Вправа 98. Виберіть вірний варіант.

1. Can you give me your telephone’s / telephone book for a moment?

2. My granny / granny’s home is always warm and clean.

3. His sister / sister’s journey to Greece was a fun.

4. The train’s / train journey was tiring and routine.

5. My brother’s / brother interview went well.

6. I was very excited about my job’s / job interview.

7. Anna’s / Anna secretary is very responsible and accurate.

8. This shoe / shoe’s polish serves me well.

Вправа 99. Вкажіть, де форми іменників вжиті невірно.

1. The team are playing badly.

2. The house’s door is locked.

3. Our family usually spend summer abroad.

4. I don’t like chocolate ice-cream.

5. I’ve bought a new wool’s jacket.

6. The shoe’s shop is round the corner.

7. This hockey player is extraordinary.

8. James’s mother is young and beautiful.


Вправа 100. Запропонуйте вашому гостю щось з’їсти або випити.

Use: Would you like a ...? Would you like some ...?

For ideas: cheese, chocolate, coffee, beer, biscuits, candy, bread, meat, salad, juice.


Вправа 101. Перекладіть ланцюжки визначень.

Spring flower; flower shop; east coast; sea bed; language problem; word processor; food mixer; top fashion designer; tourist office; city centre; Chinese language teacher; six-bedroom cottage; French chocolate; chocolate bar; bus stop; multi-storey car park; racing car; car racing; multi-million dollar business; electronic expert; rush hour traffic jam; two-level road; transport needs; public transport system; five-hour time difference; railway bridge reconstruction; energy accumulation problem; car speed calculation; arch bridge construction site; high quality concrete; research program result.

Вправа 102. Перекладіть англійською мовою.

1. Знання дають велику силу, а інформація дає владу.

2. На вулиці натовп кричав щось, направлене проти влади.

3. Економіка як наука не дуже розвинена у нашій країні.

4. Спеціальні ножиці ріжуть навіть залізо.

5. Буханка хліба важить 400 грамів.

6. Кожного дня природа відкриває науковцям нові феномени.

7. Жінки майже у всьому світі вже давно мають рівні права із чоловіками.

8. Овечий сир можна рідко зустріти у звичайних магазинах.



1. Англійська мова має два артикля: невизначений a (an) та визначений the. Форма an стоїть перед іменниками, вимова яких починається з голосного:

e.g. an engineer, an apple, an umbrella, an hour.

2. Невизначений артикль використовується перед обчислювальними іменниками у однині (a road), визначений артикль вживається з обчислювальними та необчислювальними іменниками у однині та множині.

3. Невизначений артикль вживають, коли мова йде про людину, предмет, місце і т. ін. взагалі, або якщо про нього вперше сказали. Визначений артикль вживають, коли мова йде про людину, предмет, місце і т.ін. унікальне, єдине, або співрозмовники знають, про що йде мова.


I have never seen a queen. He has a son. We saw a light. The British Queen attended the exhibition. The boy is nine. Turn off the light, please.

Вживання артиклів

a (an) the no article
1. з професіями: He is a manager. 2. описуючи людину, предмет, місце: I am an optimist. She has a nice face. 3. з представниками народу, національності, країни: a French woman, a Japanese 4. з деякими виразами кількості: a little, once a month, a few, twice a week, a pair of (shoes) 1. океани, моря, ріки, протоки, озера у множ. the Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Great Lakes 2. гори: the Alps, the Andes 3. земля, місяць. the earth, the moon 4. перед порядковими числівниками: the First World War, the third chapter 5. країни, назва яких складається з більш ніж одного слова (викл: Great Britain): the United States, the Central African Republic 6. прикметники у найвищій ступені: the longest river 7. збірні іменники (молоді, багаті, інваліди): the young, the rich, the poor, the disabled 8. сторони світу: the north, the south, the east the west 1. озера у однині: Lake Baikal 2. гірські вершини: Mount Vesuvius 3. планети, сузір'я: Venus, Mars, Orion 4. перед кількісними числівниками після іменників: World War One, Chapter three 5. країни з назвою з одного слова: China, France 6. континенти: Europe, Africa, South America 7. види спорту: basketball, tennis 8. абстрактні іменники: freedom, happiness 9. предмети, мови: mathematics, sociology, Spanish 10. свята: Christmas, Thanksgiving 11. зі словами: breakfast, lunch, dinner, school, church, home, college, bed, work: We went to school yesterday. I go to bed at 11.



Вправа 103. Вставте a/an або the, де необхідно:

1. Amanda is ... student. When she finishes her ... studies, she wants to be ... journalist. She lives with ... two friends in ... flat near ... college where she is studying. ... flat is small but she likes it.

2. It's ... nice morning. Let's go for ... walk.

3. What is ... largest city in ... Canada?

4. I like ... this room but I don't like ... color of ... carpet.

5. Can you recommend ... good restaurant?

6. We had dinner in ... most expensive restaurant in town.

7. Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to ... airport?

8. I'm going away ... next week.

9. Could you close ... door, please?

10. I've got ... problem. Can you help me?

11. I'm just going to ... post-office. I won't be long.

12. There were no ... chairs, so we had to sit on ... floor.

13. ... my sister has just got ... job in ... bank in ... Manchester.

14. Where did you have ... lunch?

15. A: Did you have ... nice holiday? B: Yes, it was ... best holiday I've ever had.

Вправа 104. Виберіть правильну відповідь:

1. Where's milk / the milk? It's in the fridge.

2. I don't like milk / the milk. I never drink it.

3. We went for a swim in the river. Water /the water was very cold.

4. I don't like swimming in cold water / the cold water.

5. Excuse me, can you pass salt / the salt, please?

6. I like this town. I like people / the people here.

7. Vegetables / The vegetables are good for you.

8. I can't sing this song. I don't know words / the words.

9. I enjoy taking photographs / the photographs. It's my hobby.

10. He's afraid of dogs / the dogs.

11. Women / the women live longer than men / the men.

12. We had a very nice meal. Vegetables / The vegetables were especially good.

13. I like skiing / the skiingbut I'm not very good at it.

14. Why are people / the people violent? What causes aggression / the aggression?


Вправа 105. Вставте артиклі (a, an, the) там, де необхідно:.

1. Jason's father bought him ... bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.

2. Rita is studying ... English and ... math this semester.

3. Please give me ... cup of ... coffee with ... cream and ... sugar.

4. ... big books on ... table are for my history class.

5. My ... car is four years old and it still runs well.

6. When you go to ... store, please buy ... bottle of milk.

7. John and Marcy went to ... school yesterday and then studied in ... library before returning home.

8. ... Lake Erie is one of ... five Great Lakes in ... North America.

9. During our trip to ..., we crossed ... Atlantic Ocean.

10. What did you eat for ... breakfast this morning?

11. Queen Elisabeth II is ... monarch of ... Great Britain.

12. Last night there was ... bird singing outside my house.

13. ... chair that you are sitting on is broken.