Rising tone (not questions)

1. ‘That’s /right. ['ðæts 'raɪt]

2.’Please, sit /down.

3. ‘Don’t / trouble!

4. ‘If you /like.

5. ‘Don’t /move.

6. ‘See you /soon.

7. ‘That’s /good

8. ‘That’s /enough.

9. ‘Good / buy!

10. ‘O/K!.


Fall – Rise (обратить внимание на переход от безударногоначала (произнести низко)к произнесению первого ударного слога(высоко))

1. I’ll ‘ask him my\self,if / necessary. [aɪl 'α:sk ɪm maɪ'self ɪf 'nesəsərɪ]

2. I ‘think it’s ‘quite \ fair, /on the whole.

3 We were ‘always ‘good \friends, till last /year.

4. ‘Nothing can ‘save her \now, except a /miracle.

5. ‘That’s the \last, I /think.

6. He was \ right,neverthe/less.

7. ‘They knew ‘nothing a\bout it,till /now.

8. In ‘spring it ‘rains a\lot, / generally.

9. I’ll ‘do it \now, if there’s /time.

10. We have ‘very little \ snow here, as a / rule.


Please, mind the difference between these two sentences:

1) I’ll \ask him, when he /calls.

After a short pause, which is marked by comma, the second part of the sentence is said in the manner of AFTERTHOUGHT.

2) I’ll ask him ‘when he \calls.

There’s no pause before the second part and the whole sentence is said as ONE IDEA.


Rise-Fall(short words)



/\ Six. /\Yes. /\ Lots. Gold. Mine. New. None. Where? How? Thanks! Right!

Rise-Fall (more /longer words)

/\Wonderful play. /\All of them were. /\ Naturally. /\Comfortably. /\You can explain.

/\ Taller than you. /\ Better than that. /\Obviously. /\Jack did it. /\ Loads of time.


Descending stepping scale: (жирно выделены слова или часть слова, на которых голос идет вниз)

['ʤɔ:ʤ 'pleɪz 'futbɔ:l evrɪ 'sætədeɪ ,α:ftə'nu:n]

1. ‘George ‘plays ‘football every ‘Saturday after’\noon.

2. ‘What ‘time does the ‘night-train for ‘\Glasgow leave?

3. ‘How ‘far is it from ‘here to ‘\London?

4.’Why didn’t you ‘do as I sug’\gested?

5. ‘Where did you ‘say you had ‘put my ‘\glasses?

6. I’d like you to come im’mediately after \tea.

7. They watched him repairing the \water-pipes.

8. He promised to send a telegram on his ar\rival.

9. What is the best thing to \mendit with?

10. We shan’t be able to go there again for a \long time


Ascending stepping scale:

1. I /can’t find it \anywhere. [aɪ 'kα:nt 'faɪndɪt 'enɪweə]

2. That’s /just what I was going to \say.

3. /What shall I do to\day.

4.It’s /very wonderful in\deed.

5. /Are you very /busy just now?


Level tone.

Mid-level tone is the most characteristic.

1. He → said “I will come” [hɪ 'sed aɪl 'kʌm]

2. I→ don’t know.

3. I am ex→hausted.




Tag questions

Помните, что произнесенные с восходящей интонацией tag-questions являются вопросами со значением «asking for listener’s opinion». Но произнесенные с нисходящей интонацией, они перестают быть вопросами и становятся просто вежливыми фразами для поддержания разговора.

Произнесите с ВОСХОДЯЩЕЙ интонацией:

1. It \isn’t sold, /is it?

2.You ‘came this \morning, /didn’t you?

3.You’d ‘like some \tea, /wouldn’t you?

4.You were ‘late this \morning, /weren’t you?

5.We ‘last ‘met in \March, /didn’t we?

6.You’re ‘taking the e’xam in \June, /aren’t you?

7.They ‘live in \Bristol, /don’t they?

8.You’ve ‘got enough \money, /haven’t you?

9.There’won’t be \room for us, /will there?

10.There was ‘no \answer, /was there?


Произнесите с НИСХОДЯЩЕЙ интонацией:

1. Tomorrow’s \Monday, \isn’t it?

2. You’re ‘wondering who I \am, \aren’t you?

3. She’s ‘quite att\ractive, \isn’t she?

4. He ‘wasn’t very po\lite, \was he?

5. You ‘don’t be\lieve me,\do you?

6. We shall ‘see each other again, shan’t we?

7. You’ll ‘stay to \tea,\won’t you?

8. They were ‘both \present, \weren’t they?

9. We ‘had no \choice, \had we?

10.We must \hurry, \mustn’t we?



PRACTICAL TASKS – Задания для самостоятельной работы

При работе над упражнениями необходимо учесть:

- правильное положение органов речи при произнесении звуков, слов, фраз;

- позиционно-комбинаторные изменения звуков, возникающие при слитном произнесении звуков;

- интонацию.

При выполнении заданий для самостоятельной работы нужно:

- прочесть и перевести текст в каждом упражнении;

- поcмотреть транскрипцию слов для правильного их произношения;

- отработать произношение, употребить нужный тип интонации фраз и предложений и выучить наизусть.

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