Mach the sentences in column A with their equivalents in column B

1.Характернi риси Нової Зеландії – дим і пара, вони виходять з вулканів і гейзерів. Тому й маорі назвали Нову Зеландію країною довгих білих хмар. 2.Першими тут оселилися маорі. Це було 1000 років тому. 3. Національна емблема Нової Зеландії – ківі. Цього птаха можна бачити тільки у Новій Зеландії, y нього немає крил, а пера нагадують вовну. 4.Гірський потік тут дуже не­звичайний: крижана вода ­ біля одного берега і кипляча ­ біля іншого. 5.Улітку ніколи не буває спе­котно і немає великих морозів узимку. 6.Нова Зеландія є острівна дер­жава в південно-західній части­ні Тихого океану, вoнa є найбільш географічно ізольова­нoю країнoю на Землі. 7.Ця маленька країна займає друге місце у світі з вироб­ництва вовни. A. The national emblem of New Zealand is kiwi. It’s a bird you only find in New Zealand, it has no wings and its feathers are like hair. B.This small country holds the second place in the world in wool production. C. It never gets too hot in summer and there are no frosts in winter. D.New Zealand is an island country in the Southwest Pacific Ocean; it is the most geographically isolated country on Earth. E.The first to settle here were the Maoris. It was about 1000 years ago. F.Smoke and steam are characteristic features of New Zealand; they come from volcanoes and geysers. That’s why the Maoris called New Zealand the country of long white clouds. G.The mountain stream is also very un-usual; water is ice-cold near one of its banks and is boiling hot near the other.

Decide whether the sentences are true or false according to the text.


1.The country itself consists of only two large islands – the North

Island and the South Island □ □

2.Women have been able to vote in New Zealand for mre than

a 100 years □ □

3.New Zealand is one of the most recently settled major land

masses □ □

4.Maori is declared an official language in New Zealand □ □

5.The population of New Zealand is highly localized □ □

6.New Zealand become fully independent in 1907 □ □

7.New Zealand English is close to Australian English in

pronunciation □ □

8.New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy, with the Queen

of Great Britain at its head □ □

9.In New Zealand's history there were no attempts to make a

South Island independent □ □

Find synonym or correct explanation to the underlined word / phrase.

1. After a proper treatment he regained his vigour.

a) strength; b) health; c) energy.

2. They charted the east coast of the continent.

a) mapped; b) marked; c) sailed.

3. These animals are indigenous to New Zealand.

a) native; b) wide-spread; c) introduced.

4. arid land

a) deserted; b) barren; c) damp.

5. extinct species

a) rare; b) endangered; c) having died out.

6. replica

a) remark; b) statement; c) exact copy.

7. marsupial

a) living in a desert; b) nocturnal; c) having a pouch.

8. Never-Never Country

a) inner part of Australia; b) South Australia; c) the Northern Territory.

9. to blow one's bags

a) to give in; b) to lose one's temper; c) to boast.


Choose the best answer.

1. What is the longest river in New Zealand?

a) Waikato River; b) Wairu River; c) Wanganui River.

2. Which animals are not to be found in New Zealand?

a) geckos; b) magpies; c) snakes; d) wild boars.

3. What is the biggest town in New Zealand?

a) Auckland; b) Christchurch; c) Hastings; d) Wellington.

4. What is a part of the parliament buildings in Wellington called?

a) Beehive; b) Capitol; c) Kiwi; d) Tower.

5. What is the capital of New Zealand?

a) Auckland; b) Melbourne; c) Wellington; d) Sydney.

6. What is the highest mountain in New Zealand?

a) Mount Cook; b) Mount Hopkins; c) Mount Alp; d) Mount Tasman.

7. The kiwi is a bird that lives in New Zealand. What can’t a kiwi do?

a) kiwi can't fly; b) kiwi can't hear; c) kiwi can't run; d) kiwi can't sing.

8. When did the British colony of New Zealand become an independent dominion?

a) in 1907; b) in 1947; c) in 1931;

9. When did the Maoris appear on the islands?

a) in the 20th century; b) in the middle of the 14th century;

c) in the late 19th century.

10. New Zealand was the second country in the world to institute ... ?

a) a public school system; b) a driving license;

c) a Reserve Bank; d) an old age pension.

11. When Abel Tasman sighted New Zealand in 1642 he thought it was connected to ... ?

a) South America; b) Africa; c) Europe; d) Australia.