Переведите заключенные в скобки словосочетания, используя слова в рамке. Затем переведите полученные предложения

subserous convex vital pale colour coat cavities visceral lat­eral layer capacity tissue surface rose serous

1. There are two lungs in the human body located in the (боковые полости) of the chest.

2. The base of the lung is located in the (выпуклая поверхность) of the diaphragm.

3. The (жизненная емкость) of the lungs is 3.5-4 liters in the male and it is 3-3.5 liters in the female.

4. In infants the lungs are of a (бледно-розовый цвет), but later they become darker.

5. The structure of the lung consists of an external (серозная оболочка) , the (внутренний слой) of the pleura, elastic (подсерозная ткань) and the parenchyma or proper substance of the lungs.


Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящими словами.

Lung pharynx minute nose trachea bronchi alveoli

Bronchioles larynx tiny


Air is breathed through either the mouth or (1)… into the oral cavity, or (2)… . It then passes through the voice box, or (3)…, intothe windpipe, or (4)… . The trachea divides into two small­er tubes, (5)…, one is going to each (6)… . The bronchi divide into (7)… passage-ways that are named (8)…, which lead directly to (9)…air sacs, or (10)… . The exchange of life-giving gases is effected through the walls of the alveoli.


Ответьте на следующие вопросы, используя знания латыни.

1. What is the English for pulmo?

2. What is the English for lobus?

3. What is the English for nasus?

4. What is the English for cavitas?

5. What is the English for facies?




Заполните пропуски в следующих текстах подходящими словами.

The Skeleton









Shoulder girdle





The skeleton is composed of (1). In the adult the skel­eton has over 200 bones.

The bones of the (2) consist of cranial and facial parts. There are 26 bones in the skull.

The bones of the (3) are the spinal column or the spine and the chest (ribs and the breastbone). The spine consists of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral verte­brae and the coccyx.

The (4) is a small bone, which is formed by the body and the arch. All the vertebrae compose the spinal col­umn or the spine. There are 32 or 34 vertebrae in the spine of the adult. In the spinal column there are seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar, five sacral vertebrae and from one to five vertebrae which form the coccyx. The cervical part of the spine is formed by seven cervical vertebrae. Twelve thoracic vertebrae have large bodies. The lumbar vertebrae are the largest verteb­rae in the spinal column. They have oval bodies.

The (5) (thorax) is composed of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the (6) and 12 pairs (пap) of (7) . The breastbone is a long bone in the middle of the chest. It is composed of three main parts. The basic part of the chest is formed by the ribs. On each side of the chest seven ribs are con­nected with the breastbone by cartilages. The cartilages of three other ribs are connected with each other and with the seventh rib. But the cartilages of these ribs are not connect­ed with the breastbone. The eleventh and the twelfth ribs are not connected with the breastbone either. They are not connected with other ribs, they are free. Each rib is composed of a head, neck and body.

The lower extremity consists of the (8), leg and foot. It is connected with the trunk by the pelvis. The upper extremity is formed by the arm, forearm and (9). It is connected with the trunk by the (10).

The bones of the skeleton are connected together by the (11) or by the cartilages and (12). The bones con­sist of organic and inorganic substance.

The Digestive System



Large intestine






Small intestine



The alimentary tract is a musculomembraneous canal about 8,5m (meters) in length. It extends from the oral cavity to the anus. It consists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The liver with gallbladder and pancreas are the large glands of the alimentary tract.

The first division of the alimentary tract is formed by the (1). Important structures of the mouth are the teeth and the (2), which is the organ of taste (вкуса). The soft and hard palates and the (3) glands are also in the oral cavity.

From the mouth food passes through the (4) to the (5) and then to the stomach.

The (6) is a dilated portion of the alimentary canal. It is in the upper part of the abdomen under the diaphragm. It measures about 21-25 cm in length, 8-9 cm in its great­est diameter. It has a capacity of from 2.14 to 4.28 1 (liters).

The (7) is a thin-walled muscular tube about 6.5 meters long. It is located in the lower and central portions of the abdominal and pelvic cavities. The small in­testine is composed of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum

The (8) is about 1.5 meters long. It is divid­ed into caecum, colon and rectum.

The (9) is the largest gland in the human body. It is in the right upper part of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm. The liver is in the right side of the abdomen. The weight of the liver is 1,500 g.

The (10) is a hollow sac (мешок) lying on the lower surface of the liver.

The (11) is a long thin gland lying under and be­hind the stomach.

The Urinary System













Waste products

The urinary system is the system which (1) the largest part of the (2) of the body. It consists of the (3), right and left, the (4), a tube from each kidney which conveys the urine to the (5), the (6), a tube that leads from the bladder, along which the urine is passed out of the body.

The kidneys («renes» — Latin) are placed one on each side in the lumbar region of the spine, on the posterior abdominal wall, at the level of the twelfth thoracic and first-second lumbar verte­brae. A kidney weighs about 150 grams and is covered by membranes. The connective tissue membrane which di­rectly adheres to the kidney is called the fibrous capsule. This capsule is surrounded by perirenal fat and is called the (7) capsule. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs. The kidneys contain one million small (8), which have to excrete products of metabolism and con­trol the concentrations of most of the constituents of body fluids. These small tubules make up the parenchyma of the kidney. They are very fine and may be of various shape. Since dissolved wastes may be excreted by diffusion through the various cell membranes there is little evidence that such excretion occurs.

The inner margin of the kidney is known as the (9). At the hilus the ureter which conveys urine is a tube about 30 cm long. When the ureter leaves the hilus it descends along the posterior abdominal wall into the cavity of the pelvis where it perforates the wall of the bladder and opens into its cavity. As the muscular coat of the ureter contracts it has to perform peristaltic movements.

The bladder is a reservoir for (10). It is situated in the cavity of the pelvis. The bladder has three parts: the superior part or apex, the middle part or body, and the inferior part or fundus. The wall of the bladder consists of three coatings — mucous, muscular and connective tissue. The mucous membrane of the bladder forms numerous (11). If the bladder fills, the folds of the mucous coat will straighten out. The mus­cular coat consists of three layers of smooth muscles which are able to extend in different directions. It should be known that the (12) of the bladder of an adult is about 350—500 ml.

The Cardiovascular System










The (1) is an inner hollow muscular organ placed within the chest and included in the (2). The base of the heart is against the third rib. Its apex is against the interspace between the fifth and sixth costal cartilages. The weight of the heart is about 300 grams (gr) in the male and about 220 gr in the female.

The heart consists of two separate (3) divided by the septum. Each of the chambers has two connected parts: the (4) and the ventricle. The atrioventricular (5) separate the atria from the ventricles.

The right atrium is larger than the left one, but the walls of the left atrium are thicker than those of the right one. The right ventricle is triangular in form and has thick walls. The right ventricle is in the anterior part of the heart. The left ventricle is longer and more conical than the right one. The walls of the left ventricle are three times as thick as the walls of the right one. The valves are located at the entrance and exit of each ventricle.

The muscular structure of the heart consists of fibrous bands divided into two groups — the first ones are the fi­brous bands of the atria and the second ones are the fibrous bands of the ventricles.

The vascular system consists of three groups of vessels - arteries, (6) and capillaries.

The vessels carrying blood to and from the tissues of the body compose tne general system. They are called the systemic vessels.

The pulmonary system is formed by the vessels carrying blood to and from the (7).

The (8) system is formed by the veins passing to the liver.

Most of the arteries are composed of three (9). The arteries dilate and contract simultaneously with the action of the heart.

The Respiratory System






Respiratory system

Serous coat


Vital capacity


The (1) are the main organs of the (2). There are two lungs in the human body located in the lat­eral cavities of the chest. The lungs are separated from each other by the (3). The lungs are covered with the (4). They are conical in shape. Each lung has the base, apex, two borders and three surfaces.

The lung has the apex extending upward 3-4 centime­tres (cm) above the level of the first rib.

The base of the lung is located in the convex surface of the (5).

The posterior borders of the lungs are on each side of the spinal column. The anterior border is thin and overlaps (частично покрывает) the pericardium.

The (6) of the lungs varies according to many con­ditions. In the adult male it may be about 1,350 gr. The right lung is about 15% heavier than the left one. The (7) of the lungs is 3.5-4 liters in the male and it is 3-3.5 liters in the female.

The right lung consisting of three (8) is heavier than the left one because the latter consists only of two lobes. The lower lobe of the left lung is larger than the upper one.

In infants the lungs are of a pale rose colour, but later they become darker.

The structure of the lung consists of an external (9), the visceral layer of the pleura, a subserous elastic tissue and the parenchyma or proper (10) of the lungs.