Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные функции слова One

1. One never knows what to do in such cases.

2. One can see various apparatuses in the laboratory.

3. The laboratory tables are higher than usual ones.

4. One should be careful when working with reagents.

5. It is impossible to prevent spreading of whooping cough without isolating sick children from healthy ones.

6. The mercury thermometer is more accurate than the alcohol one.

7. I don’t like these test-tubes. Can you give me better ones?

8. It was necessary to use hydrochloric acid as well as sulphuric one.

9. In order to make some experiments one has to know the methods well.

10.One can see various apparatuses in the laboratory.

11.One can say that the temperature has also a positive effect on the solubility.

12.The left pupil is larger than the right one.

129. *Переведите предложения и укажите функцию слова One (неопределенное местоимение/слово-заместитель).


1. All the cases were selected ones.

2. One may say that all techniques have their, own limitations.

3. This is a difficult problem but a useful one.

4. One has to stress the value of the new method.

5. One wanted to understand the reason for the man's behaviour.

6. One should know these problems.

7. Can one be certain that on the second day the pacemaker catheter is at the same spot as on the first day of testing?

8. One should get new data on the subject.

9. One must study English to read scientific journals.

10.The information indicates that one must use the method for therapeutic purposes.

11. The results of the first discussion are not so useful as the ones obtained by the second.

12. One supposes that the analysis of blood can help to spot some type of cancer.




Перевод слова as:
1. как (наречие)
2. в качестве  
3. когда (временной союз)
4. в то время как  
5. по мере того как  
6. так как, поскольку (причинный союз)
as follows следующим образом
as well as так же как и
as well а также (обычно стоит в конце предложения; при переводе выносится в начало предложения)


130. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения as:


1. Dr B. worked as a laboratory assistant in the biochemistry department.

2. As the book covers recent medical research it is of interest to medical students.

3. Doctors gain knowledge on cure of diseases as they read current journals.

4. The paper describes the method as follows: ...

5. Modern medical journals cover recent research as well as reviews on a variety of problems.

6. This method serves as the basis for the treatment of the disease.

7. Belozersky studied nucleic acids as well as antibiotics.

8. He analysed nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA.

9. As a result, he predicted the existence of a messenger RNA.

10. He investigated a few antibiotics as well.

11. As the author says in the paper, the method is useful.

12. As the student reads English papers, he learns many new words.

13. As the text is difficult, use a dictionary.

14. As it is time, we begin our lessons.


Значения слова SINCE:

Наречие с тех пор
Предлог с (после)
Союз поскольку (так как)/с тех пор как

131. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения since:

1. 58 years have passed since the initial description.

2. Since then a number of other substances have been isolated.

3. In summary, since beta-blockers influence a number of biologic systems, their hypotensive effect usually is the result of a number of effects.

4. Since their report, numerous studies have shown a relation between coronary-artery diseases and HDL cholesterol.

5. Since these qualities were difficult to get by other methods, gel chromatography came rapidly into extensive use.

6. We have seen the effect many times since.



Конструкция USED TO


Конструкция used to   Конструкция used toупотребляется для выражения обычного повторяющегося действия в прошлом, которое для настоящего уже нехарактерно.На русский язык переводится словами «бывало», «обычно», «раньше». Heused to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. Он раньше выкуривал по 20 сигарет в день.


132. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на used to:


1. High-fat low carbohydrate diet used to be the treatment of diabetes before the days of insulin.

2. The higher incidence of infection in patients with calculous obstruction has been attributed to incomplete bile duct obstruction and used to support this hypothesis.

3. Scientists used to believe that rats respond like automations.

4. Can animals think reason and remember like humans? Itused to be thoughtthat they cannot. The results, reported at Columbia University during the first American conference on animal cognition, indicate that “the human mind is not unique.”