricity in automation and in research. 7. Much of todays scientific research depends on the solution of different difficult mathematical problems. 8. Some of which would require days to solve by the used methods. 9. Electrically – operated computers now give the answer to these problems in seconds.10. They are very popular.

Завдання №2 Answer the questions

16. Does electricity play a very important part both in industry and in agriculture ?

17. Is the electricity a means of transportation and communication?

18. What did a primative man depend upon?

19. Do we use elelctricity as the means of transportation?

20. How quickly do the computers we answers to the questions

Завдання №3 Match the sides

1. as a means of transportation 1. радіо комунікації
2. electricity operated computers 2. як засіб|кошт| перевезення
3.in some distance 3. залежить від
4. depends on 4. на деякій відстані
5. radio communication 5. комп'ютери| що працюють на електриці

Завдання №4 Make up the sentences

1. Plays, electricity, very, a, role, important.

2. Use, we, a, as means, transportation electricity, of.

3. Apply, we, in, electricity, automation.

4. Computers, problems, solve, seconds, in.

5. Computers, very, popular, are, now.

Завдання №5 Choose the right variant

1... your names Jack and John?

a) Am b) Is c) Are

2) We ... not from Great Britain,

a) am b) is c) are

3. How … much this sweater?

a) Is b) Does c) Do

4) … you give me this book tomorrow.

a) shall b) does c) will

5) ...he fine?

a) Am b) Is c) Are


Голова циклової комісії іноземних мов ____________

Протокол засідання № _________

«________» ______________ 2012


Комісія іноземних мов

Дисципліна «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням

Спеціальність 5.05070104 «Монтаж і експлуатація електроустаткування підприємств

і цивільних споруд»

Варіант 23

Завдання №1 Read and translate the text

1. Current is a flow of electricity through a circuit 2. There are two types: a direct and alternating. 3. A direct current flows through a conducting circuit in one direction only. 4. An alternating current is a current that changes its direction of flow through a circuit. 5. Alternating current flows in cycles. 6. The number of cycles per seconds is called frequency of the current. 7. It is easy to transform a.c power from one voltage to another by transformer. 8. Transformers are also used to step down the voltage at the receiving point. 9. A.c can be changed into d.c. 10. But it is seldom necessary.

Завдання №2 Answer the questions

1. What is current?

2. How many types of current are there?

3. How does a direct current flow?

4. What current changes the direction?

5. What is frequency?