It's too cold outside to wear a T-shirt

2) We're not going to the party yet. It's early.

It's ……………………………………….

3) They can buy a luxury yacht. They're rich.


4) I can't see properly. It's dark.

It's ……………………………………….

5) I'll sunbathe today. It is hot.

It's ……………………………………….

6) I can run fast. I'm fit.

I'm ……………………………………….

7) The shelves are strong. You can put the books on.

The shelves are ......………………………………

8) I'll swim in this river. The water is clean.

The water is .……………………………

9) That exercise is difficult. They can't do it.

That exercise is ………………………...

10) I'm going to buy this dress. It's cheap.

This dress is …………………………….


Герундий (The -ing form)

1. -ing форма – это форма глагола с суффиксом –ing:

They like skating.

2. Употребление:

1) в качестве существительного:

Painting is his favourite hobby.

2) после таких глаголов, как like, dislike, love, hate, enjoy, prefer, stop, finish, start, begin, avoid, admit, confess, deny, look forward to, mind, regret, risk, spend, suggest, и т.д.:

He started writing his poems ten years ago.

Tony avoided answering my question.

3) после предлогов:

I'm tired of going to work by bus every morning.

4) после глагола go, если речь идет о какой-либо деятельности:

They went shopping two days ago.

3. Запомнить:

like/ love + -ing (нравится заниматься чем-то в общем):

I love travelling.

would like/ would love + to-infinitive (хочется/ хотелось бы что-то сделать):

I would like/ love to travel to Switzerland one day.


1. Выберите правильный вариант:

1) We will to help/ help/ helping you with the housework.

2) Mark hasn’t decided where going/ to go/ go for his holidays yet.

3) She came in without to knock/ knock/ knocking on the door.

4) He told her to finish/ finish/ finishing the letter.

5) Mary would like go/ going/ to go to the theatre tonight.

6) They don’t know what do/ doing/ to do with that old washing machine.

7) Diana tried open/ opening/ to open the door but she couldn’t.

8) She managed to find/ finding/ find a job.

9) My parents don’t let me to stay/ stay/ staying out late at night.

10) I hate to live/ live/ living in the city.


2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в правильную форму infinitive или -ing form:

1) I wanted …… (take) my dog to the park yesterday.

2) Can Stan …… (do) a jigsaw puzzle?

3) I would like …… (go) out tonight.

4) He regrets ……. (spend) so much money last weekend.

5) She is too excited …… (sleep).

6) Juliet enjoys …… (play) the guitar.

7) The dentist advised him …… (stop) eating sweets.

8) Paul left without …… (say) goodbye last night.

9) Fiona hopes …… (buy) a new car soon.

10) You must …… (get up) early in the morning.

11) Would you like …… (watch) television?

12) They go …… (run) every Tuesday evening.

13) They hate ……. (play) cards.

14) Sam started …… (drive) when he was 16 years old.

15) Steve agreed …… (paint) the garden fence.


Согласование времен (Sequence of Tenses)

1. В английском языке время глагола в придаточном предложении зависит от

времени глагола в главном предложении:

а) если глагол в главном предложении стоит в одном из настоящих или будущих

времен, глагол придаточного предложения может употребляться в любом

необходимом по смыслу времени:


he will go on a trip next week.

I know (that) he goes on a trip every month.

he went on a trip last month.


в) если глагол в главном предложении стоит в одном из прошедших времен, то в

придаточном предложении начинает действовать правило согласования времен, при

котором происходит «сдвиг времен»:


he would go on a trip next week.

I knew (that) he went on a trip every month.

he had gone on a trip last month.


1) если действие придаточного предложения произошло одновременно с действием главного, то глагол в придаточном предложении употребляется в Past Indefinite или в Past Continuous, при этом на русский язык он переводится глаголом в настоящем времени;

2) если действие придаточного предложения произошло ранее действия главного предложения, то глагол в придаточном предложении употребляется в Past Perfect и переводится на русский язык глаголом в прошедшем времени.

3) если действие придаточного предложения произойдет позже действия главного предложения, то глагол в придаточном предложении употребляется в одном из времен Future-in-the-Past;


2. Правило согласования времен не соблюдается:

1) если глагол придаточного предложения выражает общеизвестную истину:

Everybody knew the sun rises in the east.

2) если указано время совершения действия:

He said that Mark Twain died in 1910.

3) в определительных придаточных предложениях, обстоятельственных придаточных предложениях сравнения и причины. Употребление времен в таких придаточных предложениях зависит от смысла, который вкладывается говорящим в высказывание:

My sister knew the book I am reading.

John spoke English worse last year than he does now.

I am proud of my brother because he took the first prize at the competition.

4) в газетных информационных статьях:

The President said they will discuss those problems during the next meeting.


Раскройте скобки и выберите подходящее время глагола:

1) She asked me where I (study, studied).

2) He said he (is staying, was staying) at the Ritz Hotel.

3) I asked my sister to tell me what she (has seen, had seen) at the museum.

4) We knew that he (is, was) a very clever man.

5) I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week. I hope it (will not change, would not change) for the worse.

6) I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter.

7) They said they (will come, would come) to the station to see me off.

8) My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room.

9) He says he (works, worked) at school two years ago.

10) She said she (is, was) very busy.


Прямая и косвенная речь (Directed and Reported Speech)

1) прямая речь – точные слова говорящего. В прямой речи используются кавычки:

«I am very tired», Mary said.

2) косвенная речь – точное значение того, что кто-то сказал, но не точные слова.

Кавычки в косвенной речи не используются. Слово that может использоваться и

опускаться после вводного глагола:

Mary said (that) she was very tired.

3) в главном предложении используется глагол say или tell. При переводе предложений

из прямой в косвенную речь изменяются по смыслу личные и притяжательные


Mark said, «I bought a new camera yesterday».

Mark said (that) he had bought a new camera the day before.


‟Say – tell”

Глагол say используется:

1) как в прямой, так и в косвенной речи без предлога to, когда нет адресата:

Richard said, «I need some money». Richard said(that) he needed some money.

2) как в прямой, так и в косвенной речи с предлогом to, когда есть адресат:

Richard said to me, «I need some money». Richard said to me(that) he needed some


3) в выражениях: say good morning/ afternoon/ evening, say something и т.д.:

Глагол tell используется без предлога to:

4) как в прямой, так и в косвенной речи, когда есть адресат:

Tom told me, «I need some money». Tom told me (that) he needed some money.

5) в выражениях: tell the truth, tell a lie, tell a secret, tell a story, tell the time, tell sb one's

name, tell smb the way и т.д.


Заполните пропуски, используя say или tell в нужной временной форме:

«You never listen to me», Ann 1) …………. Jack. «I 2) ………. good morning to you three

times today and you didn’t answer,» she 3) ………. . «To 4) ……….. you the truth, it makes

me really angry. Why don’t you listen to me?» «Oh, hello Ann», 5) ………. Jack. «Did you

just 6) …………. something?»


Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в одном из прошедших времен, в придаточном предложении начинает действовать правило согласования времен, согласно которому происходит «сдвиг» времен в соответствии со следующей схемой:


Direct Speech Reported Speech
Present Simple «I want to find a better job», he said. Present Continuous «She is feeding the baby», he said. Present Perfect «I have bought a new dress», she said. Present Perfect Continuous «We have been studying for two hours», they said. Past Simple «Jack left the country», they said. Past Continuous «I was planning to call you later», she said.   Future (will) «I will send you a letter», he said. Past Simple He said (that) he wanted to find a better job. Past Continuous He said (that) she was feeding the baby. Past Perfect She said (that) she had bought a new dress. Past Perfect Continuous They said (that) they had been studying for two hours. Past Perfect They said (that) Jack had left the country. Past Continuous/ Past Perfect Continuous She said (that) she was planning/ had been planning to call me later. Future-in-the-Past He said (that) he would send me a letter.


При трансформации предложений из прямой речи в косвенную изменяются наречия места, времени и указательные местоимения:


Direct Speech   Reported Speech
now today, tonight yesterday tomorrow this week these days last week next week two days ago here come then, at that time, immediately that day, that night the day before, the previous day the next day, the following day that week those days the week before, the previous week the week after, the following week two days before there go


Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

1) He said, «I am going to the supermarket».

2) «I'll go to the station tomorrow», Mark said.

3) His mother said to me, «He hasn’t finished his homework yet».

4) «I can't find my glasses», my grandmother said.

5) My friend said, «We bought a car last week».

6) «We don’t want to watch a film tonight», the children said.

7) My neighbor said, «They have already been talking on the phone for an hour».

8) «They have gone out for the evening», Tony said to me.

9) Tom said, «The meal is tasty».

10) «I received a parcel this morning», my brother said to me.

11) Mary and Bob said, «We are taking our dog for a walk».

12) «I have lost my keys», he said.

13) The teacher said to the students, «We will discuss this subject tomorrow».

14) «They have been washing their dog for an hour», my mother said.

15) He said, «I was watching TV while she was cooking».


Вопросы в косвенной речи:

1. Общий вопрос в косвенной речи обычно вводится глаголами ask, want to know, inquire,

wonder. При этом глагол употребляется в утвердительной форме, знак вопроса опускается,

а местоимения, временные показатели и время глагола меняется также, как и в

утвердительных предложениях, т.е. при необходимости начинает действовать правило

согласования времен:

He said to me, «Do you speak English well?» – He asked me if I spoke English well.

He said to me, «Did you come here at two o'clock?» – He wondered if I had come there at two



2. Общий вопрос в косвенной речи вводится союзами if или whether, после которых

следует прямой порядок слов:

«Have you seen the man before?» he asked me.

He asked me if/ whether I had seen the man before.


3. Специальный вопрос в косвенной речи вводится тем же вопросительным словом, что и

в прямой речи. Порядок слов становится прямым, изменяются по смыслу местоимения,

наречия места и времени, при необходимости начинает действовать правило согласования

времен. Специальный вопрос в косвенной речи вводится теми же глаголами, что и общий


She asked me, «What do you want to know?» – She asked me what I wanted to know.


1. Передайте следующие вопросы в косвенной речи:

1) «Who called you today?» he asked.

2) «How old are you?» they asked me.

3) «Who broke my vase?» I asked.

4) My colleague asked, «What time are you going home today?»

5) «What have you done today?» my grandmother asked.

6) «Where is your book?» the teacher asked.

7) «How old will you be on your next birthday?» he asked me.

8) She asked, «Where have you been?»

9) «Who is there?» we asked.

10) Mark asked, «Did you go to work yesterday?»


2. Yesterday, Ann met a couple who were on holiday in London. They were looking at a map. She asked them some questions. Передайте вопросы в косвенной речи:

1) «Are you lost?»

… Ann asked them if/ whether they were lost ...

2) «Can you speak English?»


3) «Where are you from?»


4) «Is your hotel near here?»


5) «Where do you want to go?»


6) «Were you looking for Big Ben?»


7) «Have you been to the British Museum?»


8) «Have you visited Buckingham Palace?»


9) «Do you like London?»



Повелительное наклонение, просьбы, предложения в косвенной речи:

изменяются по смыслу личные и притяжательные местоимения, наречия места и времени,

указательные местоимения.

1. Повелительное наклонение побудительных предложений в косвенной речи вводится

глаголами order или tell и утвердительным или отрицательным инфинитивом: order/ tell + somebody + (not) to-infinitive:


He said to me, «Give me your money!» ― He ordered me to give him my money.

They said to me, «Don’t go there!» ― They ordered me not to go there.

«Pay the bills!» Mother said to me. – Mother told me to pay the bills.

«Don’t look down!» she said to us. – She told us not to lookdown.


2. Просьбы в косвенной речи вводятся глаголами ask или beg и утвердительным или отрицательным инфинитивом: ask/ beg + somebody + (not) to-infinitive:


«Help me, please», she said to him. – She asked him to help her.

«Please, don’t touch the wet paint», Dad said to us. – Dad asked us not to touch the paint.

He said to them, «Please, please, talk to me». – He begged them to talk to him.

«Please, please, don’t call the police», we said to him. – We begged him not to call the police.


3. Для перевода предложений в косвенную речь используется глагол suggest и –ing форма смыслового глагола: suggest + глагол + -ing:


«Let's play the game», my friend said to us.

«We can/ could play the game», my friend said to us. My friend suggested

«Shall we play the game?» my friend said to us. playing a game.

«How about playing the game?» my friend said to us.


Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

1) The teacher said to the student, «Open the window, please».

2) She said to them, «Don’t stay out late tonight».

3) They said, «Shall we go for a walk?»

4) Mother said, «How about going for a picnic?»

5) She said to him, «Please, please, don’t leave me!»

6) The assistant said to me, «Wait here, please».

7) He said, «Let's eat now».

8) «Please help me with this work, Henry», said Robert.

9) «Promise to come and see me», said Jane to Alice.

10) «How about seeing my friend tomorrow?» said Kate.

11) The doctor said to the patient, «Don’t go for a walk today».

12) She said to Nick, «Please, please, tell me all you know about it».

13) «Bring me a cup of black coffee», she said to the waiter.

14) «We can go to Finland for the winter holidays», said Kate.

15) «Put the gun down», the policeman said to him.


Условные предложения (Conditionals)

I тип условных предложений:

1. выражают реальные, осуществимые условия/ ситуации или общеизвестные факты, обычно относящиеся к настоящему или будущему времени:

If the computers work today, we will send our e-mail.

if – предложение главное предложение
  if + present simple → future simple → present simple → imperative (повелительное наклонение) → can/ must/ may и т.д. + bare infinitive (инфинитив без частицы «to»)



If Sam studies hard, he will pass his exams.

Water turns into ice if the temperature falls below 0º.

If you have a toothache, go to the dentist.

If you go to London, you can see Big Ben.

2. если if-предложение находится перед главным предложением, то они отделяются друг от друга запятыми. Если главное предложение находится перед if-предложением, запятая не ставится:

If Dennis doesn't write soon, I will be very upset.

I will be very upset if Dennis doesn’t write soon.


Раскройте скобки, используя I тип условных предложений:

1) — I want to cook something special tonight.

— Great, if I ………. (finish) work early, I ………. (give) you a hand.

2) Please ………. (call) me if you ………. (need) any help.

3) — I must go to the bank.

— If you ………. (leave) now, you ………. (get) there before it closes.

4) If Mark ………. (do) lots of exercises, he ……… (be) fit and healthy.

5) — Could I have a chocolate biscuit, please?

— Yes, if you ………. (look) in the cupboard, you ………. (find) some cakes as well.

6) If you ………. (have) a toothache, ………. (go) to the dentist.

7) — I can't do everything myself !

— Well, if you .......... (wash) the dishes, I ………. (cook) the meal.

8) If you ………. (go) to Egypt, you ………. (can/ see) the Pyramids.

9) — Are you going on holiday this year?

— Yes, I .......... (go) to Italy for three weeks if I ……….. (have) some time off work.

10) I ………. (help) you with the shopping later if I ………. (have) time.

11) — I'd like a cup of tea.

— Well, if you ………. (hold) the baby for five minutes, I ……….. (make) it for you.

12) You ………. (not understand) the rule if you ………. (not listen) to the teacher.

13) ………. you ………. (come) if you ………. (be) free?

14) We ………. (play) chess together with my father, if he ………. (come back) early.

15) ………. you ………. (visit) the Tretyakov Art Gallery if you ………. (live) in Moscow?


II тип условных предложений:

1. выражают нереальные, маловероятные, воображаемые условия/ ситуации, относящиеся к настоящему или будущему времени:

If you went to work by helicopter, how long would it take?

if – предложение главное предложение
  if + past simple   → would/ could/ might + bare Infinitive (без частицы «to»)



IfI had the time, I would take up a sport (Но у меня нет времени, поэтому маловероятно,

что я займусь спортом).


2. Используется were вместо was для всех лиц и чисел:

If Peter were here, he would tell us what to do.

3. Конструкция If I were you используется, когда мы хотим дать совет:

If I were you, I'd (would) talk to him about my problem.


1. Используя подсказки из списка, скажите, что бы вы сделали в нижеприведенных ситуациях:

stay in bed, light some candles, call the police, complain to the manager, order a pizza, go to hospital


1) You see someone robbing the bank.