Переведите предложения и определите подчеркнутые грамматические явления

Например: VII/1 When the hospital was opened it was visited by some American doctors.

Когда больница была открыта, ее посетили некоторые американские врачи

(was opened – Past Indefinite (Passive)).




1. The paper is a review on basic research in medicine.

2. The research was up-to-date.

3. I will be a doctor in 6 years.



1. Some students of Group 10 will take an active part in re­search work.

2. Did you take any medicine when you had a sore throat?

3. I suffered no diseases in my childhood.



1. Sunshine makes you more sociable.

2. The days are shorter in winter.

3. The most difficult chapter on biochemistry is written by a very experienced worker.



1. The book contains a number of new theories.

2. The scientist demonstrated new technique.

3. The paper will clarify the question.



1. Doctors are designing new techniques to treat many diseases.

2. Last night I slept badly because I was suffering from a bad pain in my back.

3. My mother will be undergoing an X-ray therapy at 3 o’clock tomorrow.



1. Dr N. studied in detail some enzymes that he had isolated.

2. It is interesting to note that scientists have examined both heart and kidney.

3. The doctor in charge thinks that by tomorrow morning this patient's tem­perature will have fallen to normal.



1. The doctor must have your blood analysis to be sure of your diagnosis.

2. You can see patients in this consulting room.

3. What may cause serious complications after the grippe?



1. The medium is influenced by the temperature.

2. This paper was followed by another one.

3. The results were influenced by the presence of toxins.



IX. Определите тип бессоюзного придаточного предложения (дополнит./определит.):

1. What method was useful to the problem Dr S. studied?

2. The journal gives some methods the researchers follow.

3. The system is controlled in experiments the investigators make.


X. Как называется этот оборот?

1. It is known that doctors need effective preventive measures to eliminate virus diseases.

2. It is reported that virologists study the mode of replication of influenza virus.

3. It is believed that a review of the literature helped the author's analysis of the data.



1. Our district doctor will be able to go out to the calls in the afternoon.

2. Some first-year students are allowed to attend scientific circles.

3. Everybody has to keep the thermometer in the armpit for 10 minutes.


XII. Определите функцию слова ONE (неопределенное местоимение/слово-заместиель).

1. One never knows what to do in such cases.

2. The laboratory tables are higher than usual ones.

3. The mercury thermometer is more accurate than the alcohol one.



1. It is this study of the nervous system that requires anumber of histological techniques.

2. When the heart rate is increased, it is the diastolic phase in particular which is shortened.

3. It is the laser beam which can be focused into an area of small dimension.


XIV. Определите время действия в придаточном предложении по отношению к главному:

1. The doctor said she had already made an or­der for the X-ray examination.

2. He told me that he would not smoke so much.

3. My mother said she felt better.


XV. Определите тип придаточного предложения:

1. The prescription which the doctor wrote out was for a cough mixture.

2. The teacher explains that all animals and plants consist of cells.

3. If oxygen is denied for even ten minutes, the brain cells die.



1. The direction of the nerve fibers has already been established experimentally.

2. This finding suggested that some of the cells had been examined before.

3. It is interesting to note that both heart and kidney will have been examined.


XVII. + определите функцию в предложении:

1. Approaches are designed to clarify definitions.

2. Procedures to be used are developed.

3. To understand the basic signs of the disease is a desire of every doctor.




1. The victim of a street accident had been moaning since he was run over by a car.

2. How long has the patient been complaining of nausea?

3. My mother had been suffering from a severe stomachache for an hour before we made a call to the First Aid Station.

XIX. + определите функцию в предложении:

1. How can doctors spare surrounding tissue?

2. Following the doctor’s advice, she took metabolism–adjusting drugs for weight loss.

3. Having discussed all pros and contras, the doctors decided to operate on the patient.


XX. + определите функцию в предложении:

1. The techniques demonstrated in the lab are new.

2. Each journal contains papers translated into Russian.

3. When organized the laboratory studied nucleic acids.



1. The levels were found to be unaltered.

2. Environmental factors are known to be of significance.

3. After vitamin injections some patients seem to have improved.



1. I want you to explain the following phenomena.

2. Perlman found migratory polyarthritis to be present in approximately 69% of the cases.

3. The scientists watched the levels change with the increase of temperature.


1. Different ways of grouping patients are suitable to different problems.

2. Healthy eating doesn't mean eating less of everything. Eating well means eating less fat.

3. On examining the child they decided to apply chemotherapy.


1. My brother being operated on for appendicitis successfully, his post-operative course was uneventful.

2. I felt an unbearable pain in the lower part of the abdomen, it increas­ing on the slightest physical exertion.

3. 500 ml of anti­biotics having been introduced into the abdominal cavity, the patient was transfused preserved blood as well.


XXV. К какому времени относятся условие и следствие?

1. If the results of the experiments confirm the finding, the new method will be applied.

2. If the results were confirmed, the method would be applied.

3. Had the results of the experiments confirmed the finding, the new method would have been applied.